Commit ab9ca2df authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

bigarray: Add support for FORTRAN ordering

Until now BigArrays could use only C-style ordering - where major index
is the first one.

Fortran ordering is the opposite - where major index is the last one -
and is used in Fortran world and sometimes by scientists in other areas.

As people keep on asking for Fortran-ordered BigArrays, let's add
support for it. The essential code change is to change 0'th index to
major index in __getitem__ and rest of the code.

For the reference: ndarray memory layout for different orders is
described here:
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......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ of physical RAM.
from __future__ import print_function
from wendelin.lib.calc import mul
from numpy import ndarray, dtype, sign, newaxis, asarray
from numpy import ndarray, dtype, sign, newaxis, asarray, argmax
import logging
......@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ class BigArray(object):
# ._stridev []int
# j-1
# strj = prod shapej # XXX *dtype.itemsize
# XXX on start translates to strides
# .order 'C' or 'F' XXX other orders?
# strj = prod shapej # XXX *dtype.itemsize (for C order)
# ._order 'C' or 'F'
'_v_fileh', # bigfile memory mapping for this array
......@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ class BigArray(object):
# TODO doc -> see ndarray
# NOTE does not accept strides
# TODO handle order
# NOTE please be cooperative to ZBigArray and name helper data members starting with _v_
def __init__(self, shape, dtype_, bigfileh, order='C'):
self._init0(shape, dtype_, order)
......@@ -75,18 +74,29 @@ class BigArray(object):
def _init0(self, shape, dtype_, order):
self._dtype = dtype(dtype_)
self._shape = shape
self._order = order
# TODO +offset ?
# TODO +strides ?
if order != 'C':
# order -> stride_in_items(i)
ordering = {
'C': lambda i: mul(shape[i+1:]),
'F': lambda i: mul(shape[:i]),
Si = ordering.get(order)
if Si is None:
raise NotImplementedError('Order %s not supported' % order)
# shape, dtype -> ._stridev
# TODO take dtype.alignment into account ?
self._stridev = tuple( mul(shape[i+1:]) * self._dtype.itemsize \
self._stridev = tuple( Si(i) * self._dtype.itemsize \
for i in range(len(shape)) )
# major axis for this array
def _major_axis(self):
return argmax(self._stridev) # NOTE assumes _stridev >= 0
# ~~~ ndarray-like attributes
......@@ -114,8 +124,8 @@ class BigArray(object):
return mul(self._shape)
def __len__(self):
# lengths of the first axis
return self._shape[0] # FIXME valid only for C-order
# lengths of the major axis
return self._shape[self._major_axis]
def itemsize(self):
......@@ -177,7 +187,7 @@ class BigArray(object):
# end.
# TODO discard data from backing file on shrinks.
self._init0(new_shape, self.dtype, order='C') # FIXME order hardcoded
self._init0(new_shape, self.dtype, order=self._order)
# append BigArray in-place
......@@ -195,28 +205,30 @@ class BigArray(object):
# BigArray (N,10,5)
# values (3,10,5)
# XXX we assume major axis is 0 (C ordering)
def append(self, values):
values = asarray(values)
# make sure appended values, after major axis, are of the same shape
if self.shape[1:] != values.shape[1:]:
M = self._major_axis
if self.shape[:M] != values.shape[:M] or self.shape[M+1:] != values.shape[M+1:]:
# NOTE the same exception as in numpy.append()
raise ValueError('all the input array dimensions except for the'
'concatenation axis must match exactly')
# resize us, and prepare to rollback, in case of e.g. dtype
# incompatibility catched on follow-up assignment
n, delta = self.shape[0], values.shape[0]
self.resize( (n+delta,) + self.shape[1:] )
n, delta = self.shape[M], values.shape[M]
self.resize( self.shape[:M] + (n+delta,) + self.shape[M+1:] )
# copy values to prepared tail place, and we are done
self[-delta:] = values
# delta_idx = [-delta:] in M, : in all other axis
delta_idx = [slice(None)] * len(self.shape)
delta_idx[M] = slice(-delta, None)
self[tuple(delta_idx)] = values
# in case of error - rollback the resize and re-raise
self.resize( (n,) + self.shape[1:] )
self.resize( self.shape[:M] + (n,) + self.shape[M+1:] )
......@@ -326,71 +338,74 @@ class BigArray(object):
# account after we take ndarray view
# major index / stride
# FIXME assumes C ordering
idx0 = idx[0]
stride0 = self._stridev[0]
shape0 = self._shape[0]
M = self._major_axis
idxM = idx[M]
strideM = self._stridev[M]
shapeM = self._shape[M]
# utility: replace M'th element in a sequence tuple/list -> tuple
Mreplace = lambda t, value: tuple(t[:M]) + (value,) + tuple(t[M+1:])
# major idx start/stop/stride
idx0_start, idx0_stop, idx0_stride = idx0.indices(shape0)
idxM_start, idxM_stop, idxM_stride = idxM.indices(shapeM)
except OverflowError as e:
# overflow error here means slice indices do not fit into std long,
# which also practically means we cannot allocate such amount of
# address space.
raise MemoryError(e)
#print('idx0:\t', idx0, '-> [%s:%s:%s]' % (idx0_start, idx0_stop, idx0_stride))
#print('strid0:\t', stride0) #, self._stridev
#print('shape0:\t', shape0) #, self._shape
#print('idxM:\t', idxM, '-> [%s:%s:%s]' % (idxM_start, idxM_stop, idxM_stride))
#print('stridM:\t', strideM) #, self._stridev
#print('shapeM:\t', shapeM) #, self._shape
# nitems in major row
nitems0 = (idx0_stop - idx0_start - sign(idx0_stride)) // idx0_stride + 1
#print('nitem0:\t', nitems0)
nitemsM = (idxM_stop - idxM_start - sign(idxM_stride)) // idxM_stride + 1
#print('nitemM:\t', nitemsM)
# if major row is "empty" slice, we can build view right away without creating vma.
# e.g. 10:5:1, 5:10:-1, 5:5, size+100:size+200 -> []
if nitems0 <= 0:
view = ndarray((0,) + self._shape[1:], self._dtype)
if nitemsM <= 0:
view = ndarray(Mreplace(self._shape, 0), self._dtype)
# create appropriate vma and ndarray view to it
# major slice -> in bytes
byte0_start = idx0_start * stride0
byte0_stop = idx0_stop * stride0
byte0_stride = idx0_stride * stride0
#print('byte0:\t[%s:%s:%s]' % (byte0_start, byte0_stop, byte0_stride))
byteM_start = idxM_start * strideM
byteM_stop = idxM_stop * strideM
byteM_stride = idxM_stride * strideM
#print('byteM:\t[%s:%s:%s]' % (byteM_start, byteM_stop, byteM_stride))
# major slice -> in file pages, always increasing, inclusive
if byte0_stride >= 0:
page0_min = byte0_start // pagesize # TODO -> fileh.pagesize
page0_max = (byte0_stop-1) // pagesize # TODO -> fileh.pagesize
if byteM_stride >= 0:
pageM_min = byteM_start // pagesize # TODO -> fileh.pagesize
pageM_max = (byteM_stop-1) // pagesize # TODO -> fileh.pagesize
page0_min = (byte0_stop - byte0_stride) // pagesize# TODO -> fileh.pagesize
page0_max = (byte0_start - byte0_stride - 1) // pagesize# TODO -> fileh.pagesize
#print('page0:\t[%s, %s]' % (page0_min, page0_max))
pageM_min = (byteM_stop - byteM_stride) // pagesize# TODO -> fileh.pagesize
pageM_max = (byteM_start - byteM_stride - 1) // pagesize# TODO -> fileh.pagesize
#print('pageM:\t[%s, %s]' % (pageM_min, pageM_max))
# ~~~ mmap file part corresponding to full major slice into memory
vma0 = self._fileh.mmap(page0_min, page0_max-page0_min+1)
vmaM = self._fileh.mmap(pageM_min, pageM_max-pageM_min+1)
# first get ndarray view with only major slice specified and rest indices being ":"
view0_shape = (nitems0,) + self._shape[1:]
view0_offset = byte0_start - page0_min * pagesize # TODO -> fileh.pagesize
view0_stridev = (byte0_stride,) + self._stridev[1:]
#print('view0_shape:\t', view0_shape, self.shape)
#print('view0_stridv:\t', view0_stridev)
#print('view0_offset:\t', view0_offset)
#print('len(vma0):\t', len(vma0))
view0 = ndarray(view0_shape, self._dtype, vma0, view0_offset, view0_stridev)
viewM_shape = Mreplace(self._shape, nitemsM)
viewM_offset = byteM_start - pageM_min * pagesize # TODO -> fileh.pagesize
viewM_stridev = Mreplace(self._stridev, byteM_stride)
#print('viewM_shape:\t', viewM_shape, self.shape)
#print('viewM_stridv:\t', viewM_stridev)
#print('viewM_offset:\t', viewM_offset)
#print('len(vmaM):\t', len(vmaM))
viewM = ndarray(viewM_shape, self._dtype, vmaM, viewM_offset, viewM_stridev)
# now take into account indices after major one
view = view0[(slice(None),) + tuple(idx[1:])]
view = viewM[Mreplace(idx, slice(None))]
#print('view0:\t', view0.shape)
#print('viewM:\t', viewM.shape)
#print('view:\t', view.shape)
#print('View:\t', view)
......@@ -88,6 +88,25 @@ def test_bigarray_basic():
# TODO .base
B = BigArray((10,3), int32, Zh, order='F')
raises(TypeError, "")
assert B.strides == (4, 40)
assert B.dtype == dtype(int32)
# XXX .flags?
# XXX .flat? (non-basic)
# XXX .imag? (non-basic)
# XXX .real? (non-basic)
assert B.size == 10*3
assert len(B) == 3
assert B.itemsize == 4
assert B.nbytes == 4*10*3
assert B.ndim == 2
assert B.shape == (10,3)
# XXX .ctypes (non-basic)
# TODO .base
# DoubleGet(obj1, obj2)[key] -> obj1[key], obj2[key]
class DoubleGet:
......@@ -349,59 +368,60 @@ def test_bigarray_indexing_Nd():
f = BigFile_Data_RO(data, PS)
fh = f.fileh_open()
A = BigArray(shape, uint32, fh) # bigarray with test data and shape
A_ = data[:mul(shape)].reshape(shape) # ndarray ----//----
for order in ('C', 'F'):
A = BigArray(shape, uint32, fh, order=order) # bigarray with test data and shape
A_ = data[:mul(shape)].reshape(shape, order=order) # ndarray ----//----
# AA[key] -> A[key], A_[key]
AA = DoubleGet(A, A_)
# AA[key] -> A[key], A_[key]
AA = DoubleGet(A, A_)
# now just go over combinations of various slice at each dimension, and see
# whether slicing result is the same ndarray would do.
for idx in idx_to_test(shape):
a, a_ = AA[idx]
assert array_equal(a, a_)
# now just go over combinations of various slice at each dimension, and see
# whether slicing result is the same ndarray would do.
for idx in idx_to_test(shape):
a, a_ = AA[idx]
assert array_equal(a, a_)
# any part of index out of range
# - element access -> raises IndexError
# - slice access -> empty
for idxpos in range(len(shape)):
idx = [0]*len(shape)
# idx -> tuple(idx)
# ( list would mean advanced indexing - not what we want )
idxt = lambda : tuple(idx)
# valid access element access
idx[idxpos] = shape[idxpos] - 1 # 0, 0, 0, Ni-1, 0 ,0, 0
a, a_ = AA[idxt()]
assert array_equal(a, a_)
# out-of-range element access
idx[idxpos] = shape[idxpos] # 0, 0, 0, Ni , 0 ,0, 0
raises(IndexError, 'A [idxt()]')
raises(IndexError, 'A_[idxt()]')
# out-of-range slice access
idx[idxpos] = slice(shape[idxpos], # 0, 0, 0, Ni:Ni+1 , 0 ,0, 0
a, a_ = AA[idxt()]
assert array_equal(a, a_)
assert a .size == 0
assert a_.size == 0
# TODO ... -> expanded (0,1,2,negative), rejected if many
# TODO newaxis
# TODO nidx < len(shape)
# TODO empty slice in major row, empty slice in secondary row
# ellipsis - take some idx[a:b] and replace it by ...
for ellipsis in range(2): # 0 - no ellipsis
# newaxis - added after at some position(s)
for newaxis in range(3): # 0 - no newaxis
# any part of index out of range
# - element access -> raises IndexError
# - slice access -> empty
for idxpos in range(len(shape)):
idx = [0]*len(shape)
# idx -> tuple(idx)
# ( list would mean advanced indexing - not what we want )
idxt = lambda : tuple(idx)
# valid access element access
idx[idxpos] = shape[idxpos] - 1 # 0, 0, 0, Ni-1, 0 ,0, 0
a, a_ = AA[idxt()]
assert array_equal(a, a_)
# out-of-range element access
idx[idxpos] = shape[idxpos] # 0, 0, 0, Ni , 0 ,0, 0
raises(IndexError, 'A [idxt()]')
raises(IndexError, 'A_[idxt()]')
# out-of-range slice access
idx[idxpos] = slice(shape[idxpos], # 0, 0, 0, Ni:Ni+1 , 0 ,0, 0
a, a_ = AA[idxt()]
assert array_equal(a, a_)
assert a .size == 0
assert a_.size == 0
# TODO ... -> expanded (0,1,2,negative), rejected if many
# TODO newaxis
# TODO nidx < len(shape)
# TODO empty slice in major row, empty slice in secondary row
# ellipsis - take some idx[a:b] and replace it by ...
for ellipsis in range(2): # 0 - no ellipsis
# newaxis - added after at some position(s)
for newaxis in range(3): # 0 - no newaxis
def test_bigarray_resize():
......@@ -465,42 +485,53 @@ def test_bigarray_resize():
# ~ arange(n*3*2).reshape(n,3,2)
def arange32(start, stop, dtype=None):
def arange32_c(start, stop, dtype=None):
return arange(start*3*2, stop*3*2, dtype=dtype).reshape((stop-start),3,2)
def arange32_f(start, stop, dtype=None):
return arange(start*3*2, stop*3*2, dtype=dtype).reshape(2,3,(stop-start), order='F')
#return arange(start*3*2, stop*3*2, dtype=dtype).reshape(2,3,(stop-start))
def test_bigarray_append():
data = zeros(8*PS, dtype=uint32)
f = BigFile_Data(data, PS)
fh = f.fileh_open()
# first make sure arange32 works correctly
x = numpy.append( arange32(0,4), arange32(4,7), axis=0 )
assert array_equal(x, arange32(0,7))
assert array_equal(x.ravel(), arange(7*3*2))
# init empty BigArray of shape (x,3,2)
A = BigArray((0,3,2), int64, fh)
assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,0))
# append initial data
assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,2))
assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,3))
# append plain list (test for arg conversion)
A.append([[[18,19], [20,21], [22,23]]])
assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,4))
# append with incorrect shape - rejected, original stays the same
assert raises(ValueError, 'A.append(arange(3))')
assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,4))
assert raises(ValueError, 'A.append(arange(3*2).reshape(3,2))')
assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,4))
# append with correct shape, but incompatible dtype - rejected, original stays the same
assert raises(ValueError, 'A.append(asarray([[[0,1], [2,3], [4,"abc"]]], dtype=object))')
assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,4))
for order in ('C', 'F'):
data = zeros(8*PS, dtype=uint32)
f = BigFile_Data(data, PS)
fh = f.fileh_open()
arange32 = {'C': arange32_c, 'F': arange32_f} [order]
# first make sure arange32 works correctly
x = numpy.append( arange32(0,4), arange32(4,7), axis={'C': 0, 'F': 2} [order] )
#x = numpy.append( arange32(0,4), arange32(4,7), axis=0)
#x = numpy.append( arange32(0,4), arange32(4,7))
assert array_equal(x, arange32(0,7))
assert array_equal(x.ravel(order), arange(7*3*2))
# init empty BigArray of shape (x,3,2)
A = BigArray({'C': (0,3,2), 'F': (2,3,0)} [order], int64, fh, order=order)
assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,0))
# append initial data
assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,2))
assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,3))
# append plain list (test for arg conversion)
A.append({'C': [[[18,19], [20,21], [22,23]]], \
'F': [[[18],[20],[22]], [[19],[21],[23]]]} [order])
assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,4))
# append with incorrect shape - rejected, original stays the same
assert raises(ValueError, 'A.append(arange(3))')
assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,4))
assert raises(ValueError, 'A.append(arange(3*2).reshape(3,2))')
assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,4))
# append with correct shape, but incompatible dtype - rejected, original stays the same
assert raises(ValueError,
{'C': 'A.append(asarray([[[0,1], [2,3], [4,"abc"]]], dtype=object))',
'F': 'A.append(asarray([[[0],[1],[2]], [[3],[4],["abc"]]], dtype=object))'} [order] )
assert array_equal(A[:], arange32(0,4))
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