"description":"URLs to monitor for availability and certificate lifetime",
"description":"SlapOS partitions to monitor",
"description":"Friendly name of the partition",
"description":"Reference of the partition",
"description":"Type of the partition. Known types have extra metrics and logs collected",
"description":"Glob for the files to watch. This mostly makes sense for `default` type"
"description":"Static tags for this partition",
"description":"Raw promtail config (experimental parameter, see https://github.com/grafana/loki/blob/v0.3.0/docs/promtail.md#scrape-configs for detail)",
# "tag": "group", # TODO: rename this in input plugin
"tag": "slappart",
"dest": "partition",
"value_mappings": partition_mapping,
# TODOs:
# - [ ] slapos input
# - [x] friendly name of slappart
# - [x] strip hashes from -on-watch
# - [x] activity metrics
# - [ ] alert dashboard
# - [ ] inclu "jerome-dev" partout ???
# - [ ] apdex
options["extra-config"] = toml.dumps({
"inputs": inputs,
"processors": processors})
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
# apdex
# SELECT sum("success") / sum("all") FROM
# (SELECT count("duration") AS "all" FROM "jerome-dev-balancer" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)),
# (SELECT count("duration") AS "success" FROM "jerome-dev-balancer" WHERE ("resp_code" = '200' ) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null))
#SELECT sum("success") + sum("all") FROM
# (SELECT count("duration") AS "all" FROM "jerome-dev-balancer" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(0)),
# (SELECT count("duration") AS "success" FROM "jerome-dev-balancer" WHERE ("resp_code" = '200' ) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(0))