Commit 531c3f0e authored by Julien Jerphanion's avatar Julien Jerphanion

Compile minimal kmeans extension

parent e11442ac
python build_ext --inplace
rm -f *.cpp
rm -f *.c
rm -f *.so
rm -Rf build
from cython cimport floating
cpdef enum BLAS_Order:
RowMajor # C contiguous
ColMajor # Fortran contiguous
cpdef enum BLAS_Trans:
NoTrans = 110 # correspond to 'n'
Trans = 116 # correspond to 't'
# BLAS Level 1 ################################################################
cdef floating _dot(int, floating*, int, floating*, int) nogil
cdef floating _asum(int, floating*, int) nogil
cdef void _axpy(int, floating, floating*, int, floating*, int) nogil
cdef floating _nrm2(int, floating*, int) nogil
cdef void _copy(int, floating*, int, floating*, int) nogil
cdef void _scal(int, floating, floating*, int) nogil
cdef void _rotg(floating*, floating*, floating*, floating*) nogil
cdef void _rot(int, floating*, int, floating*, int, floating, floating) nogil
# BLAS Level 2 ################################################################
cdef void _gemv(BLAS_Order, BLAS_Trans, int, int, floating, floating*, int,
floating*, int, floating, floating*, int) nogil
cdef void _ger(BLAS_Order, int, int, floating, floating*, int, floating*, int,
floating*, int) nogil
# BLASLevel 3 ################################################################
cdef void _gemm(BLAS_Order, BLAS_Trans, BLAS_Trans, int, int, int, floating,
floating*, int, floating*, int, floating, floating*,
int) nogil
# cython: language_level = 3
from cython cimport floating
from scipy.linalg.cython_blas cimport sdot, ddot
from scipy.linalg.cython_blas cimport sasum, dasum
from scipy.linalg.cython_blas cimport saxpy, daxpy
from scipy.linalg.cython_blas cimport snrm2, dnrm2
from scipy.linalg.cython_blas cimport scopy, dcopy
from scipy.linalg.cython_blas cimport sscal, dscal
from scipy.linalg.cython_blas cimport srotg, drotg
from scipy.linalg.cython_blas cimport srot, drot
from scipy.linalg.cython_blas cimport sgemv, dgemv
from scipy.linalg.cython_blas cimport sger, dger
from scipy.linalg.cython_blas cimport sgemm, dgemm
# BLAS Level 1 #
cdef floating _dot(int n, floating *x, int incx,
floating *y, int incy) nogil:
if floating is float:
return sdot(&n, x, &incx, y, &incy)
return ddot(&n, x, &incx, y, &incy)
cpdef _dot_memview(floating[::1] x, floating[::1] y):
return _dot(x.shape[0], &x[0], 1, &y[0], 1)
cdef floating _asum(int n, floating *x, int incx) nogil:
if floating is float:
return sasum(&n, x, &incx)
return dasum(&n, x, &incx)
cpdef _asum_memview(floating[::1] x):
return _asum(x.shape[0], &x[0], 1)
cdef void _axpy(int n, floating alpha, floating *x, int incx,
floating *y, int incy) nogil:
"""y := alpha * x + y"""
if floating is float:
saxpy(&n, &alpha, x, &incx, y, &incy)
daxpy(&n, &alpha, x, &incx, y, &incy)
cpdef _axpy_memview(floating alpha, floating[::1] x, floating[::1] y):
_axpy(x.shape[0], alpha, &x[0], 1, &y[0], 1)
cdef floating _nrm2(int n, floating *x, int incx) nogil:
if floating is float:
return snrm2(&n, x, &incx)
return dnrm2(&n, x, &incx)
cpdef _nrm2_memview(floating[::1] x):
return _nrm2(x.shape[0], &x[0], 1)
cdef void _copy(int n, floating *x, int incx, floating *y, int incy) nogil:
"""y := x"""
if floating is float:
scopy(&n, x, &incx, y, &incy)
dcopy(&n, x, &incx, y, &incy)
cpdef _copy_memview(floating[::1] x, floating[::1] y):
_copy(x.shape[0], &x[0], 1, &y[0], 1)
cdef void _scal(int n, floating alpha, floating *x, int incx) nogil:
"""x := alpha * x"""
if floating is float:
sscal(&n, &alpha, x, &incx)
dscal(&n, &alpha, x, &incx)
cpdef _scal_memview(floating alpha, floating[::1] x):
_scal(x.shape[0], alpha, &x[0], 1)
cdef void _rotg(floating *a, floating *b, floating *c, floating *s) nogil:
"""Generate plane rotation"""
if floating is float:
srotg(a, b, c, s)
drotg(a, b, c, s)
cpdef _rotg_memview(floating a, floating b, floating c, floating s):
_rotg(&a, &b, &c, &s)
return a, b, c, s
cdef void _rot(int n, floating *x, int incx, floating *y, int incy,
floating c, floating s) nogil:
"""Apply plane rotation"""
if floating is float:
srot(&n, x, &incx, y, &incy, &c, &s)
drot(&n, x, &incx, y, &incy, &c, &s)
cpdef _rot_memview(floating[::1] x, floating[::1] y, floating c, floating s):
_rot(x.shape[0], &x[0], 1, &y[0], 1, c, s)
# BLAS Level 2 #
cdef void _gemv(BLAS_Order order, BLAS_Trans ta, int m, int n, floating alpha,
floating *A, int lda, floating *x, int incx,
floating beta, floating *y, int incy) nogil:
"""y := alpha * op(A).x + beta * y"""
cdef char ta_ = ta
if order == RowMajor:
ta_ = NoTrans if ta == Trans else Trans
if floating is float:
sgemv(&ta_, &n, &m, &alpha, A, &lda, x, &incx, &beta, y, &incy)
dgemv(&ta_, &n, &m, &alpha, A, &lda, x, &incx, &beta, y, &incy)
if floating is float:
sgemv(&ta_, &m, &n, &alpha, A, &lda, x, &incx, &beta, y, &incy)
dgemv(&ta_, &m, &n, &alpha, A, &lda, x, &incx, &beta, y, &incy)
cpdef _gemv_memview(BLAS_Trans ta, floating alpha, floating[:, :] A,
floating[::1] x, floating beta, floating[::1] y):
int m = A.shape[0]
int n = A.shape[1]
BLAS_Order order = ColMajor if A.strides[0] == A.itemsize else RowMajor
int lda = m if order == ColMajor else n
_gemv(order, ta, m, n, alpha, &A[0, 0], lda, &x[0], 1, beta, &y[0], 1)
cdef void _ger(BLAS_Order order, int m, int n, floating alpha, floating *x,
int incx, floating *y, int incy, floating *A, int lda) nogil:
"""A := alpha * x.y.T + A"""
if order == RowMajor:
if floating is float:
sger(&n, &m, &alpha, y, &incy, x, &incx, A, &lda)
dger(&n, &m, &alpha, y, &incy, x, &incx, A, &lda)
if floating is float:
sger(&m, &n, &alpha, x, &incx, y, &incy, A, &lda)
dger(&m, &n, &alpha, x, &incx, y, &incy, A, &lda)
cpdef _ger_memview(floating alpha, floating[::1] x, floating[::] y,
floating[:, :] A):
int m = A.shape[0]
int n = A.shape[1]
BLAS_Order order = ColMajor if A.strides[0] == A.itemsize else RowMajor
int lda = m if order == ColMajor else n
_ger(order, m, n, alpha, &x[0], 1, &y[0], 1, &A[0, 0], lda)
# BLAS Level 3 #
cdef void _gemm(BLAS_Order order, BLAS_Trans ta, BLAS_Trans tb, int m, int n,
int k, floating alpha, floating *A, int lda, floating *B,
int ldb, floating beta, floating *C, int ldc) nogil:
"""C := alpha * op(A).op(B) + beta * C"""
char ta_ = ta
char tb_ = tb
if order == RowMajor:
if floating is float:
sgemm(&tb_, &ta_, &n, &m, &k, &alpha, B,
&ldb, A, &lda, &beta, C, &ldc)
dgemm(&tb_, &ta_, &n, &m, &k, &alpha, B,
&ldb, A, &lda, &beta, C, &ldc)
if floating is float:
sgemm(&ta_, &tb_, &m, &n, &k, &alpha, A,
&lda, B, &ldb, &beta, C, &ldc)
dgemm(&ta_, &tb_, &m, &n, &k, &alpha, A,
&lda, B, &ldb, &beta, C, &ldc)
cpdef _gemm_memview(BLAS_Trans ta, BLAS_Trans tb, floating alpha,
floating[:, :] A, floating[:, :] B, floating beta,
floating[:, :] C):
int m = A.shape[0] if ta == NoTrans else A.shape[1]
int n = B.shape[1] if tb == NoTrans else B.shape[0]
int k = A.shape[1] if ta == NoTrans else A.shape[0]
int lda, ldb, ldc
BLAS_Order order = ColMajor if A.strides[0] == A.itemsize else RowMajor
if order == RowMajor:
lda = k if ta == NoTrans else m
ldb = n if tb == NoTrans else k
ldc = n
lda = m if ta == NoTrans else k
ldb = k if tb == NoTrans else n
ldc = m
_gemm(order, ta, tb, m, n, k, alpha, &A[0, 0],
lda, &B[0, 0], ldb, beta, &C[0, 0], ldc)
# cython: language_level=3
from cython cimport floating
cimport numpy as np
cdef floating _euclidean_dense_dense(floating*, floating*, int, bint) nogil
cdef floating _euclidean_sparse_dense(floating[::1], int[::1], floating[::1],
floating, bint) nogil
cpdef void _relocate_empty_clusters_dense(
np.ndarray[floating, ndim=2, mode='c'], floating[::1], floating[:, ::1],
floating[:, ::1], floating[::1], int[::1])
cpdef void _relocate_empty_clusters_sparse(
floating[::1], int[::1], int[::1], floating[::1], floating[:, ::1],
floating[:, ::1], floating[::1], int[::1])
cdef void _average_centers(floating[:, ::1], floating[::1])
cdef void _center_shift(floating[:, ::1], floating[:, ::1], floating[::1])
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