Commit c0c8f88b authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

Added documetation of node sizes and how to override them.

parent 50a6fa82
...@@ -375,6 +375,37 @@ of the keys. Example ...@@ -375,6 +375,37 @@ of the keys. Example
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BTree node sizes
BTrees (and TreeSets) are made up of a tree of Buckets (and Sets) and
internal nodes. There are maximum sizes of these notes configured for
the various key and value types:
======== ========== ========================== =============================
Key Type Value Type Maximum Bucket or Set Size Maximum BTree or TreeSet Size
======== ========== ========================== =============================
Integer Float 120 500
Integer Integer 120 500
Integer Object 60 500
Long Float 120 500
Long Long 120 500
Long Object 60 500
Object Integer 60 250
Object Long 60 250
Object Object 30 250
======== ========== ========================== =============================
For your application, especially when using object keys or values, you
may want to override the default sizes. You can do this by
subclassing any of the BTree (or TreeSet) classes and specifying new
values for ``max_bucket_size`` or ``max_btree_size`` in your subclass::
import BTrees.OOBTree
class MyBTree(BTrees.OOBTree.BTree):
max_bucket_size = 500
max_btree_size = 1000
BTree Diagnostic Tools BTree Diagnostic Tools
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