Commit b13dcdee authored by Jason R. Coombs's avatar Jason R. Coombs

Replace playbook with code for finalizing a release.

parent 50f3575d
......@@ -3,39 +3,13 @@ Release Process
In order to allow for rapid, predictable releases, Setuptools uses a
mechanical technique for releases, enacted by Travis following a
successful build of a tagged release per
`PyPI deployment <>`_.
Prior to cutting a release, please use `towncrier`_ to update
``CHANGES.rst`` to summarize the changes since the last release.
To update the changelog:
1. Install towncrier via ``pip install towncrier`` if not already installed.
2. Preview the new ``CHANGES.rst`` entry by running
``towncrier --draft --version {new.version.number}`` (enter the desired
version number for the next release). If any changes are needed, make
them and generate a new preview until the output is acceptable. Run
``git add`` for any modified files.
3. Run ``towncrier --version {new.version.number}`` to stage the changelog
updates in git.
4. Verify that there are no remaining ``changelog.d/*.rst`` files. If a
file was named incorrectly, it may be ignored by towncrier.
5. Review the updated ``CHANGES.rst`` file. If any changes are needed,
make the edits and stage them via ``git add CHANGES.rst``.
Once the changelog edits are staged and ready to commit, cut a release by
installing and running ``bump2version --allow-dirty {part}`` where ``part``
is major, minor, or patch based on the scope of the changes in the
release. Then, push the commits to the master branch::
$ git push origin master
$ git push --tags
If tests pass, the release will be uploaded to PyPI (from the Python 3.6
.. _towncrier:
mechanical technique for releases, enacted on tagged commits by
continuous integration.
To finalize a release, run ``tox -e finalize``, review, then push
the changes.
If tests pass, the release will be uploaded to PyPI.
Release Frequency
Finalize the repo for a release. Invokes towncrier and bumpversion.
__requires__ = ['bump2version', 'towncrier']
import subprocess
import pathlib
import re
import sys
def release_kind():
Determine which release to make based on the files in the
# use min here as 'major' < 'minor' < 'patch'
return min(
'major' if 'breaking' in else
'minor' if 'change' in else
for file in pathlib.Path('changelog.d').iterdir()
bump_version_command = [
'-m', 'bumpversion',
def get_version():
cmd = bump_version_command + ['--dry-run', '--verbose']
out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, text=True)
return'^new_version=(.*)', out, re.MULTILINE).group(1)
def update_changelog():
cmd = [
sys.executable, '-m',
'--version', get_version(),
def bump_version():
cmd = bump_version_command + ['--allow-dirty']
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("Cutting release at", get_version())
......@@ -60,6 +60,13 @@ source=
deps =
commands =
python tools/
skip_install = True
deps =
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