Commit b3720fd2 authored by Tarek Ziadé's avatar Tarek Ziadé

added more test coverage for distutils.filelist to prevent regressions when...

added more test coverage for distutils.filelist to prevent regressions when fnmatch or re are changed
parent 2adb920d
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class FileList:
# defined: it's the first word of the line. Which of the other
# three are defined depends on the action; it'll be either
# patterns, (dir and patterns), or (dir_pattern).
(action, patterns, dir, dir_pattern) = self._parse_template_line(line)
action, patterns, dir, dir_pattern = self._parse_template_line(line)
# OK, now we know that the action is valid and we have the
# right number of words on the line for that action -- so we
......@@ -182,9 +182,6 @@ class FileList:
raise DistutilsInternalError, \
"this cannot happen: invalid action '%s'" % action
# process_template_line ()
# -- Filtering/selection methods -----------------------------------
def include_pattern(self, pattern, anchor=1, prefix=None, is_regex=0):
"""Tests for distutils.filelist."""
from os.path import join
import unittest
from distutils.filelist import glob_to_re
from distutils.filelist import glob_to_re, FileList
include ok
include xo
exclude xo
include foo.tmp
global-include *.x
global-include *.txt
global-exclude *.tmp
recursive-include f *.oo
recursive-exclude global *.x
graft dir
prune dir3
class FileListTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -16,6 +31,34 @@ class FileListTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(glob_to_re('foo????'), r'foo[^/][^/][^/][^/]\Z(?ms)')
self.assertEquals(glob_to_re(r'foo\\??'), r'foo\\\\[^/][^/]\Z(?ms)')
def test_process_template_line(self):
# testing all template patterns
file_list = FileList()
# simulated file list
file_list.allfiles = ['foo.tmp', 'ok', 'xo', 'four.txt'
join('global', 'one.txt'),
join('global', 'two.txt'),
join('global', 'files.x'),
join('global', 'here.tmp'),
join('f', 'o', 'f.oo'),
join('dir', 'graft-one'),
join('dir', 'dir2', 'graft2'),
join('dir3', 'ok'),
join('dir3', 'sub', 'ok.txt')
for line in MANIFEST_IN.split('\n'):
if line.strip() == '':
wanted = ['ok', join('global', 'one.txt'), join('global', 'two.txt'),
'four.txt', join('f', 'o', 'f.oo'), join('dir', 'graft-one'),
join('dir', 'dir2', 'graft2')]
self.assertEquals(file_list.files, wanted)
def test_suite():
return unittest.makeSuite(FileListTestCase)
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