1. 13 Dec, 2014 7 commits
  2. 17 Oct, 2014 3 commits
    • W. Trevor King's avatar
      egg_info: Split manifest_maker._add_egg_info into its own method · 03048c86
      W. Trevor King authored
      On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 04:23:37PM -0000, Jason R. Coombs wrote [1]:
      > I suggest implementing the functionality as a separate method with a
      > docstring explaining the purpose.
      so that's what we have here. The docstring is adapted from the
      cbd4f603 (egg_info: Search egg-base for files to add to the manifest,
      2014-10-16) commit message.
      It's a lot of docs for a single command (although there is a newsted
      list comprehension), so I'm fine if you drop this commit before
      merging. The motivation behind the lines would still be available in
      the version control history:
        $ hg blame -c setuptools/command/egg_info.py | grep -A1 ei_cmd.egg_base
        cbd4f6038604: if ei_cmd.egg_base != os.curdir:
        cbd4f6038604: self.filelist.allfiles.extend([
        cbd4f6038604: os.path.join(ei_cmd.egg_base, path)
        cbd4f6038604: for path in distutils.filelist.findall(ei_cmd.egg_base)])
        80108b046cb6: self.filelist.include_pattern("*", prefix=ei_cmd.egg_info)
        $ hg log -vr cbd4f6038604
        changeset: 3163:cbd4f6038604
        egg_info: Search egg-base for files to add to the manifest
        Before this commit, this:
          $ mkdir -p /tmp/xyz/{home,lib,scripts,data,egg}
          $ cat >/tmp/xyz/home/.pydistutils.cfg <<EOF
      [1]: https://bitbucket.org/pypa/setuptools/pull-request/85/egg_info-search-egg-base-for-files-to-add/diff#comment-3418032
    • "W. Trevor King"'s avatar
      egg_info: Search egg-base for files to add to the manifest · 76906b7a
      "W. Trevor King" authored
      Before this commit, this:
        $ mkdir -p /tmp/xyz/{home,lib,scripts,data,egg}
        $ cat >/tmp/xyz/home/.pydistutils.cfg <<EOF
        > [egg_info]
        > egg-base = /tmp/xyz/egg
        > EOF
        $ export PYTHONPATH=/tmp/xyz/lib
        $ export HOME=/tmp/xyz/home
        $ setup.py install --home=/tmp/xyz/home --install-lib=/tmp/xyz/lib \
        >   --install-scripts=/tmp/xyz/scripts --install-data=/tmp/xyz/data
      drops a lot of metadata, installing only SOURCES.txt and zip-safe
      under EGG-INFO.  The problem is that the metadata files are written to
      egg-base, but egg-base is not searched when creating the manifest
      because it's outside of the current directory.  Work around this by
      explicitly searching egg-base with distutils.filelist.findall (which
      is really the version monkeypatched in by setuptools/__init__.py).
      Since findall records relative paths, prefix the returned paths with
      egg-base, so the include_pattern looking for the absolute
      ei_cmd.egg_info will match them.
    • "W. Trevor King"'s avatar
      tests.egg_info: Test absolute egg-base install · 0c1303c1
      "W. Trevor King" authored
      Make sure this copies the appropriate metadata into EGG-INFO.  This
      test currently fails, but the next commit fixes setuptools so it will
  3. 13 Dec, 2014 3 commits
  4. 07 Dec, 2014 1 commit
  5. 26 Nov, 2014 2 commits
  6. 20 Nov, 2014 5 commits
  7. 19 Nov, 2014 1 commit
  8. 16 Nov, 2014 2 commits
  9. 13 Nov, 2014 1 commit
  10. 26 Oct, 2014 4 commits
  11. 23 Oct, 2014 2 commits
  12. 19 Oct, 2014 9 commits