Commit cd84d4b5 authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

Added quoting of script arguments and extended the quoting logic to

handle embedded quotes.

Added support for passing a single argument on the shebang line to
pass things like -O and -i.

Fixed bug in handling trailing whitespace in Python command.

branch : setuptools-0.6
extra : convert_revision : svn%3A6015fed2-1504-0410-9fe1-9d1591cc4771/sandbox/branches/setuptools-0.6%4051487
parent f744be10
......@@ -33,22 +33,80 @@ int fail(char *format, char *data) {
fprintf(stderr, format, data);
return 2;
char *quoted(char *data) {
char *result = calloc(strlen(data)+3,sizeof(char));
strcat(result,"\""); strcat(result,data); strcat(result,"\"");
int i, l = strlen(data), nb;
/* We allocate twice as much space as needed to deal with worse-case
of having to escape everything. */
char *result = calloc(l*2+3, sizeof(char));
char *presult = result;
*presult++ = '"';
for (nb=0, i=0; i < l; i++)
if (data[i] == '\\')
nb += 1;
else if (data[i] == '"')
for (; nb > 0; nb--)
*presult++ = '\\';
*presult++ = '\\';
nb = 0;
*presult++ = data[i];
for (; nb > 0; nb--) /* Deal w trailing slashes */
*presult++ = '\\';
*presult++ = '"';
*presult++ = 0;
return result;
char *getpyopt(char *python)
/* Search a Python command string, read from a #! line for an
option. An option must be separated from an executable name by
one or more spaces. An option consistes of a hyphen followed by
one or more letters.
static char *letters =
char *p = python + strlen(python) - 1;
if (strchr(letters, *p) == NULL)
return NULL; /* Path doen't end with a letter. Odd. */
while (p > python && strchr(letters, *p) != NULL)
if (p == python || *p != '-')
return NULL; /* Can't be an option */
if (p > python && isspace(*p))
{ /* BINGO, we have an option */
char *pyopt = p+1;
/* strip trailing spaces from remainder of python command */
while (p > python && isspace(*p))
*p-- = '\0';
return pyopt;
return NULL;
int run(int argc, char **argv, int is_gui) {
char python[256]; /* python executable's filename*/
char *pyopt; /* Python option */
char script[256]; /* the script's filename */
HINSTANCE hPython; /* DLL handle for python executable */
int scriptf; /* file descriptor for script file */
char **newargs; /* argument array for exec */
char **newargs, **newargsp; /* argument array for exec */
char *ptr, *end; /* working pointers for string manipulation */
int i; /* loop counter */
/* compute script name from our .exe name*/
GetModuleFileName(NULL, script, sizeof(script));
......@@ -73,13 +131,16 @@ int run(int argc, char **argv, int is_gui) {
*ptr='\\'; /* convert slashes to avoid LoadLibrary crashes... */
*ptr = '\0';
*ptr-- = '\0';
while (ptr>python && isspace(*ptr)) *ptr-- = '\0'; /* strip trailing sp */
if (strncmp(python, "#!", 2)) {
/* default to python.exe if no #! header */
strcpy(python, "#!python.exe");
/* Check for Python options */
pyopt = getpyopt(python);
/* At this point, the python buffer contains "#!pythonfilename" */
/* Using spawnv() can fail strangely if you e.g. find the Cygwin
......@@ -94,12 +155,19 @@ int run(int argc, char **argv, int is_gui) {
/* printf("Python executable: %s\n", python); */
/* Argument array needs to be argc+1 for args, plus 1 for null sentinel */
newargs = (char **)calloc(argc+2, sizeof(char *));
newargs[0] = quoted(python);
newargs[1] = quoted(script);
memcpy(newargs+2, argv+1, (argc-1)*sizeof(char *));
newargs[argc+1] = NULL;
/* Argument array needs to be
argc+1 for python executable,
plus 1 for possible python opts,
plus 1 for null sentinel */
newargs = (char **)calloc(argc+3, sizeof(char *));
newargsp = newargs;
*newargsp++ = quoted(python);
if (pyopt)
*newargsp++ = pyopt;
*newargsp++ = quoted(script);
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
*newargsp++ = quoted(argv[i]);
*newargsp++ = NULL;
/* printf("args 0: %s\nargs 1: %s\n", newargs[0], newargs[1]); */
if (is_gui) {
No preview for this file type
No preview for this file type
......@@ -14,11 +14,16 @@ from distutils.util import convert_path
import sys, os.path
def additional_tests():
import doctest
return doctest.DocFileSuite(
'api_tests.txt', optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS, package='pkg_resources',
import doctest, unittest
suite = unittest.TestSuite((
optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS, package='pkg_resources',
if sys.platform == 'win32':
return suite
def makeSetup(**args):
"""Return distribution from 'setup(**args)', without executing commands"""
Python Script Wrapper for Windows
setuptools includes wrappers for Python scripts that allows them to be
executed like regular windows programs. There are 2 wrappers, once
for command-line programs, cli.exe, and one for graphica programs,
gui.exe. These programs are almost identical, function pretty much
the same way, and are generated from the same source file. In this
document, we'll demonstrate use of the command-line program only. The
wrapper programs are used by copying them to the directory containing
the script they are to wrap and with the same name as the script they
are to wrap. In the rest of this document, we'll give an example that
will illustrate this.
Let's create a simple script,
>>> import os, sys, tempfile
>>> sample_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
>>> open(os.path.join(sample_directory, ''), 'w').write(
... """#!%(python_exe)s
... import sys
... input = repr(
... print sys.argv[0][-14:]
... print sys.argv[1:]
... print input
... if __debug__:
... print 'non-optimized'
... """ % dict(python_exe=sys.executable))
Note that the script starts with a Unix-style '#!' line saying which
Python executable to run. The wrapper will use this to find the
correct Python executable.
We'll also copy cli.exe to the sample-directory with the name foo.exe:
>>> import pkg_resources
>>> open(os.path.join(sample_directory, 'foo.exe'), 'wb').write(
... pkg_resources.resource_string('setuptools', 'cli.exe')
... )
When the copy of cli.exe, foo.exe in this example, runs, it examines
the path name it was run with and computes a Python script path name
by removing the '.exe' suffic and adding the '' suffix. (For
GUI programs, the suffix '-script-pyw' is added.) This is why we
named out script the way we did. Now we can run out script by running
the wrapper:
>>> import os
>>> input, output = os.popen4(os.path.join(sample_directory, 'foo.exe')
... + r' arg1 "arg 2" "arg \"2\\\"" "arg 4\\" "arg5 a\\b')
>>> input.write('hello\nworld\n')
>>> input.close()
>>> print,
['arg1', 'arg 2', 'arg "2\\"', 'arg 4\\', 'arg5 a\\\\b']
This example was a little pathological in that it exercised windows
(MS C runtime) quoting rules:
- Strings containing spaces are surrounded by double quotes.
- Double quotes in strings need to be escaped by preceding them with
back slashes.
- One or more backslashes preceding double quotes quotes need to be
escaped by preceding each of them them with back slashes.
Specifying Python Command-line Options
You can specify a single argument on the '#!' line. This can be used
to specify Python options like -O, to run in optimized mode or -i
to start the interactive interpreter. You can combine multiple
options as usual. For example, to run in optimized mode and
enter the interpreter after running the script, you could use -Oi:
>>> open(os.path.join(sample_directory, ''), 'w').write(
... """#!%(python_exe)s -Oi
... import sys
... input = repr(
... print sys.argv[0][-14:]
... print sys.argv[1:]
... print input
... if __debug__:
... print 'non-optimized'
... sys.ps1 = '---'
... """ % dict(python_exe=sys.executable))
>>> input, output = os.popen4(os.path.join(sample_directory, 'foo.exe'))
>>> input.close()
>>> print,
We're done with the sample_directory:
>>> import shutil
>>> shutil.rmtree(sample_directory)
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