1. 19 May, 2016 3 commits
  2. 18 May, 2016 1 commit
  3. 09 May, 2016 3 commits
  4. 06 May, 2016 1 commit
  5. 04 May, 2016 1 commit
  6. 02 May, 2016 4 commits
  7. 26 Apr, 2016 3 commits
  8. 25 Apr, 2016 17 commits
  9. 23 Apr, 2016 2 commits
    • Geoffrey Sneddon's avatar
      Update packaging to 16.7 · fc2afb51
      Geoffrey Sneddon authored
      This adds support for the deprecated python_implementation marker
      which was an undocumented setuptools marker prior to 20.2 in
      addition to the newer markers.
    • Brooks Kindle's avatar
      Prompt for password on upload. · 6c9c3c7e
      Brooks Kindle authored
      The upload command wasn't prompting for a password. If there was no
      password specified in ~/.pypirc, the upload command,
          python setup.py sdist upload
      would fail and raise a TypeError. The workaround for this was to use
          python setup.py sdist register upload
      since the register command does prompt for a password.
      This commit ensures that the upload command prompts for a password
      if not given one by ~/.pypirc or the register command.
  10. 20 Apr, 2016 5 commits