Commit 10572511 authored by Takashi AOKI's avatar Takashi AOKI

fix high cpu usage issue that occured in Firefox

fixes issue related with #342 (Merge Request view causes 100% CPU in firefox)
parent 4e1f9e2b
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ v 7.1.0
- Add @all mention for comments
- Dont show reply button if user is not signed in
- Expose more information for issues with webhook
- Fix cpu usage issue in Firefox
v 7.0.0
- The CPU no longer overheats when you hold down the spacebar
......@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ $(document).ready ->
$(".div-dropzone-hover").append iconPicture
$(".div-dropzone").append divSpinner
$(".div-dropzone-spinner").append iconSpinner
"opacity": 0
"display": "none"
dropzone = $(".div-dropzone").dropzone(
url: project_image_path_upload
......@@ -66,13 +69,17 @@ $(document).ready ->
sending: ->
$(".div-dropzone-spinner").css "opacity", 0.7
"opacity": 0.7
"display": "inherit"
complete: ->
$(".markdown-area").trigger "input"
$(".div-dropzone-spinner").css "opacity", 0
"opacity": 0
"display": "none"
......@@ -163,10 +170,14 @@ $(document).ready ->
val + url + "\n"
showSpinner = (e) ->
$(".div-dropzone-spinner").css "opacity", 0.7
"opacity": 0.7
"display": "inherit"
closeSpinner = ->
$(".div-dropzone-spinner").css "opacity", 0
"opacity": 0
"display": "none"
showError = (message) ->
checkIfMsgExists = $(".error-alert").children().length
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