Commit e183ab7e authored by Philip Thiem's avatar Philip Thiem

Reapply with unix file endings, to make a better diff

branch : distribute
extra : rebase_source : 8fdc661ab1dd38af6d692df15ff65392860a60d1
parent 6f6de308
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ The package resource API is designed to work with normal filesystem packages,
import sys, os, zipimport, time, re, imp, types
import sys, os, time, re, imp, types, zipfile, zipimport
from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse
......@@ -1349,6 +1349,37 @@ class EmptyProvider(NullProvider):
empty_provider = EmptyProvider()
def build_zipmanifest(path):
This builds a similar dictionary to the zipimport directory
caches. However instead of tuples, ZipInfo objects are stored.
The translation of the tuple is as follows:
* [0] - zipinfo.filename on stock pythons this needs "/" --> os.sep
on pypy it is the same (one reason why distribute did work
in some cases on pypy and win32).
* [1] - zipinfo.compress_type
* [2] - zipinfo.compress_size
* [3] - zipinfo.file_size
* [4] - len(utf-8 encoding of filename) if zipinfo & 0x800
len(ascii encoding of filename) otherwise
* [5] - (zipinfo.date_time[0] - 1980) << 9 |
zipinfo.date_time[1] << 5 | zipinfo.date_time[2]
* [6] - (zipinfo.date_time[3] - 1980) << 11 |
zipinfo.date_time[4] << 5 | (zipinfo.date_time[5] // 2)
* [7] - zipinfo.CRC
zipinfo = dict()
zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(path)
#Got ZipFile has not __exit__ on python 3.1
for zitem in zfile.namelist():
zpath = zitem.replace('/', os.sep)
zipinfo[zpath] = zfile.getinfo(zitem)
assert zipinfo[zpath] is not None
return zipinfo
class ZipProvider(EggProvider):
......@@ -1358,7 +1389,7 @@ class ZipProvider(EggProvider):
def __init__(self, module):
self.zipinfo = zipimport._zip_directory_cache[self.loader.archive]
self.zipinfo = build_zipmanifest(self.load.archive)
self.zip_pre = self.loader.archive+os.sep
def _zipinfo_name(self, fspath):
......@@ -1394,11 +1425,9 @@ class ZipProvider(EggProvider):
def _get_date_and_size(zip_stat):
t,d,size = zip_stat[5], zip_stat[6], zip_stat[3]
date_time = (
(d>>9)+1980, (d>>5)&0xF, d&0x1F, # ymd
(t&0xFFFF)>>11, (t>>5)&0x3F, (t&0x1F) * 2, 0, 0, -1 # hms, etc.
size = zip_stat.file_size
date_time = zip_stat.date_time + (0, 0, -1) # ymdhms+wday, yday, dst
#1980 offset already done
timestamp = time.mktime(date_time)
return timestamp, size
......@@ -1610,7 +1639,7 @@ class EggMetadata(ZipProvider):
def __init__(self, importer):
"""Create a metadata provider from a zipimporter"""
self.zipinfo = zipimport._zip_directory_cache[importer.archive]
self.zipinfo = build_zipmanifest(importer.archive)
self.zip_pre = importer.archive+os.sep
self.loader = importer
if importer.prefix:
......@@ -2841,3 +2870,4 @@ run_main = run_script # backward compatibility
add_activation_listener(lambda dist: dist.activate())
working_set.entries=[]; map(working_set.add_entry,sys.path) # match order
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