Commit b6d775b5 authored by Tomáš Peterka's avatar Tomáš Peterka

[erp5_core] Carefull refactoring of Base_edit

parent 5f5aed84
......@@ -91,7 +91,10 @@ def editListBox(listbox_field, listbox):
def editMatrixBox(matrixbox_field, matrixbox):
""" Function called to edit a Matrix box
"""Go through every field in matrix and call edit on it.
Most of the code is just a copy&paste from ERP5Form/MatrixBox:render and
should be in (non-yet-existing) MatrixBoxEditor instead of here (XXX TODO).
if matrixbox is None:
......@@ -170,7 +173,7 @@ def editMatrixBox(matrixbox_field, matrixbox):
matrix_context.setCellRange(base_id=cell_base_id, *matrixbox_cell_range)
for cell_index_tuple, cell_value_dict in matrixbox.items():
# Only update cells which still exist
# after constructing the cell-range we can edit all existing cells
if not matrix_context.hasInRange(*cell_index_tuple, **kd):
return "Cell %s does not exist" % str(cell_index_tuple)
......@@ -204,7 +207,7 @@ MARKER = [] # placeholder for an empty value
message = Base_translateString("Data updated.")
# extract all listbox's object form fields from the request and `edit` the object
# Extract all form fields from the request and call `edit` on them
for field in form.get_fields():
# Dispatch field either to `edit_kwargs` (in case of simple fields) or to `encapsulated_editor_list` in case of editors
field_name = if not field.has_value('alternate_name') else (field.get_value('alternate_name') or
......@@ -217,6 +220,7 @@ try:
edit_kwargs[field_name[len(field_prefix):]] = field_value if field_value != '' else None
## XXX We need to find a way not to use meta_type.
# Kato: can be done simply by implementing 'Editors' for fields which are here
field_meta_type = field.meta_type
if field_meta_type == 'ProxyField':
field_meta_type = field.getRecursiveTemplateField().meta_type
......@@ -235,6 +239,7 @@ try:
context.edit(REQUEST=request, edit_order=edit_order, **edit_kwargs)
for encapsulated_editor in encapsulated_editor_list:
except ActivityPendingError as e:
message = Base_translateString(str(e))
This script validates a form to the current REQUEST,
processes the REQUEST to extract form data and editors,
then updates the current context with the form data
by calling edit on it or by invoking editors.
"""Handle form - REQUEST interaction.
- Validate a form to the current REQUEST
- Extract form data and editors from REQUEST,
- Update current context with form data by calling edit or invoking editors
:param silent: int (0|1) means that the edit action is not invoked by a form
submit but rather by an internal code thus the return value
contains as much usefull info as possible
TODO: split the generic form validation logic
from the context update logic
......@@ -37,7 +41,7 @@ edit_order = form.edit_order
# Validate
form.validate_all_to_request(request, key_prefix=key_prefix)
except FormValidationError, validation_errors:
except FormValidationError as validation_errors:
# Pack errors into the request
field_errors = form.ErrorFields(validation_errors)
request.set('field_errors', field_errors)
......@@ -48,200 +52,194 @@ except FormValidationError, validation_errors:
value = request.get(field_id)
if callable(value):
if silent_mode: return form(request), 'form'
if silent_mode:
return form(request), 'form'
return form(request)
def editListBox(listbox_field, listbox):
""" Function called to edit a listbox
if listbox is not None:
gv = {}
if listbox_field.has_value('global_attributes'):
hidden_attributes = map(lambda x:x[0], listbox_field.get_value('global_attributes'))
for k in hidden_attributes:
gv[k] = getattr(request, k, None)
for url, v in listbox.items():
# Form: '' -> ERP5: None
encapsulated_editor_list = []
cleaned_v = {}
for key, value in v.items():
if hasattr(value, 'edit'):
if value == '':
value = None
cleaned_v[key] = value
if cleaned_v:
if listbox_edit is None:
obj = context.restrictedTraverse(url)
obj.edit(edit_order=edit_order, **cleaned_v)
listbox_edit(url, edit_order, cleaned_v)
for encapsulated_editor in encapsulated_editor_list:
"""Go through every item in the listbox and call its `edit` with modified values."""
if listbox is None:
# extract hidden (global) attributes from request to be used in listbox's update
global_attr = {hidden_key: getattr(request, hidden_key, None)
for hidden_key, _ in listbox_field.get_value('global_attributes')} \
if listbox_field.has_value('global_attributes') \
else {}
for item_url, item_value in listbox.items():
# Form: '' -> ERP5: None
editor_list = []
value_dict = {}
for key, value in item_value.items():
# for every value decide whether it is an attribute or an editor
if hasattr(value, 'edit'):
value_dict[key] = value if value != '' else None
if value_dict:
if listbox_edit is None:
obj = context.restrictedTraverse(item_url)
obj.edit(edit_order=edit_order, **value_dict)
for editor in editor_list:
listbox_edit(item_url, edit_order, value_dict)
def editMatrixBox(matrixbox_field, matrixbox):
""" Function called to edit a Matrix box
"""Go through every field in matrix and call edit on it.
Most of the code is just a copy&paste from ERP5Form/MatrixBox:render and
should be in (non-yet-existing) MatrixBoxEditor instead of here (XXX TODO).
if matrixbox is not None:
cell_base_id = matrixbox_field.get_value('cell_base_id')
portal_type = matrixbox_field.get_value('cell_portal_type')
getter_method = matrixbox_field.get_value('getter_method')
if getter_method not in (None, ''):
matrix_context = getattr(context,getter_method)()
if matrixbox is None:
cell_base_id = matrixbox_field.get_value('cell_base_id')
portal_type = matrixbox_field.get_value('cell_portal_type')
getter_method = matrixbox_field.get_value('getter_method')
if getter_method not in (None, ''):
matrix_context = getattr(context,getter_method)()
matrix_context = context
if matrix_context is None:
kd = {}
kd['portal_type'] = portal_type
kd['base_id'] = cell_base_id
gv = {}
if matrixbox_field.has_value('global_attributes'):
hidden_attributes = [x[0] for x in matrixbox_field.get_value('global_attributes')]
for k in hidden_attributes:
gv[k] = getattr(request, k, None)
if matrixbox_field.get_value('update_cell_range'):
as_cell_range_script_id = matrixbox_field.get_value(
lines = []
columns = []
tabs = []
extra_dimension_list_list = []
if as_cell_range_script_id:
cell_range = getattr(matrix_context,
as_cell_range_script_id)(matrixbox=True, base_id=cell_base_id)
if len(cell_range) == 1:
lines, = cell_range
elif len(cell_range) == 2:
lines, columns = cell_range
elif len(cell_range) == 3:
lines, columns, tabs = cell_range
elif len(cell_range) > 3:
lines = cell_range[0]
columns = cell_range[1]
tabs = cell_range[2]
extra_dimension_list_list = cell_range[3:]
matrix_context = context
if matrix_context is not None:
kd = {}
kd['portal_type'] = portal_type
kd['base_id'] = cell_base_id
gv = {}
if matrixbox_field.has_value('global_attributes'):
hidden_attributes = [x[0] for x in matrixbox_field.get_value('global_attributes')]
for k in hidden_attributes:
gv[k] = getattr(request, k, None)
if matrixbox_field.get_value('update_cell_range'):
as_cell_range_script_id = matrixbox_field.get_value(
lines = []
columns = []
tabs = []
extra_dimension_list_list = []
if as_cell_range_script_id:
cell_range = getattr(matrix_context,
as_cell_range_script_id)(matrixbox=True, base_id=cell_base_id)
if len(cell_range) == 1:
lines, = cell_range
elif len(cell_range) == 2:
lines, columns = cell_range
elif len(cell_range) == 3:
lines, columns, tabs = cell_range
elif len(cell_range) > 3:
lines = cell_range[0]
columns = cell_range[1]
tabs = cell_range[2]
extra_dimension_list_list = cell_range[3:]
lines = matrixbox_field.get_value('lines')
columns = matrixbox_field.get_value('columns')
tabs = matrixbox_field.get_value('tabs')
column_ids = map(lambda x: x[0], columns)
line_ids = map(lambda x: x[0], lines)
tab_ids = map(lambda x: x[0], tabs)
extra_dimension_category_list_list = [[category for category, label in dimension_list] for dimension_list in extra_dimension_list_list]
# There are 3 cases
# Case 1: we do 1 dimensional matrix
# Case 2: we do 2 dimensional matrix
# Case 3: we do 2 dimensional matrix + tabs
# Case 4: we do 2 dimensional matrix + tabs + extra
cell_range = matrix_context.getCellRange(base_id = cell_base_id)
if (len(column_ids) == 0) or (column_ids[0] is None):
matrixbox_cell_range = [line_ids]
if cell_range != matrixbox_cell_range:
matrix_context.setCellRange(line_ids, base_id=cell_base_id)
elif (len(tab_ids) == 0) or (tab_ids[0] is None):
matrixbox_cell_range = [line_ids, column_ids]
if cell_range != matrixbox_cell_range:
matrix_context.setCellRange(line_ids, column_ids, base_id=cell_base_id)
matrixbox_cell_range = [line_ids, column_ids, tab_ids]
if extra_dimension_category_list_list:
matrixbox_cell_range = matrixbox_cell_range + extra_dimension_category_list_list
if cell_range != matrixbox_cell_range:
matrix_context.setCellRange(base_id=cell_base_id, *matrixbox_cell_range)
for k,v in matrixbox.items():
# Only update cells which still exist
if matrix_context.hasInRange(*k, **kd):
c = matrix_context.newCell(*k, **kd)
if c is not None:
c.edit(edit_order=edit_order, **gv) # First update globals which include the def. of property_list
if v.has_key('variated_property'):
# For Variated Properties
value = v['variated_property']
del v['variated_property']
if gv.has_key('mapped_value_property_list'):
# Change the property which is defined by the
# first element of mapped_value_property_list
# XXX May require some changes with Sets
key = gv['mapped_value_property_list'][0]
v[key] = value
# Form: '' -> ERP5: None
cleaned_v = v.copy()
for key, value in cleaned_v.items():
if value == '':
cleaned_v[key] = None
c.edit(edit_order=edit_order, **cleaned_v) # and update the cell specific values
return "Could not create cell %s" % str(k)
return "Cell %s does not exist" % str(k)
field_prefix_len = len(field_prefix)
def parseField(f):
Parse given form field, to put them in
kw or in encapsulated_editor_list
k =
if f.has_value('alternate_name'):
k = f.get_value('alternate_name') or
v = getattr(request, k, MARKER)
if hasattr(v, 'edit'):
# This is an encapsulated editor
# call it
elif v is not MARKER:
if k.startswith(field_prefix):
# We only take into account
# the object attributes
k = k[field_prefix_len:]
# Form: '' -> ERP5: None
if v == '':
v = None
kw[k] = v
# Some initilizations
kw = {}
encapsulated_editor_list = []
lines = matrixbox_field.get_value('lines')
columns = matrixbox_field.get_value('columns')
tabs = matrixbox_field.get_value('tabs')
column_ids = map(lambda x: x[0], columns)
line_ids = map(lambda x: x[0], lines)
tab_ids = map(lambda x: x[0], tabs)
extra_dimension_category_list_list = [[category for category, label in dimension_list] for dimension_list in extra_dimension_list_list]
# There are 3 cases
# Case 1: we do 1 dimensional matrix
# Case 2: we do 2 dimensional matrix
# Case 3: we do 2 dimensional matrix + tabs
# Case 4: we do 2 dimensional matrix + tabs + extra
cell_range = matrix_context.getCellRange(base_id = cell_base_id)
if (len(column_ids) == 0) or (column_ids[0] is None):
matrixbox_cell_range = [line_ids]
if cell_range != matrixbox_cell_range:
matrix_context.setCellRange(line_ids, base_id=cell_base_id)
elif (len(tab_ids) == 0) or (tab_ids[0] is None):
matrixbox_cell_range = [line_ids, column_ids]
if cell_range != matrixbox_cell_range:
matrix_context.setCellRange(line_ids, column_ids, base_id=cell_base_id)
matrixbox_cell_range = [line_ids, column_ids, tab_ids]
if extra_dimension_category_list_list:
matrixbox_cell_range = matrixbox_cell_range + extra_dimension_category_list_list
if cell_range != matrixbox_cell_range:
matrix_context.setCellRange(base_id=cell_base_id, *matrixbox_cell_range)
for cell_index_tuple, cell_value_dict in matrixbox.items():
# after constructing the cell-range we can edit all existing cells
if not matrix_context.hasInRange(*cell_index_tuple, **kd):
return "Cell %s does not exist" % str(cell_index_tuple)
cell = matrix_context.newCell(*cell_index_tuple, **kd)
if cell is None:
return "Could not create cell %s" % str(cell_index_tuple)
cell.edit(edit_order=edit_order, **gv) # First update globals which include the def. of property_list
if cell_value_dict.has_key('variated_property'):
# For Variated Properties
value = cell_value_dict['variated_property']
del cell_value_dict['variated_property']
if gv.has_key('mapped_value_property_list'):
# Change the property which is defined by the
# first element of mapped_value_property_list
# XXX Kato: What? Why?
# XXX May require some changes with Sets
key = gv['mapped_value_property_list'][0]
cell_value_dict[key] = value
# Form: '' -> ERP5: None
cleaned_v = cell_value_dict.copy()
for key, value in cleaned_v.items():
if value == '':
cleaned_v[key] = None
cell.edit(edit_order=edit_order, **cleaned_v) # and update the cell specific values
edit_kwargs = {} # keyword arguments for `edit` function on context
encapsulated_editor_list = [] # editors placed inside REQUEST object
MARKER = [] # placeholder for an empty value
message = Base_translateString("Data updated.")
# We process all the field in form and
# we check if they are in the request,
# then we edit them
# Extract all form fields from the request and call `edit` on them
for field in form.get_fields():
# Dispatch field either to `edit_kwargs` (in case of simple fields) or to `encapsulated_editor_list` in case of editors
field_name = if not field.has_value('alternate_name') else (field.get_value('alternate_name') or
field_value = getattr(request, field_name, MARKER)
if hasattr(field_value, 'edit'):
# field is an encapsulated editor; call it later
elif field_value is not MARKER and field_name.startswith(field_prefix):
# object own attribute (fix value Form: '' -> ERP5: None)
edit_kwargs[field_name[len(field_prefix):]] = field_value if field_value != '' else None
## XXX We need to find a way not to use meta_type.
field_meta_type = field.meta_type
if field_meta_type == 'ProxyField':
field_meta_type = field.getRecursiveTemplateField().meta_type
# Kato: following fields should implement 'Editors' so we can delete those lines
if(field_meta_type == 'ListBox'):
editListBox(field, request.get(
elif(field_meta_type == 'MatrixBox'):
if(field_meta_type == 'MatrixBox'):
editMatrixBox(field, request.get(
# Return parsed values
if silent_mode: return (kw, encapsulated_editor_list), 'edit'
if silent_mode:
return (edit_kwargs, encapsulated_editor_list), 'edit'
# Maybe we should build a list of objects we need
# Update basic attributes
context.edit(REQUEST=request, edit_order=edit_order, **kw)
context.edit(REQUEST=request, edit_order=edit_order, **edit_kwargs)
for encapsulated_editor in encapsulated_editor_list:
except ActivityPendingError,e:
message = Base_translateString("%s" % e)
except ActivityPendingError as e:
message = Base_translateString(str(e))
if message_only:
return message
......@@ -283,5 +281,6 @@ else:
result = request['RESPONSE'].redirect(redirect_url)
if silent_mode: return result, 'redirect'
if silent_mode:
return result, 'redirect'
return result
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