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  1. 04 Oct, 2021 2 commits
  2. 01 Oct, 2021 5 commits
  3. 30 Sep, 2021 3 commits
  4. 27 Sep, 2021 5 commits
  5. 26 Sep, 2021 5 commits
  6. 25 Sep, 2021 2 commits
    • Julien Muchembled's avatar
      theia: clean up test/dummy/software.cfg · 22aa0b65
      Julien Muchembled authored
      In addition to update version of, this fixes the
      following misuse:
      - init phase must only initialize the section, which implies no change
        on the file system
      - init/install/update's should not contain buildout
        substitutions (theoritically, there could be wrong escaping,
        e.g. ${buildout:directory} containing quotes)
      These 2 points didn't not matter here but it gave a bad example
      for anyone learning buildout.
    • Julien Muchembled's avatar
      version up: zc.buildout,, Debian 10/11 netinst · 1a926989
      Julien Muchembled authored
      Thanks to the new buildout/ feature,
      we can download the last released version of Debian Stable.
      NEO stress testing is changed to run on both Debian 10 & 11.
      Keep proposing Debian 10 netinst in kvm SR,
      waiting that Debian 11 is more tested.
  7. 24 Sep, 2021 6 commits
  8. 23 Sep, 2021 1 commit
  9. 22 Sep, 2021 1 commit
  10. 21 Sep, 2021 3 commits
  11. 15 Sep, 2021 3 commits
  12. 14 Sep, 2021 1 commit
  13. 10 Sep, 2021 3 commits
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      golang: Build SWIG and include it into Go build environment · 762daa2c
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      Even if we don't use swig in our go projects, if hosting environment has
      swig, but incorrectly installed, then Go build will fail as:
         --- FAIL: TestScript (0.03s)
             --- FAIL: TestScript/list_swigcxx (0.46s)
                     # go list should not report SWIG-generated C++ files in CompiledGoFiles. (0.001s)
                     # CompiledGoFiles should contain 4 files:
                     #  a.go
                     #  a.swigcxx.go
                     #  _cgo_gotypes.go
                     #  a.cgo1.go (0.421s)
                     > go list -f '{{.CompiledGoFiles}}' -compiled=true example/swig
                     # example/swig
                     :1: Error: Unable to find 'swig.swg'
                     :3: Error: Unable to find 'go.swg'
                     [exit status 2]
                     FAIL: testdata/script/list_swigcxx.txt:12: unexpected command failure
      Such broken environment, in particular, is present on our testnodes,
      because there swig program is being included into slapos-node package,
      slapos command includes it into $PATH for spawned programs

      but the swig binary itself is configured to look into its supporting files in
      the wrong place:
          slapuser91@vifibcloud-rapidspace-hosting-007:~/t/swig$ /opt/slapos/parts/swig/bin/swig -swiglib
          slapuser91@vifibcloud-rapidspace-hosting-007:~/t/swig$ ll /usr/src/packages/BUILD/slapos/build/opt/slapos/parts/swig/share/swig/3.0.10
          ls: cannot access '/usr/src/packages/BUILD/slapos/build/opt/slapos/parts/swig/share/swig/3.0.10': No such file or directory
      which leads to SWIG being broken:
          slapuser91@vifibcloud-rapidspace-hosting-007:~/t/swig$ /opt/slapos/parts/swig/bin/swig -v -go -intgosize 64 a.swigcxx
          Language subdirectory: go
          Search paths:
          :1: Error: Unable to find 'swig.swg'
          :3: Error: Unable to find 'go.swg'
      -> Fix it by building SWIG ourselves and using that built swig to build go and
      in the Go environment provided to users.
      See "Troubleshooting" in for details.
      /cc @luke, @jerome, @romain
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      golang: +go1.17 -go1.15 · 15e26abd
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      Go1.17 is incremental improvement over Go1.16 with better and faster compiler,
      runtime, module-mode improvements and faster generated code:
      Drop support for Go1.15, as that release reached EOL and nothing currently uses
      it in SlapOS.
      Don't drop support for Go1.12 yet, as that long-ago-EOL and no longer supported
      Go release is still being used by software/gitlab.
      Remain default at Go1.16 yet.
      Switch helloworld to Go1.17 and test this patch on that