Commit f255313e authored by Josh Frye's avatar Josh Frye


parent 91b9cbff
Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date.
v 8.6.0 (unreleased)
- Delete project and associations in a background worker
v 8.5.0 (unreleased)
- Ensure rake tasks that don't need a DB connection can be run without one
- Add "visibility" flag to GET /projects api endpoint
......@@ -41,6 +38,7 @@ v 8.4.1
and Nokogiri (
- Fix redirect loop during import
- Fix diff highlighting for all syntax themes
- Delete project and associations in a background worker
v 8.4.0
- Allow LDAP users to change their email if it was not set by the LDAP server
class AddPendingDeleteToProject < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :projects, :pending_delete, :boolean
add_column :projects, :pending_delete, :boolean, default: false
......@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20160128212447) do
t.string "build_coverage_regex"
t.boolean "build_allow_git_fetch", default: true, null: false
t.integer "build_timeout", default: 3600, null: false
t.boolean "pending_delete"
t.boolean "pending_delete", default: false
add_index "projects", ["builds_enabled", "shared_runners_enabled"], name: "index_projects_on_builds_enabled_and_shared_runners_enabled", using: :btree
......@@ -729,9 +729,9 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20160128212447) do
t.string "type"
t.string "title"
t.integer "project_id"
t.datetime "created_at"
t.datetime "updated_at"
t.boolean "active", default: false, null: false
t.datetime "created_at", null: false
t.datetime "updated_at", null: false
t.boolean "active", null: false
t.text "properties"
t.boolean "template", default: false
t.boolean "push_events", default: true
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