Commit c4c2a498 authored by Thomas Wouters's avatar Thomas Wouters

Merge p3yk branch with the trunk up to revision 45595. This breaks a fair

number of tests, all because of the codecs/_multibytecodecs issue described
here (it's not a Py3K issue, just something Py3K discovers):

Hye-Shik Chang promised to look for a fix, so no need to fix it here. The
tests that are expected to break are:


This merge fixes an actual test failure (test_weakref) in this branch,
though, so I believe merging is the right thing to do anyway.
parent 6811c9d7
......@@ -185,7 +185,9 @@ class build_ext (Command):
# for extensions under Cygwin and AtheOS Python's library directory must be
# appended to library_dirs
if sys.platform[:6] == 'cygwin' or sys.platform[:6] == 'atheos':
if sys.platform[:6] == 'cygwin' or sys.platform[:6] == 'atheos' or \
(sys.platform.startswith('linux') and
if string.find(sys.executable, sys.exec_prefix) != -1:
# building third party extensions
self.library_dirs.append(os.path.join(sys.prefix, "lib",
......@@ -688,6 +690,13 @@ class build_ext (Command):
# extensions, it is a reference to the original list
return ext.libraries + [pythonlib, "m"] + extra
return ext.libraries
from distutils import sysconfig
if sysconfig.get_config_var('Py_ENABLE_SHARED'):
template = "python%d.%d"
pythonlib = (template %
(sys.hexversion >> 24, (sys.hexversion >> 16) & 0xff))
return ext.libraries + [pythonlib]
return ext.libraries
# class build_ext
......@@ -601,6 +601,7 @@ class install (Command):
('install_headers', has_headers),
('install_scripts', has_scripts),
('install_data', has_data),
('install_egg_info', lambda self:True),
# class install
Implements the Distutils 'install_egg_info' command, for installing
a package's PKG-INFO metadata."""
from distutils.cmd import Command
from distutils import log, dir_util
import os, sys, re
class install_egg_info(Command):
"""Install an .egg-info file for the package"""
description = "Install package's PKG-INFO metadata as an .egg-info file"
user_options = [
('install-dir=', 'd', "directory to install to"),
def initialize_options(self):
self.install_dir = None
def finalize_options(self):
basename = "%s-%s-py%s.egg-info" % (
) = os.path.join(self.install_dir, basename)
self.outputs = []
def run(self):
target =
if os.path.isdir(target) and not os.path.islink(target):
dir_util.remove_tree(target, dry_run=self.dry_run)
elif os.path.exists(target):
self.execute(os.unlink,(,),"Removing "+target)"Writing %s", target)
if not self.dry_run:
f = open(target, 'w')
def get_outputs(self):
return self.outputs
# The following routines are taken from setuptools' pkg_resources module and
# can be replaced by importing them from pkg_resources once it is included
# in the stdlib.
def safe_name(name):
"""Convert an arbitrary string to a standard distribution name
Any runs of non-alphanumeric/. characters are replaced with a single '-'.
return re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9.]+', '-', name)
def safe_version(version):
"""Convert an arbitrary string to a standard version string
Spaces become dots, and all other non-alphanumeric characters become
dashes, with runs of multiple dashes condensed to a single dash.
version = version.replace(' ','.')
return re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9.]+', '-', version)
def to_filename(name):
"""Convert a project or version name to its filename-escaped form
Any '-' characters are currently replaced with '_'.
return name.replace('-','_')
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ class upload(Command):
'display full response text from server'),
('sign', 's',
'sign files to upload using gpg'),
('identity=', 'i', 'GPG identity used to sign files'),
boolean_options = ['show-response', 'sign']
......@@ -38,8 +39,13 @@ class upload(Command):
self.repository = ''
self.show_response = 0
self.sign = False
self.identity = None
def finalize_options(self):
if self.identity and not self.sign:
raise DistutilsOptionError(
"Must use --sign for --identity to have meaning"
if os.environ.has_key('HOME'):
rc = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.pypirc')
if os.path.exists(rc):
......@@ -67,7 +73,10 @@ class upload(Command):
def upload_file(self, command, pyversion, filename):
# Sign if requested
if self.sign:
spawn(("gpg", "--detach-sign", "-a", filename),
gpg_args = ["gpg", "--detach-sign", "-a", filename]
if self.identity:
gpg_args[2:2] = ["--local-user", self.identity]
# Fill in the data - send all the meta-data in case we need to
......@@ -20,7 +20,12 @@ class Log:
def _log(self, level, msg, args):
if level >= self.threshold:
print msg % args
if not args:
# msg may contain a '%'. If args is empty,
# don't even try to string-format
print msg
print msg % args
def log(self, level, msg, *args):
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ landmark = os.path.join(argv0_path, "Modules", "Setup")
python_build = os.path.isfile(landmark)
del argv0_path, landmark
del landmark
def get_python_version():
......@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ def customize_compiler(compiler):
def get_config_h_filename():
"""Return full pathname of installed pyconfig.h file."""
if python_build:
inc_dir = os.curdir
inc_dir = argv0_path
inc_dir = get_python_inc(plat_specific=1)
if get_python_version() < '2.2':
......@@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ def parse_config_h(fp, g=None):
if g is None:
g = {}
define_rx = re.compile("#define ([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+) (.*)\n")
undef_rx = re.compile("/[*] #undef ([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+) [*]/\n")
define_rx = re.compile("#define ([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]+) (.*)\n")
undef_rx = re.compile("/[*] #undef ([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]+) [*]/\n")
while 1:
line = fp.readline()
......@@ -351,6 +351,17 @@ def _init_posix():
raise DistutilsPlatformError(my_msg)
# load the installed pyconfig.h:
filename = get_config_h_filename()
parse_config_h(file(filename), g)
except IOError, msg:
my_msg = "invalid Python installation: unable to open %s" % filename
if hasattr(msg, "strerror"):
my_msg = my_msg + " (%s)" % msg.strerror
raise DistutilsPlatformError(my_msg)
# On MacOSX we need to check the setting of the environment variable
# MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET: configure bases some choices on it so
# it needs to be compatible.
......@@ -361,7 +372,7 @@ def _init_posix():
if cur_target == '':
cur_target = cfg_target
os.putenv('MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET', cfg_target)
if cfg_target != cur_target:
elif map(int, cfg_target.split('.')) > map(int, cur_target.split('.')):
my_msg = ('$MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET mismatch: now "%s" but "%s" during configure'
% (cur_target, cfg_target))
raise DistutilsPlatformError(my_msg)
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