Commit da5b0c91 authored by Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Move some decorator logic to helpers

parent 685681e2
module CommitsHelper module CommitsHelper
# Returns a link to the commit author. If the author has a matching user and
# is a member of the current @project it will link to the team member page.
# Otherwise it will link to the author email as specified in the commit.
# options:
# avatar: true will prepend the avatar image
# size: size of the avatar image in px
def commit_author_link(commit, options = {})
commit_person_link(commit, options.merge(source: :author))
# Just like #author_link but for the committer.
def commit_committer_link(commit, options = {})
commit_person_link(commit, options.merge(source: :committer))
def identification_type(line) def identification_type(line)
if line[0] == "+" if line[0] == "+"
"new" "new"
...@@ -105,4 +121,62 @@ module CommitsHelper ...@@ -105,4 +121,62 @@ module CommitsHelper
line line
end end
end end
# Breadcrumb links for a Project and, if applicable, a tree path
def commits_breadcrumbs
return unless @project && @ref
# Add the root project link and the arrow icon
crumbs = content_tag(:li) do
content_tag(:span, nil, class: 'arrow') +
link_to(, project_commits_path(@project, @ref))
if @path
parts = @path.split('/')
parts.each_with_index do |part, i|
crumbs += content_tag(:span, '/', class: 'divider')
crumbs += content_tag(:li) do
# The text is just the individual part, but the link needs all the parts before it
link_to part, project_commits_path(@project, tree_join(@ref, parts[0..i].join('/')))
def no_commit_message
"--no commit message"
# Private: Returns a link to a person. If the person has a matching user and
# is a member of the current @project it will link to the team member page.
# Otherwise it will link to the person email as specified in the commit.
# options:
# source: one of :author or :committer
# avatar: true will prepend the avatar image
# size: size of the avatar image in px
def commit_person_link(commit, options = {})
source_name = commit.send "#{options[:source]}_name".to_sym
source_email = commit.send "#{options[:source]}_email".to_sym
text = if options[:avatar]
avatar = image_tag(gravatar_icon(source_email, options[:size]), class: "avatar #{"s#{options[:size]}" if options[:size]}", width: options[:size], alt: "")
%Q{#{avatar} <span class="commit-#{options[:source]}-name">#{source_name}</span>}
user = User.where('name like ? or email like ?', source_name, source_email).first
if user.nil?
mail_to(source_email, text.html_safe, class: "commit-#{options[:source]}-link")
link_to(text.html_safe, user_path(user), class: "commit-#{options[:source]}-link")
end end
...@@ -70,28 +70,26 @@ module TreeHelper ...@@ -70,28 +70,26 @@ module TreeHelper
end end
end end
# Breadcrumb links for a Project and, if applicable, a tree path def tree_breadcrumbs(tree, max_links = 2)
def breadcrumbs if tree.path
return unless @project && @ref part_path = ""
parts = tree.path.split("\/")
# Add the root project link and the arrow icon
crumbs = content_tag(:li) do yield('..', nil) if parts.count > max_links
content_tag(:span, nil, class: 'arrow') +
link_to(, project_commits_path(@project, @ref))
if @path parts.each do |part|
parts = @path.split('/') part_path = File.join(part_path, part) unless part_path.empty?
part_path = part if part_path.empty?
parts.each_with_index do |part, i| next unless parts.last(2).include?(part) if parts.count > max_links
crumbs += content_tag(:span, '/', class: 'divider') yield(part, tree_join(tree.ref, part_path))
crumbs += content_tag(:li) do
# The text is just the individual part, but the link needs all the parts before it
link_to part, project_commits_path(@project, tree_join(@ref, parts[0..i].join('/')))
end end
end end
crumbs.html_safe def up_dir_path tree
file = File.join(tree.path, "..")
tree_join(tree.ref, file)
end end
end end
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