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# GitLab Markdown

This document is intended to be a comprehensive example of custom GitLab
Markdown usage. It will be parsed and then tested for accuracy. Let's get

## Markdown

GitLab uses [Redcarpet]( to parse all Markdown into

It has some special features. Let's try 'em out!

### No Intra Emphasis

This string should have no emphasis: foo_bar_baz

### Tables

| Header   | Row  | Example |
| :------: | ---: | :------ |
| Foo      | Bar  | **Baz** |

### Fenced Code Blocks


    printf("Hello World");


print "Hello, World!"

### Strikethrough

This text says this, ~~and this text doesn't~~.

### Superscript

This is my 1^(st) time using superscript in Markdown. Now this is my

### Next step

After the Markdown has been turned into HTML, it gets passed through...

## HTML::Pipeline

### SanitizationFilter

GitLab uses <a href="">HTML::Pipeline::SanitizationFilter</a>
58 59 60 61
to sanitize the generated HTML, stripping dangerous or unwanted tags.

Its default whitelist is pretty permissive. Check it:

<b>b tag</b> and <em>em tag</em>.

<code>code tag</code>
65 66 67

Press <kbd>s</kbd> to search.

<strike>Emoji</strike> Plain old images! <img src="" width="20" height="20" />
69 70 71

Here comes a line break:

<br />
73 74 75

And a horizontal rule:

<hr />
77 78 79

As permissive as it is, we've allowed even more stuff:

<span>span tag</span>

<a href="#" rel="bookmark">This is a link with a defined rel attribute, which should be removed</a>

<a href="javascript:alert('Hi')">This is a link trying to be sneaky. It gets its link removed entirely.</a>
85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94

### Escaping

The problem with SanitizationFilter is that it can be too aggressive.

| Input       | Expected         | Actual    |
| ----------- | ---------------- | --------- |
| `1 < 3 & 5` | 1 &lt; 3 &amp; 5 | 1 < 3 & 5 |
| `<foo>`     | &lt;foo&gt;      | <foo>     |

95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102
### Edge Cases

Markdown should be usable inside a link. Let's try!

- [_text_](#link-emphasis)
- [**text**](#link-strong)
- [`text`](#link-code)

103 104 105 106 107 108 109
### RelativeLinkFilter

Linking to a file relative to this project's repository should work.

[Relative Link](doc/
![Relative Image](app/assets/images/touch-icon-ipad.png)

110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132
### EmojiFilter

Because life would be :zzz: without Emoji, right? :rocket:

Get ready for the Emoji :bomb:: :+1::-1::ok_hand::wave::v::raised_hand::muscle:

### TableOfContentsFilter

All headers in this document should be linkable. Try it.

### AutolinkFilter

These are all plain text that should get turned into links:

- smb://foo/bar/baz
- irc://
- http://localhost:3000

But it shouldn't autolink text inside certain tags:

133 134 135
- <code></code>
- <a></a>
- <kbd></kbd>

137 138 139 140 141 142 143
### ExternalLinkFilter

External links get a `rel="nofollow"` attribute:

- [Google](
- [GitLab Root](<%= Gitlab.config.gitlab.url %>)

### Reference Filters (e.g., <%= issue.to_reference %>)

References should be parseable even inside _<%= merge_request.to_reference %>_ emphasis.
147 148 149 150

#### UserReferenceFilter

- All: @all
151 152 153 154 155
- User: <%= user.to_reference %>
- Group: <%= group.to_reference %>
- Ignores invalid: <%= User.reference_prefix %>fake_user
- Ignored in code: `<%= user.to_reference %>`
- Ignored in links: [Link to <%= user.to_reference %>](#user-link)
- Link to user by reference: [User](<%= user.to_reference %>)
157 158 159

#### IssueReferenceFilter

160 161 162 163
- Issue: <%= issue.to_reference %>
- Issue in another project: <%= xissue.to_reference(project) %>
- Ignored in code: `<%= issue.to_reference %>`
- Ignored in links: [Link to <%= issue.to_reference %>](#issue-link)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
- Issue by URL: <%= urls.namespace_project_issue_url(issue.project.namespace, issue.project, issue) %>
- Link to issue by reference: [Issue](<%= issue.to_reference %>)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
- Link to issue by URL: [Issue](<%= urls.namespace_project_issue_url(issue.project.namespace, issue.project, issue) %>)
167 168 169

#### MergeRequestReferenceFilter

170 171 172 173
- Merge request: <%= merge_request.to_reference %>
- Merge request in another project: <%= xmerge_request.to_reference(project) %>
- Ignored in code: `<%= merge_request.to_reference %>`
- Ignored in links: [Link to <%= merge_request.to_reference %>](#merge-request-link)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
- Merge request by URL: <%= urls.namespace_project_merge_request_url(merge_request.project.namespace, merge_request.project, merge_request) %>
- Link to merge request by reference: [Merge request](<%= merge_request.to_reference %>)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
- Link to merge request by URL: [Merge request](<%= urls.namespace_project_merge_request_url(merge_request.project.namespace, merge_request.project, merge_request) %>)
177 178 179

#### SnippetReferenceFilter

180 181 182 183
- Snippet: <%= snippet.to_reference %>
- Snippet in another project: <%= xsnippet.to_reference(project) %>
- Ignored in code: `<%= snippet.to_reference %>`
- Ignored in links: [Link to <%= snippet.to_reference %>](#snippet-link)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
- Snippet by URL: <%= urls.namespace_project_snippet_url(snippet.project.namespace, snippet.project, snippet) %>
- Link to snippet by reference: [Snippet](<%= snippet.to_reference %>)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
- Link to snippet by URL: [Snippet](<%= urls.namespace_project_snippet_url(snippet.project.namespace, snippet.project, snippet) %>)
187 188 189

#### CommitRangeReferenceFilter

190 191 192 193
- Range: <%= commit_range.to_reference %>
- Range in another project: <%= xcommit_range.to_reference(project) %>
- Ignored in code: `<%= commit_range.to_reference %>`
- Ignored in links: [Link to <%= commit_range.to_reference %>](#commit-range-link)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
- Range by URL: <%= urls.namespace_project_compare_url(commit_range.project.namespace, commit_range.project, commit_range.to_param) %>
- Link to range by reference: [Range](<%= commit_range.to_reference %>)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
- Link to range by URL: [Range](<%= urls.namespace_project_compare_url(commit_range.project.namespace, commit_range.project, commit_range.to_param) %>)
197 198 199

#### CommitReferenceFilter

200 201 202 203
- Commit: <%= commit.to_reference %>
- Commit in another project: <%= xcommit.to_reference(project) %>
- Ignored in code: `<%= commit.to_reference %>`
- Ignored in links: [Link to <%= commit.to_reference %>](#commit-link)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
- Commit by URL: <%= urls.namespace_project_commit_url(commit.project.namespace, commit.project, commit) %>
- Link to commit by reference: [Commit](<%= commit.to_reference %>)
Douwe Maan's avatar
Douwe Maan committed
- Link to commit by URL: [Commit](<%= urls.namespace_project_commit_url(commit.project.namespace, commit.project, commit) %>)
207 208 209

#### LabelReferenceFilter

210 211 212 213 214
- Label by ID: <%= simple_label.to_reference %>
- Label by name: <%= Label.reference_prefix %><%= %>
- Label by name in quotes: <%= label.to_reference(:name) %>
- Ignored in code: `<%= simple_label.to_reference %>`
- Ignored in links: [Link to <%= simple_label.to_reference %>](#label-link)
- Link to label by reference: [Label](<%= label.to_reference %>)

217 218 219 220 221 222 223
#### MilestoneReferenceFilter

- Milestone: <%= milestone.to_reference %>
- Milestone in another project: <%= xmilestone.to_reference(project) %>
- Ignored in code: `<%= milestone.to_reference %>`
- Link to milestone by URL: [Milestone](<%= urls.namespace_project_milestone_url(milestone.project.namespace, milestone.project, milestone) %>)

224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232
### Task Lists

- [ ] Incomplete task 1
- [x] Complete task 1
- [ ] Incomplete task 2
  - [ ] Incomplete sub-task 1
  - [ ] Incomplete sub-task 2
  - [x] Complete sub-task 1
- [X] Complete task 2
233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241

#### Gollum Tags

- [[linked-resource]]
- [[link-text|linked-resource]]
- [[]]
- [[link-text|]]
- [[images/example.jpg]]
- [[]]