Commit f4335157 authored by Jason R. Coombs's avatar Jason R. Coombs

Update docs

parent 17f9e3ab
...@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Python Script Wrapper for Windows ...@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Python Script Wrapper for Windows
================================= =================================
setuptools includes wrappers for Python scripts that allows them to be setuptools includes wrappers for Python scripts that allows them to be
executed like regular windows programs. There are 2 wrappers, once executed like regular windows programs. There are 2 wrappers, one
for command-line programs, cli.exe, and one for graphical programs, for command-line programs, cli.exe, and one for graphical programs,
gui.exe. These programs are almost identical, function pretty much gui.exe. These programs are almost identical, function pretty much
the same way, and are generated from the same source file. The the same way, and are generated from the same source file. The
...@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class TestCLI(WrapperTester): ...@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class TestCLI(WrapperTester):
When the copy of cli.exe, foo.exe in this example, runs, it examines When the copy of cli.exe, foo.exe in this example, runs, it examines
the path name it was run with and computes a Python script path name the path name it was run with and computes a Python script path name
by removing the '.exe' suffix and adding the '' suffix. (For by removing the '.exe' suffix and adding the '' suffix. (For
GUI programs, the suffix '-script-pyw' is added.) This is why we GUI programs, the suffix '-script.pyw' is added.) This is why we
named out script the way we did. Now we can run out script by running named out script the way we did. Now we can run out script by running
the wrapper: the wrapper:
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