Commit 495b65c7 authored by icemac's avatar icemac

``zc.buildout.testing.buildoutSetUp`` installs a new handler in the python...

``zc.buildout.testing.buildoutSetUp`` installs a new handler in the python root logging facility. This handler is now removed during tear down as it might disturb other packages reusing buildout's testing infrastructure.

git-svn-id: 62d5b8a3-27da-0310-9561-8e5933582275
parent 9fd8ce47
......@@ -5,9 +5,16 @@ Change History
- Better Windows compatibility in test infrastructure.
- Now the has an optional --version argument,
that can be used to force zc.buildout version to use.
- ``zc.buildout.testing.buildoutSetUp`` installs a new handler in the
python root logging facility. This handler is now removed during
tear down as it might disturb other packages reusing buildout's
testing infrastructure.
1.2.1 (2009-03-18)
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ $Id$
import BaseHTTPServer
import errno
import logging
import os
import pkg_resources
import random
......@@ -210,6 +211,14 @@ def buildoutSetUp(test):
here = os.getcwd()
register_teardown(lambda: os.chdir(here))
handlers_before_set_up = logging.getLogger().handlers[:]
def restore_root_logger_handlers():
root_logger = logging.getLogger()
for handler in root_logger.handlers[:]:
for handler in handlers_before_set_up:
base = tempfile.mkdtemp('buildoutSetUp')
base = os.path.realpath(base)
Bug fixes in zc.buildout.testing
Logging handler which did not get deleted
The buildout testing set up runs a buildout which adds a
``logging.StreamHandler`` to the root logger. But tear down did not
remove it. This can disturb other tests of packages reusing
The handers before calling set up are:
>>> import logging
>>> len(logging.getLogger().handlers)
>>> logging.getLogger().handlers # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<zope.testing.testrunner.logsupport.NullHandler instance at ...>]
After calling it, a ``logging.StreamHandler`` was added:
>>> import zc.buildout.testing
>>> import doctest
>>> test = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(
... '>>> x', {}, 'foo', '', 0)
>>> zc.buildout.testing.buildoutSetUp(test)
>>> len(logging.getLogger().handlers)
>>> logging.getLogger().handlers # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[<zope.testing.testrunner.logsupport.NullHandler instance at ...>,
<logging.StreamHandler instance at ...>]
But tear down removes the new logging handler:
>>> zc.buildout.testing.buildoutTearDown(test)
>>> len(logging.getLogger().handlers)
>>> logging.getLogger().handlers # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[<zope.testing.testrunner.logsupport.NullHandler instance at ...>]
......@@ -2862,6 +2862,8 @@ def test_suite():
# adding bootstrap.txt doctest to the suite
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