Pin new version of eggs.

parent b7f79b54
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ async = 0.6.1
buildout-versions = 1.7
cns.recipe.symlink = 0.2.3
gitdb = 0.5.4
hexagonit.recipe.cmmi = 1.6
slapos.recipe.cmmi = 0.1.1
inotifyx = 0.2.0
lxml = 3.0.1
meld3 = 0.6.10
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ atomize = 0.1.1
feedparser = 5.1.3
# Required by:
# hexagonit.recipe.cmmi==1.6
# slapos.recipe.cmmi==0.1.1 = 1.6nxd002
# Required by:
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