Commit ae9689f8 authored by Nihad Abbasov's avatar Nihad Abbasov

remove cucumber completely

parent b5815511
...@@ -119,7 +119,6 @@ group :development, :test do ...@@ -119,7 +119,6 @@ group :development, :test do
# Guard # Guard
gem 'guard-rspec' gem 'guard-rspec'
gem 'guard-cucumber'
# Notification # Notification
gem 'rb-fsevent', :require => darwin_only('rb-fsevent') gem 'rb-fsevent', :require => darwin_only('rb-fsevent')
...@@ -128,7 +127,6 @@ group :development, :test do ...@@ -128,7 +127,6 @@ group :development, :test do
end end
group :test do group :test do
gem 'cucumber-rails', :require => false
gem "simplecov", :require => false gem "simplecov", :require => false
gem "shoulda-matchers" gem "shoulda-matchers"
gem 'email_spec' gem 'email_spec'
...@@ -134,15 +134,6 @@ GEM ...@@ -134,15 +134,6 @@ GEM
colored (1.2) colored (1.2)
colorize (0.5.8) colorize (0.5.8)
crack (0.3.1) crack (0.3.1)
cucumber (1.2.1)
builder (>= 2.1.2)
diff-lcs (>= 1.1.3)
gherkin (~> 2.11.0)
json (>= 1.4.6)
cucumber-rails (1.3.0)
capybara (>= 1.1.2)
cucumber (>= 1.1.8)
nokogiri (>= 1.5.0)
daemons (1.1.8) daemons (1.1.8)
database_cleaner (0.8.0) database_cleaner (0.8.0)
devise (2.1.2) devise (2.1.2)
...@@ -171,8 +162,6 @@ GEM ...@@ -171,8 +162,6 @@ GEM
ffi (1.0.11) ffi (1.0.11)
foreman (0.47.0) foreman (0.47.0)
thor (>= 0.13.6) thor (>= 0.13.6)
gherkin (2.11.0)
json (>= 1.4.6)
gherkin-ruby (0.2.1) gherkin-ruby (0.2.1)
git (1.2.5) git (1.2.5)
github-markup (0.7.4) github-markup (0.7.4)
...@@ -187,9 +176,6 @@ GEM ...@@ -187,9 +176,6 @@ GEM
guard (1.3.2) guard (1.3.2)
listen (>= 0.4.2) listen (>= 0.4.2)
thor (>= 0.14.6) thor (>= 0.14.6)
guard-cucumber (1.2.0)
cucumber (>= 1.2.0)
guard (>= 1.1.0)
guard-rspec (1.2.1) guard-rspec (1.2.1)
guard (>= 1.1) guard (>= 1.1)
haml (3.1.6) haml (3.1.6)
...@@ -403,7 +389,6 @@ DEPENDENCIES ...@@ -403,7 +389,6 @@ DEPENDENCIES
chosen-rails chosen-rails
coffee-rails (= 3.2.2) coffee-rails (= 3.2.2)
colored colored
database_cleaner database_cleaner
devise (~> 2.1.0) devise (~> 2.1.0)
draper draper
...@@ -419,7 +404,6 @@ DEPENDENCIES ...@@ -419,7 +404,6 @@ DEPENDENCIES
grape (~> 0.2.1) grape (~> 0.2.1)
grit! grit!
growl growl
guard-rspec guard-rspec
haml-rails haml-rails
headless headless
rerun = File.file?('rerun.txt') ?'rerun.txt') : ""
rerun_opts = rerun.to_s.strip.empty? ? "--format #{ENV['CUCUMBER_FORMAT'] || 'progress'} features" : "--format #{ENV['CUCUMBER_FORMAT'] || 'pretty'} #{rerun}"
std_opts = "--format #{ENV['CUCUMBER_FORMAT'] || 'pretty'} --strict --tags ~@wip"
default: <%= std_opts %> features
wip: --tags @wip:3 --wip features
rerun: <%= rerun_opts %> --format rerun --out rerun.txt --strict --tags ~@wip
# IMPORTANT: This file is generated by cucumber-rails - edit at your own peril.
# It is recommended to regenerate this file in the future when you upgrade to a
# newer version of cucumber-rails. Consider adding your own code to a new file
# instead of editing this one. Cucumber will automatically load all features/**/*.rb
# files.
unless ARGV.any? {|a| a =~ /^gems/} # Don't load anything when running the gems:* tasks
vendored_cucumber_bin = Dir["#{Rails.root}/vendor/{gems,plugins}/cucumber*/bin/cucumber"].first
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(vendored_cucumber_bin) + '/../lib') unless vendored_cucumber_bin.nil?
require 'cucumber/rake/task'
namespace :cucumber do{:ok => 'db:test:prepare'}, 'Run features that should pass') do |t|
t.binary = vendored_cucumber_bin # If nil, the gem's binary is used.
t.fork = true # You may get faster startup if you set this to false
t.profile = 'default'
end{:wip => 'db:test:prepare'}, 'Run features that are being worked on') do |t|
t.binary = vendored_cucumber_bin
t.fork = true # You may get faster startup if you set this to false
t.profile = 'wip'
end{:rerun => 'db:test:prepare'}, 'Record failing features and run only them if any exist') do |t|
t.binary = vendored_cucumber_bin
t.fork = true # You may get faster startup if you set this to false
t.profile = 'rerun'
desc 'Run all features'
task :all => [:ok, :wip]
task :statsetup do
require 'rails/code_statistics'
::STATS_DIRECTORIES << %w(Cucumber\ features features) if File.exist?('features')
::CodeStatistics::TEST_TYPES << "Cucumber features" if File.exist?('features')
desc 'Alias for cucumber:ok'
task :cucumber => 'cucumber:ok'
task :default => :cucumber
task :features => :cucumber do
STDERR.puts "*** The 'features' task is deprecated. See rake -T cucumber ***"
# In case we don't have ActiveRecord, append a no-op task that we can depend upon.
task 'db:test:prepare' do
task :stats => 'cucumber:statsetup'
rescue LoadError
desc 'cucumber rake task not available (cucumber not installed)'
task :cucumber do
abort 'Cucumber rake task is not available. Be sure to install cucumber as a gem or plugin'
namespace :gitlab do namespace :gitlab do
desc "GITLAB | Run both cucumber & rspec" desc "GITLAB | Run both spinach and rspec"
task :test => ['cucumber', 'spec'] task :test => ['spinach', 'spec']
end end
task :travis do task :travis do
["cucumber", "rspec spec"].each do |cmd| ["spinach", "rspec spec"].each do |cmd|
puts "Starting to run #{cmd}..." puts "Starting to run #{cmd}..."
system("export DISPLAY=:99.0 && bundle exec #{cmd}") system("export DISPLAY=:99.0 && bundle exec #{cmd}")
raise "#{cmd} failed!" unless $?.exitstatus == 0 raise "#{cmd} failed!" unless $?.exitstatus == 0
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
vendored_cucumber_bin = Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../vendor/{gems,plugins}/cucumber*/bin/cucumber"].first
if vendored_cucumber_bin
load File.expand_path(vendored_cucumber_bin)
require 'rubygems' unless ENV['NO_RUBYGEMS']
require 'cucumber'
load Cucumber::BINARY
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