Commit d3c1d635 authored by Steve Dower's avatar Steve Dower Committed by GitHub

bpo-30389 Adds detection of VS 2017 to distutils._msvccompiler (#1632)

parent 3a596894
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import os
import shutil
import stat
import subprocess
import winreg
from distutils.errors import DistutilsExecError, DistutilsPlatformError, \
CompileError, LibError, LinkError
......@@ -24,10 +25,9 @@ from distutils.ccompiler import CCompiler, gen_lib_options
from distutils import log
from distutils.util import get_platform
import winreg
from itertools import count
def _find_vcvarsall(plat_spec):
def _find_vc2015():
key = winreg.OpenKeyEx(
......@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ def _find_vcvarsall(plat_spec):
log.debug("Visual C++ is not registered")
return None, None
best_version = 0
best_dir = None
with key:
best_version = 0
best_dir = None
for i in count():
v, vc_dir, vt = winreg.EnumValue(key, i)
......@@ -53,25 +53,74 @@ def _find_vcvarsall(plat_spec):
if version >= 14 and version > best_version:
best_version, best_dir = version, vc_dir
if not best_version:
log.debug("No suitable Visual C++ version found")
return None, None
return best_version, best_dir
def _find_vc2017():
import _findvs
import threading
best_version = 0, # tuple for full version comparisons
best_dir = None
# We need to call findall() on its own thread because it will
# initialize COM.
all_packages = []
def _getall():
t = threading.Thread(target=_getall)
for name, version_str, path, packages in all_packages:
if 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64' in packages:
vc_dir = os.path.join(path, 'VC', 'Auxiliary', 'Build')
if not os.path.isdir(vc_dir):
version = tuple(int(i) for i in version_str.split('.'))
except (ValueError, TypeError):
if version > best_version:
best_version, best_dir = version, vc_dir
best_version = best_version[0]
except IndexError:
best_version = None
return best_version, best_dir
vcvarsall = os.path.join(best_dir, "vcvarsall.bat")
if not os.path.isfile(vcvarsall):
log.debug("%s cannot be found", vcvarsall)
return None, None
def _find_vcvarsall(plat_spec):
best_version, best_dir = _find_vc2017()
vcruntime = None
vcruntime_plat = 'x64' if 'amd64' in plat_spec else 'x86'
if best_version:
vcredist = os.path.join(best_dir, "..", "..", "redist", "MSVC", "**",
"Microsoft.VC141.CRT", "vcruntime140.dll")
import glob
vcruntime = glob.glob(vcredist, recursive=True)[-1]
except (ImportError, OSError, LookupError):
vcruntime = None
if not best_version:
best_version, best_dir = _find_vc2015()
if best_version:
vcruntime = os.path.join(best_dir, 'redist', vcruntime_plat,
"Microsoft.VC140.CRT", "vcruntime140.dll")
if not best_version:
log.debug("No suitable Visual C++ version found")
return None, None
vcvarsall = os.path.join(best_dir, "vcvarsall.bat")
if not os.path.isfile(vcvarsall):
log.debug("%s cannot be found", vcvarsall)
return None, None
if not vcruntime or not os.path.isfile(vcruntime):
log.debug("%s cannot be found", vcruntime)
vcruntime = None
vcruntime_spec = _VCVARS_PLAT_TO_VCRUNTIME_REDIST.get(plat_spec)
if vcruntime_spec:
vcruntime = os.path.join(best_dir,
if not os.path.isfile(vcruntime):
log.debug("%s cannot be found", vcruntime)
vcruntime = None
return vcvarsall, vcruntime
return vcvarsall, vcruntime
def _get_vc_env(plat_spec):
if os.getenv("DISTUTILS_USE_SDK"):
......@@ -130,14 +179,6 @@ PLAT_TO_VCVARS = {
'win-amd64' : 'x86_amd64',
# A map keyed by get_platform() return values to the file under
# the VC install directory containing the vcruntime redistributable.
'x86' : 'redist\\x86\\Microsoft.VC{0}0.CRT\\vcruntime{0}0.dll',
'amd64' : 'redist\\x64\\Microsoft.VC{0}0.CRT\\vcruntime{0}0.dll',
'x86_amd64' : 'redist\\x64\\Microsoft.VC{0}0.CRT\\vcruntime{0}0.dll',
# A set containing the DLLs that are guaranteed to be available for
# all micro versions of this Python version. Known extension
# dependencies that are not in this set will be copied to the output
......@@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ class msvccompilerTestCase(support.TempdirManager,
compiler = _msvccompiler.MSVCCompiler()
dll = compiler._vcruntime_redist
self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(dll), dll or "<None>")
tempdir, os.path.basename(dll))))
tempdir, os.path.basename(dll))), dll or "<None>")
def test_get_vc_env_unicode(self):
import distutils._msvccompiler as _msvccompiler
......@@ -101,6 +101,30 @@ class msvccompilerTestCase(support.TempdirManager,
if old_distutils_use_sdk:
os.environ['DISTUTILS_USE_SDK'] = old_distutils_use_sdk
def test_get_vc2017(self):
import distutils._msvccompiler as _msvccompiler
# This function cannot be mocked, so pass it if we find VS 2017
# and mark it skipped if we do not.
version, path = _msvccompiler._find_vc2017()
if version:
self.assertGreaterEqual(version, 15)
raise unittest.SkipTest("VS 2017 is not installed")
def test_get_vc2015(self):
import distutils._msvccompiler as _msvccompiler
# This function cannot be mocked, so pass it if we find VS 2015
# and mark it skipped if we do not.
version, path = _msvccompiler._find_vc2015()
if version:
self.assertGreaterEqual(version, 14)
raise unittest.SkipTest("VS 2015 is not installed")
def test_suite():
return unittest.makeSuite(msvccompilerTestCase)
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