Commit d53be3de authored by pje's avatar pje

Enable safe SSL dependency installs via "easy_install setuptools[ssl]"

(grafted from 695a82c1934090e7c56ba74e7b5a2bdc13071698)

branch : setuptools-0.6
extra : source : 695a82c1934090e7c56ba74e7b5a2bdc13071698
parent e7d341af
......@@ -91,31 +91,31 @@ setup(
Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Packaging
Topic :: System :: Systems Administration
Topic :: Utilities""".splitlines() if f.strip()],
scripts = scripts,
extras_require = {
"ssl:sys_platform=='win32'": "wincertstore==0.1",
"ssl:sys_platform=='win32' and python_version in '2.3, 2.4'": "ctypes==1.0.2",
"ssl:python_version in '2.3, 2.4, 2.5'":"ssl==1.16",
dependency_links = [
scripts = [],
# uncomment for testing
# setup_requires = ['setuptools>=0.6a0'],
# tests_require = "setuptools[ssl]",
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