- 27 Mar, 2023 3 commits
Kirill Smelkov authored
Python2 does not support type annotations.
Kirill Smelkov authored
Python2 does not support unicode characters in identifiers.
Kirill Smelkov authored
This will make diff in between master and py2 backport a bit smaller.
- 22 Mar, 2023 4 commits
Kirill Smelkov authored
We currently emit information about local time in events, and information about on-service time in messages. Events don't have information about on-service time and messages don't carry information about local time. That is mostly ok, since primary xlog setup is to run on the same machine, where eNB runs because on-service .utc correlates with .time in events. However for eNB < 2022-12-01 on-service time includes only .time field without .utc field with .time representing "time passed since when eNB was started". This way for enb.xlog streams generated on older systems it is not possible for xlog.Reader to know the absolute timestamps of read messages. To fix this we amend "attach" and "sync" events to carry both local and on-service times. This way xlog.Reader, after seeing e.g. "sync" with .time and only .srv_time without .srv_utc, should be able to correlate local and on-service clocks and to approximate srv_utc as srv_utc' = srv_time' + (time - srv_time) where time and srv_time correspond to last synchronization, and srv_time' is what xlog.Reader retrieves for a further-read message in question. See kirr/xlte!3 for related discussion.
Kirill Smelkov authored
This functionality is useful to look at tail of a log without reading it in full from the start.
Kirill Smelkov authored
This way xlog.Reader can be sure that if it looked around in such a window and did not find a sync, then something is not good with the stream and it does not need to go beyond that limit looking around. This is a change of the protocol. But it is early days and existing logs - that we use in the demo, are all below 1000 lines limit, so they will continue to be loaded ok. No direct test for actual Loss Of Sync detection - this functionality is draft for now and should be improved later. However for no-LOS cases xlog.Reader is already covered with tests.
Kirill Smelkov authored
Let's use "sync(reason=start)" instead of dedicated "start" event for uniformity. Periodic syncs are now "sync(reason=periodic)" and after logrotation support there will be also "pre-logrotate" and "post-logrotate" reasons. Emit "sync(reason=stop)" at xlog shutdown for uniformity and to make it more clear from looking at just enb.xlog about what is xlog state at the end. Stop requiring "start" to be present in the header - we will soon rework xlog reader to look around for nearby sync automatically so that reading could be started from any position in the stream.
- 21 Mar, 2023 2 commits
Kirill Smelkov authored
We emit config_get after every attach from the beginning of xlog in e0cc8a38 (amari.xlog: Initial draft). The reasoning here is that it is useful by default to know configuration of a service. In the previous patch we added sync events so that xlog stream becomes self-synchronizing. To continue that line it is now useful to have that config_get emitted after every such synchronization point instead of only after attaching to the service. That's what hereby patch does. As a bonus the code is reworked in a way that config_get setup is not hardcoded anymore and config_get periodicity now can be controlled by users via explicitly specifying config_get in the logspec.
Kirill Smelkov authored
So that xlog stream becomes self-synchronized and could be used even if we start reading it from some intermediate point instead of only from the beginning. We will need this in general - to be able to start reading long log not only from its beginning, and also in particular for Wendelin systems where logs are uploaded by Fluentd in chunks and some chunks could be potentially lost. Sync events are emitted always unconditionally with default sync interval being 10x the longest specified period. We also provide users a way to control sync periodicity via explicitly specifying "meta.sync/period" query in the logspec. See kirr/xlte!3 (comment 175796) and further for related discussion. This is change of xlog protocol. But it is early days and the only direct consumer of xlog is amari.kpi which we adjust accordingly. So it should be ok.
- 17 Mar, 2023 2 commits
Kirill Smelkov authored
We will soon need to construct logspecs not only by way of parsing.
Kirill Smelkov authored
In 79d10eb9 that patch wired ctx through xlog callchains and added corresponding handling of cancellation. But I overlooked one place where plain sleep was used. -> Fix it.
- 09 Mar, 2023 1 commit
Kirill Smelkov authored
Noticed while developing support for E-UTRAN IP Throughtput.
- 08 Mar, 2023 3 commits
Kirill Smelkov authored
This patch provides next building block for E-UTRAN IP Throughput KPI and continues d102ffaa (drb: Start of the package). Quoting that patch The scheme to compute E-UTRAN IP Throughput is thus as follows: poll eNB at 100Hz frequency for `ue_get[stats]` and retrieve information about per-UE/QCI streams and the number of transport blocks dl/ul-ed to the UE in question during that 10ms frame. Estimate `tx_time` taking into account the number of transmitted transport blocks. And estimate whether eNB is congested or not based on `dl_use_avg`/`ul_use_avg` taken from `stats`. For the latter we also need to poll for `stats` at 100Hz frequency and synchronize `ue_get[stats]` and `stats` requests in time so that they both cover the same time interval of particular frame. Then organize the polling process to provide aggregated statistics in the form of <-- NOTE new `x.drb_stats` message, and teach `xamari xlog` to save that messages to <-- NOTE `enb.xlog` together with `stats`. <-- NOTE Then further adjust `amari.kpi.LogMeasure` and generic `kpi.Measurement` and `kpi.Calc` to handle DRB-related data. So here we implement the noted step: - add drv._x_stats_srv server that polls eNB at 100Hz rate, uses Sampler to extract bursts and aggregates information about those bursts. - teach xlog to organize servers for synthetic messages and communicate with them, and register drv._x_stats_srv as such server to handle generation of x.drb_stats message.
Kirill Smelkov authored
We will soon need to run 2 threads: - one with the main logger, and - another one to serve requests for synthetic x.drb_stats queries Both main and the second thread will be run via sync.WorkGroup to cancel each other in case of failure somewhere. So since WorkGroup.wait(), similarly to all pygolang operations, is not interrupted by signals(*), we need to wire ctx to be passed through all operations and manage to cancel that context on SIGINT/SIGTERM. This patch: 1. adjusts xlog to wire ctx through all call chains and moves ._xlog1() to be run in the thread. 2. adjusts amari.Conn to take ctx as argument on all operations and react reasonably on that ctx cancel. We need to do it here because xlog uses Conn internally. 3. adjusts xamari main driver to setup root context that is canceled on SIGINT/SIGTERM similarly e.g. to how nxdtest does it in nexedi/nxdtest@b0cf277d . (*) see nexedi/pygolang@e18adbab for details.
Kirill Smelkov authored
We will soon add more levels of trying to this part of the code and linear defers are easier to follow compared to many levels of try/except nesting.
- 03 Jan, 2023 1 commit
Xavier Thompson authored
Fix off-by-one error in `amari.xlog.LogSpec.parse` which truncated the last character of options, e.g. `stats[rf]/60s` would parse option `r` instead of `rf`. /reviewed-by @kirr /reviewed-on kirr/xlte!1
- 12 Dec, 2022 5 commits
Kirill Smelkov authored
xlog.Reader could be used to parse and read back data previously saved by xlog. In the next patch we will use it in Amarisoft driver for KPI measurements.
Kirill Smelkov authored
Upon rotation we want to emit trailing part to the old file, and emit new header into new log file. All this is custom and cannot be handled reliably when rotation is done by external tool.
Kirill Smelkov authored
Document kind of messages and events that could be emitted by xlog. The messages come from Amarisoft software directly, but events are xlog-specific and without proper documentation it is easy to miss what they are and which information and semantic they carry.
Kirill Smelkov authored
The time emitted in messages by Amarisoft is in seconds. It also makes sense to emit meta/event times in seconds as well for uniformity. This is backward-incompatible change, but it should be ok at this early time.
Kirill Smelkov authored
xlog logging is kind of slow - usually it comes once per several seconds or once per minute. And without flushing many entries can remain sitting up in the file buffer in userspace without being conveyed to OS kernel. Which is not very convenient because in such situation we cannot make good use of tools like `tail -f`. Since flushing is relatively cheap operation - it is just one write syscall - let's do it after every emitted line. The write syscall does not force data to be synced to disk, so it should not slow things down, but make it convenient to have latest logs right away in the filesystem view.
- 02 Nov, 2022 1 commit
Kirill Smelkov authored
For example with `stats/100s` stats query is emitted every 100 seconds, but currently it will be first emitted only after waiting for 100 seconds after `xamari xlog` startup, or after reconnection to eNB if eNB itself was restarted. And this way it will be hard to interpret obtained numbers in relation to last 100s time interval. -> Start emitting queries right after reconnection / xlog start, so that we see the values as observed at the beginning, and can compare result of further queries to them.
- 19 Oct, 2022 1 commit
Kirill Smelkov authored
`xamari xlog` can be used to maintin extra log for an Amarisoft LTE service: in addition to native logs, xlog contains results of periodic queries done via WebSocket. For example with the following aguments xamari xlog <wsuri> stats/10s ue_get/3s erab_get/3s xlog will emit results of stats query - every 10 seconds, results from ue_get query - every 3 seconds, and similarly for erab_get query. The results are saved into xlog in JSON Lines format for easy future processing. For the reference below is a copy of corresponding help entries: xlte$ xamari help xlog Usage: xamari xlog [OPTIONS] <wsuri> <logspec>+ Maintain extra log for a service. The service is queried periodically according to logspec and results are saved in JSON format to a file (see 'xamari help jsonlog'). <wsuri> is URI (see 'xamari help websock') of an Amarisoft-service. <logspec> is specification of what to log. It has the following parts: <query>[<options>]/<period> The query specifies a message, that should be used to query service. For example "stats", "ue_get", "erab_get", ... Query part is mandatory. Options specifies additional flags for the query. Options part can be omitted. Period specifies periodicity of how often the service should be queried. Period is optional and defaults to 60 seconds. Example for <logspec>+: stats[samples,rf]/30s ue_get[stats] erab_get/10s qos_flow_get Options: -h --help show this help xlte$ xamari help jsonlog Some commands produce logs with JSON entries. Such logs are organized with JSON Lines format(*) with each entry occupying one line. Logs in JSON Lines format are handy to exchange in between programs, and with corresponding tools, e.g. jq(+), they can be also displayed in human-readable form and inspected quickly. (*) https://jsonlines.org/ (+) https://stedolan.github.io/jq/ Example output: (xlte3.venv) kirr@deca:~/src/wendelin/xlte$ xamari xlog ws://localhost:9001 ue_get/3s erab_get/3s {"meta": {"event": "start", "time": "Wed, 19 Oct 2022 15:05:50 -0000", "generator": "xlog ws://localhost:9001 ue_get[]/3.0s erab_get[]/3.0s"}} {"meta": {"event": "service attach", "time": "Wed, 19 Oct 2022 15:05:51 -0000", "srv_name": "ENB", "srv_type": "ENB", "srv_version": "2022-09-16"}} 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{"message":"ue_get","ue_list":[],"message_id":2,"time":9613.347} {"message":"erab_get","erab_list":[],"timestamp":9613704,"message_id":3,"time":9613.704} {"message":"ue_get","ue_list":[],"message_id":4,"time":9616.355} {"message":"erab_get","erab_list":[],"timestamp":9616618,"message_id":5,"time":9616.618} {"message":"ue_get","ue_list":[],"message_id":6,"time":9619.272} {"message":"erab_get","erab_list":[],"timestamp":9619547,"message_id":7,"time":9619.547} {"message":"ue_get","ue_list":[],"message_id":8,"time":9622.319} {"message":"erab_get","erab_list":[],"timestamp":9622588,"message_id":9,"time":9622.588} {"message":"ue_get","ue_list":[],"message_id":10,"time":9625.263} {"message":"erab_get","erab_list":[],"timestamp":9625663,"message_id":11,"time":9625.663} {"message":"ue_get","ue_list":[],"message_id":12,"time":9628.403} {"message":"erab_get","erab_list":[],"timestamp":9628725,"message_id":13,"time":9628.725} {"message":"ue_get","ue_list":[],"message_id":14,"time":9631.381} {"message":"erab_get","erab_list":[],"timestamp":9631798,"message_id":15,"time":9631.798} {"message":"ue_get","ue_list":[],"message_id":16,"time":9634.303} {"message":"erab_get","erab_list":[],"timestamp":9634596,"message_id":17,"time":9634.596} {"message":"ue_get","ue_list":[],"message_id":18,"time":9637.268} {"message":"erab_get","erab_list":[],"timestamp":9637568,"message_id":19,"time":9637.568} (below an UE registers with eNB) {"message":"ue_get","ue_list":[{"enb_ue_id":8,"mme_ue_id":107,"rnti":68,"cells":[{"cell_id":1}]}],"message_id":20,"time":9640.296} {"message":"erab_get","erab_list":[{"erab_id":5,"qci":9,"dl_total_bytes":0,"ul_total_bytes":0,"enb_ue_id":8}],"timestamp":9640831,"message_id":21,"time":9640.831} {"message":"ue_get","ue_list":[{"enb_ue_id":8,"mme_ue_id":107,"rnti":68,"cells":[{"cell_id":1}]}],"message_id":22,"time":9643.268} {"message":"erab_get","erab_list":[{"erab_id":5,"qci":9,"dl_total_bytes":0,"ul_total_bytes":0,"enb_ue_id":8}],"timestamp":9643555,"message_id":23,"time":9643.555} {"message":"ue_get","ue_list":[{"enb_ue_id":8,"mme_ue_id":107,"rnti":68,"cells":[{"cell_id":1}]}],"message_id":24,"time":9646.326} {"message":"erab_get","erab_list":[{"erab_id":5,"qci":9,"dl_total_bytes":0,"ul_total_bytes":0,"enb_ue_id":8}],"timestamp":9646850,"message_id":25,"time":9646.85} {"message":"ue_get","ue_list":[],"message_id":26,"time":9649.287} {"message":"erab_get","erab_list":[],"timestamp":9649646,"message_id":27,"time":9649.646} ^CTraceback (most recent call last): File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/venv/xlte3.venv/bin/xamari", line 33, in <module> sys.exit(load_entry_point('xlte', 'console_scripts', 'xamari')()) File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/xlte/amari/xamari.py", line 130, in main return command_module.main(argv) File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/xlte/amari/xlog.py", line 275, in main xlog(wsuri, logspecv) File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/xlte/amari/xlog.py", line 108, in xlog xl.xlog1() File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/venv/xlte3.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/decorator.py", line 232, in fun return caller(func, *(extras + args), **kw) File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/venv/xlte3.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/golang/__init__.py", line 103, in _ return f(*argv, **kw) File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/xlte/amari/xlog.py", line 157, in xlog1 xl._xlog1(conn) File "/home/kirr/src/wendelin/xlte/amari/xlog.py", line 208, in _xlog1 time.sleep(δtsleep) KeyboardInterrupt