Commit c4e3afb3 authored by Jason R. Coombs's avatar Jason R. Coombs

Add README, including docs describing how to synchronize with CPython.

parent bbe8e80b
Python Module Distribution Utilities extracted from the Python Standard Library
This project is kept in sync with the code still in stdlib.
From CPython
The original history and attribution of all changes contributed to CPython can be found in the `cpython branch <>`_. If new commits are added to CPython, they should be synchronized back to this project.
First, create a clone of CPython that only includes the distutils changes. Due to the large size of the CPython repository, this operation is fairly expensive.
git clone python-distutils
cd python-distutils
git filter-branch --prune-empty --subdirectory-filter Lib/distutils master
Then, pull those changes into the repository at the cpython branch.
cd $distutils
git checkout cpython
git fetch $python_distutils
git merge FETCH_HEAD
Finally, merge the changes from cpython into master (possibly as a pull request).
To CPython
Merging changes from this repository is easier.
From the CPython repo, cherry-pick the changes from this project.
git -C $distutils format-patch HEAD~2 --stdout | git am --directory Lib
To Setuptools
This project also maintains a `clean branch <>`_ to capture only the code changes to distutils, excluding the ancillary details like packaging and this document.
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