will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 5d52e1fc authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

py2: *: Use dummy placeholder instead of nonlocal

nonlocal is not supported on python2.

In we call Measurement.__init__() directly to remove the
need for `mlog = ...` reassignment.
parent 80114cf1
......@@ -662,20 +662,23 @@ def __repr__(s):
def _x_stats_srv(ctx, reqch, conn):
dt_rate = 10*tti
class X: pass
x = X()
# rx_ue_get_stats sends `ue_get[stats]` request and returns server response.
rtt_ue_stats = _IncStats() # time it takes to send ue_get and to receive response
dt_ue_stats = _IncStats() # δ(ue_stats.timestamp)
t_ue_stats = None # last ue_stats.timestamp
x.rtt_ue_stats = _IncStats() # time it takes to send ue_get and to receive response
x.dt_ue_stats = _IncStats() # δ(ue_stats.timestamp)
x.t_ue_stats = None # last ue_stats.timestamp
def rx_ue_get_stats(ctx): # -> ue_stats
nonlocal t_ue_stats
#nonlocal t_ue_stats
t_tx =
ue_stats = conn.req(ctx, 'ue_get', {'stats': True})
t_rx =
t = ue_stats['utc']
if t_ue_stats is not None:
t_ue_stats = t
if x.t_ue_stats is not None:
x.t_ue_stats = t
return ue_stats
# rx_stats sends `stats` request and returns server response.
......@@ -686,19 +689,19 @@ def _x_stats_srv(ctx, reqch, conn):
# we can retrieve both ue_get and stats each at 100Hz simultaneously.
conn_stats = amari.connect(ctx, conn.wsuri)
rtt_stats = _IncStats() # like rtt_ue_stats but for stat instead of ue_get
dt_stats = _IncStats() # δ(stats.timestamp)
t_stats = None # last stats.timestamp
x.rtt_stats = _IncStats() # like rtt_ue_stats but for stat instead of ue_get
x.dt_stats = _IncStats() # δ(stats.timestamp)
x.t_stats = None # last stats.timestamp
def rx_stats(ctx): # -> stats
nonlocal t_stats
#nonlocal t_stats
t_tx =
stats = conn_stats.req(ctx, 'stats', {})
t_rx =
t = stats['utc']
if t_stats is not None:
t_stats = t
if x.t_stats is not None:
x.t_stats = t
return stats
# issue first dummy stats. It won't report most of statistics due to
# initial_delay=0, but it will make the next stats query avoid pausing for 0.4s.
......@@ -706,7 +709,7 @@ def _x_stats_srv(ctx, reqch, conn):
# rx_all simultaneously issues `ue_get[stats]` and `stats` requests and returns server responses.
# the requests are issued synchronized in time.
d_ue_stats = _IncStats() # ue_stats.timestamp - stats.timestamp
x.d_ue_stats = _IncStats() # ue_stats.timestamp - stats.timestamp
def rx_all(ctx): # -> ue_stats, stats
uq = chan(1)
sq = chan(1)
......@@ -741,7 +744,7 @@ def _x_stats_srv(ctx, reqch, conn):
stats = _rx
sq = nilchan
d_ue_stats.add(ue_stats['utc'] - stats['utc'])
x.d_ue_stats.add(ue_stats['utc'] - stats['utc'])
return ue_stats, stats
ueget_reqch = chan()
......@@ -774,9 +777,9 @@ def _x_stats_srv(ctx, reqch, conn):
# Tmain is the main thread that drives the process overall
def Tmain(ctx):
nonlocal rtt_ue_stats, dt_ue_stats
nonlocal rtt_stats, dt_stats
nonlocal d_ue_stats
#nonlocal rtt_ue_stats, dt_ue_stats
#nonlocal rtt_stats, dt_stats
#nonlocal d_ue_stats
t_req =
ue_stats, stats = rx_all(ctx)
......@@ -846,11 +849,11 @@ def _x_stats_srv(ctx, reqch, conn):
account(qci_Sul, qci_ul)
_debug('rtt_ue: %s ms' % rtt_ue_stats .str('%.2f', time.millisecond))
_debug('dt_ue: %s ms' % dt_ue_stats .str('%.2f', time.millisecond))
_debug('rtt_stats: %s ms' % rtt_stats .str('%.2f', time.millisecond))
_debug('dt_stats: %s ms' % dt_stats .str('%.2f', time.millisecond))
_debug('δ(ue,stat): %s ms' % d_ue_stats .str('%.2f', time.millisecond))
_debug('rtt_ue: %s ms' % x.rtt_ue_stats .str('%.2f', time.millisecond))
_debug('dt_ue: %s ms' % x.dt_ue_stats .str('%.2f', time.millisecond))
_debug('rtt_stats: %s ms' % x.rtt_stats .str('%.2f', time.millisecond))
_debug('dt_stats: %s ms' % x.dt_stats .str('%.2f', time.millisecond))
_debug('δ(ue,stat): %s ms' % x.d_ue_stats .str('%.2f', time.millisecond))
qci_dict = {}
S0 = _S()
......@@ -876,16 +879,16 @@ def _x_stats_srv(ctx, reqch, conn):
'utc': ue_stats['utc'],
'qci_dict': qci_dict,
'dt_ueget': {
'min': dt_ue_stats.min,
'avg': dt_ue_stats.avg(),
'max': dt_ue_stats.max,
'std': dt_ue_stats.std(),
'min': x.dt_ue_stats.min,
'avg': x.dt_ue_stats.avg(),
'max': x.dt_ue_stats.max,
'std': x.dt_ue_stats.std(),
'δ_ueget_vs_stats': {
'min': d_ue_stats.min,
'avg': d_ue_stats.avg(),
'max': d_ue_stats.max,
'std': d_ue_stats.std(),
'min': x.d_ue_stats.min,
'avg': x.d_ue_stats.avg(),
'max': x.d_ue_stats.max,
'std': x.d_ue_stats.std(),
......@@ -895,11 +898,11 @@ def _x_stats_srv(ctx, reqch, conn):
qci_Sdl = {}
qci_Sul = {}
rtt_ue_stats = _IncStats()
dt_ue_stats = _IncStats()
rtt_stats = _IncStats()
dt_stats = _IncStats()
d_ue_stats = _IncStats()
x.rtt_ue_stats = _IncStats()
x.dt_ue_stats = _IncStats()
x.rtt_stats = _IncStats()
x.dt_stats = _IncStats()
x.d_ue_stats = _IncStats()
# sync time to keep t_req' - t_req ≈ dt_rate
# this should automatically translate to dt(ue_stats) ≈ dt_rate
......@@ -148,6 +148,8 @@ def test_LogMeasure():
# note: no - see tstats
class X: pass
x = X()
# tstats is the verb to check handling of stats message.
......@@ -169,23 +171,23 @@ def test_LogMeasure():
# _(...) # verify effect on Measurements returned with period
# _(...) # ending by timestamp of the above stats call.
# _(...) # i.e. Measurement₁ if tstats call corresponds to xlog₂.
tau_xlog = 1 # timestamp of last emitted xlog entry
tau_logm = tau_xlog-2+1 # timestamp of next measurement to be read from logm
counters_prev = {}
x.tau_xlog = 1 # timestamp of last emitted xlog entry
x.tau_logm = x.tau_xlog-2+1 # timestamp of next measurement to be read from logm
x.counters_prev = {}
def tstats(counters):
nonlocal tau_xlog, tau_logm, counters_prev
trace('\n>>> tstats tau_xlog: %s tau_logm: %s' % (tau_xlog, tau_logm))
t.xlog( jstats(tau_xlog+1, counters) ) # xlog tau+1
#nonlocal tau_xlog, tau_logm, counters_prev
trace('\n>>> tstats tau_xlog: %s tau_logm: %s' % (x.tau_xlog, x.tau_logm))
t.xlog( jstats(x.tau_xlog+1, counters) ) # xlog tau+1 # read+assert M for tau-1
_('X.Tstart', tau_logm+1) # start preparing next expected M at tau
_('X.Tstart', x.tau_logm+1) # start preparing next expected M at tau
_('X.δT', 1)
tau_xlog += 1
tau_logm += 1
counters_prev = counters
x.tau_xlog += 1
x.tau_logm += 1
x.counters_prev = counters
# tdstats is like tstats but takes delta for counters.
def tdstats(dcounters):
counters = counters_prev.copy()
counters = x.counters_prev.copy()
for k,dv in dcounters.items():
counters[k] = counters.get(k,0) + dv
......@@ -193,15 +195,15 @@ def test_LogMeasure():
# tevent is the verb to verify handling of events.
# its logic is similar to tstats.
def tevent(event):
nonlocal tau_xlog, tau_logm, counters_prev
trace('\n>>> tstats tau_xlog: %s tau_logm: %s' % (tau_xlog, tau_logm))
t.xlog(json.dumps({"meta": {"event": event, "time": tau_xlog+1}}))
#nonlocal tau_xlog, tau_logm, counters_prev
trace('\n>>> tstats tau_xlog: %s tau_logm: %s' % (x.tau_xlog, x.tau_logm))
t.xlog(json.dumps({"meta": {"event": event, "time": x.tau_xlog+1}}))
_('X.Tstart', tau_logm+1)
_('X.Tstart', x.tau_logm+1)
_('X.δT', 1)
tau_xlog += 1
tau_logm += 1
counters_prev = {} # reset
x.tau_xlog += 1
x.tau_logm += 1
x.counters_prev = {} # reset
# tdrb_stats is the verb to verify handling of x.drb_stats message.
......@@ -209,10 +211,10 @@ def test_LogMeasure():
# next (dtau < 0) stats or event.
def tdrb_stats(dtau, qci_trx):
if dtau >= 0:
tau = tau_xlog + dtau # after previous stats or event
tau = x.tau_xlog + dtau # after previous stats or event
tau = tau_xlog+1 + dtau # before next stats or event
trace('\n>>> tdrb_stats tau: %s tau_xlog: %s tau_logm: %s' % (tau, tau_xlog, tau_logm))
tau = x.tau_xlog+1 + dtau # before next stats or event
trace('\n>>> tdrb_stats tau: %s tau_xlog: %s tau_logm: %s' % (tau, x.tau_xlog, x.tau_logm))
t.xlog( jdrb_stats(tau, qci_trx) )
......@@ -379,10 +381,10 @@ def test_LogMeasure():
t.expect_nodata() # LogMeasure flushes its queue on "service detach".
_('X.Tstart', tau_logm+1) # After the flush will need to go only 1 step behind
_('X.Tstart', x.tau_logm+1) # After the flush will need to go only 1 step behind
_('X.δT', 1) # corresponding t.xlog call instead of previously going 2 steps beyond.
t.expect_nodata() # Do one step manually to catch up.
tau_logm += 1
x.tau_logm += 1
tevent("service connect failure")
......@@ -397,8 +399,8 @@ def test_LogMeasure():
tevent("service attach")
t.xlog( jstats(tau_xlog+1, {i:1000, f:1000}) ) # LogMeasure restarts the queue after data starts to
tau_xlog += 1 # come in again. Do one t.xlog step manually to
t.xlog( jstats(x.tau_xlog+1, {i:1000, f:1000}) ) # LogMeasure restarts the queue after data starts to
x.tau_xlog += 1 # come in again. Do one t.xlog step manually to
# increase - t.xlog distance back to 2.
tstats({i:1000+2, f:1000+2})
_(I, 2) # no "extra" events even if counters start with jumped values after reattach
......@@ -204,11 +204,14 @@ def test_Reader_timestamp_from_sync_wo_utc():
return json.dumps({"message": msg, "time": srv_time})
assert jmsg(123.4, "aaa") == '{"message": "aaa", "time": 123.4}'
data = b""
class X: pass
x = X() = b""
def _(line):
nonlocal data
#nonlocal data
assert '\n' not in line
data += b(line+'\n') += b(line+'\n')
A = "service attach"
D = "service detach"
......@@ -248,8 +251,8 @@ def test_Reader_timestamp_from_sync_wo_utc():
assert _.timestamp == timestamp
xr = xlog.Reader(io.BytesIO(data))
br = xlog.Reader(io.BytesIO(data), reverse=True)
xr = xlog.Reader(io.BytesIO(
br = xlog.Reader(io.BytesIO(, reverse=True)
......@@ -281,7 +284,7 @@ def test_Reader_timestamp_from_sync_wo_utc():
_( jsync(1012, 12) )
_( jmsg(13, "hhh") )
_( jmsg(14, "iii") )
bb = xlog.Reader(io.BytesIO(data), reverse=True)
bb = xlog.Reader(io.BytesIO(, reverse=True)
expect_msg (bb, 1014, "iii")
expect_msg (bb, 1013, "hhh")
......@@ -287,8 +287,9 @@ def test_Calc_success_rate():
# Mlog reinitializes mlog according to specified Measurements in mv.
def Mlog(*mv):
nonlocal mlog
mlog = MeasurementLog()
#nonlocal mlog
#mlog = MeasurementLog()
for m in mv:
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