Commit 8e14214d authored by Charlie Clark's avatar Charlie Clark

Documentation reformatted as ReST and available at the top-level of the package.

parent 954ed05b
Names and URLs for the actions box can be formatted using standard Python
string formatting. An example::
The string '%(object_url)s' will be replaced by the value of object_url.
The following names are available:
- portal_url
- folder_url
- object_url
- user_id
- count (Available in work lists only. Represents the number of items in
the work list.)
The following names are also available, in case there is any use for them.
They are not strings.
- portal
- folder
- object
- isAnonymous
This product can be added to the portal_workflow tool of CMF site.
It provides fully customizable workflow.
To see an example, after installing DCWorkflow, using the "Contents"
tab of your portal_workflow instance add a "CMF default workflow (rev 2)"
instance. The other way to create it is to add a "Workflow" object,
selecting "dc_workflow" as the type. The second way will create a
blank workflow.
This tool is easiest to use if you draw a state diagram first. Your
diagram should have:
- States (bubbles)
- Transitions (arrows)
- Variables (both in states and transitions)
Remember to consider all the states your content can be in. Consider
the actions users will perform to make the transitions between states.
And consider not only who will be allowed to perform what functions,
but also who will be *required* to perform certain functions.
On the "States" tab, add a state with a simple ID for each state on
your diagram. On the "Transitions" tab, add a transition with a simple
ID for each group of arrows that point to the same state and have
similar characteristics. Then for each state choose which transitions
are allowed to leave that state.
Variables are useful for keeping track of things that aren't very well
represented as separate states, such as counters or information about
the action that was last performed. You can create variables that get
stored alongside the workflow state and you can make those variables
available in catalog searches. Some variables, such as the review
history, should not be stored at all. Those variables are accessible
through the getInfoFor() interface.
Worklists are a way to make people aware of tasks they are required
to perform. Worklists are implemented as a catalog query that puts
actions in the actions box when there is some task the user needs to
perform. Most of the time you just need to enter a state ID,
a role name, and the information to put in the actions box.
You can manage all of the actions a user can perform on an object by
setting up permissions to be managed by the workflow. Using the
"Permissions" tab, select which permissions should be state-dependent.
Then in each state, using the "permissions" tab, set up the
role to permission mappings appropriate for that state.
Finally, you can extend the workflow with scripts. Scripts can be
External Methods, Python Scripts, DTML methods, or any other callable
Zope object. They are accessible by name in expressions. Scripts
are invoked with a state_change object as the first argument; see
Once you've crafted your workflow, you hook it up with a content type
by using the portal_workflow top-level "Workflows" tab. Specify the
workflow name in the target content type's box.
DCWorkflow Expressions
Expressions in DCWorkflow are TALES expressions.
(See the <a href="">Zope Book</a>
for background on page templates and TALES.)
Some of the contexts have slightly different meanings from what is provided
for expressions in page templates.
- 'here' -- The content object
- 'container' -- The content object's container
Several other contexts are also provided.
- 'state_change' -- A special object containing info about the state change
- 'transition' -- The transition object being executed
- 'status' -- The former status
- 'workflow' -- The workflow definition object
- 'scripts' -- The scripts in the workflow definition object
'state_change' objects provide the following attributes:
- 'state_change.status' -- a mapping containing the workflow status.
- 'state_change.object' -- the object being modified by workflow.
- 'state_change.workflow' -- the workflow definition object.
- 'state_change.transition' -- the transition object being executed.
- 'state_change.old_state' -- the former state object.
- 'state_change.new_state' -- the destination state object.
- 'state_change.kwargs' -- the keyword arguments passed to the
doActionFor() method.
- 'state_change.getHistory()' -- returns a copy of the object's workflow
- 'state_change.getPortal()' -- returns the root of the portal.
- 'state_change.ObjectDeleted' and 'ObjectMoved' -- exceptions that
can be raised by scripts to indicate to the workflow that an object
has been moved or deleted.
- 'state_change.getDateTime()' -- returns the DateTime of the transition.
From: John Morton <>
Here's how I generally go about putting together a new workflow:
1. Draw up a state diagram with the nodes as states and the arcs as
transitions. I usually do this on paper, then do a good copy in dia
or some other diagram tool, so I have an image to go with the
documentation. I usually spot several corner cases in the process.
2. Start by creating an example DCworkflow, rather than a new one, as
it's faster to delete all the states and transitions than it is to
create all the standard review_state variables.
3. In the permissions tab, select all the permissions that you want the
workflow to govern.
4. Define any extra variables that you need.
5. Set up the states for your workflow, one for each node in your state
diagram. Try to stick to the standard names for a publication
workflow, as some badly behaved products have states like 'published'
hardcoded into their searches (ie CalendarTool, last I looked). Set
up the permissions on the states now, as well. I find that using
acquisition for the site visible states, and using explicit
permissions for the private and interim states works well. Reviewer
roles should either have view permissions on every state or you
should change the appropriate skins to take them somewhere sensible
after a transition or they'll end up with an ugly access denied page
after sending some content back to private state.
6. Set up any scripts that you'll need for transitions - pre and post
transition scripts and ones to handle complex guard conditions. Just
set up skeletons for now, if you haven't though through all the
7. Create your transitions from all the arcs on your state diagram. You
should be able to pick the right destination state as all your states
are already defined, and set up the right scripts to run, as you've
defined those as well. It's worth noting that the guards are or'ed -
if any guard matches, the transition can occur. You can specify more
than one permission, role or expression by separating them with a
That about covers it. By working in this order, you tend to step through
the creation process one tab at a time, rather than switching back and
forth. I find it tends to be faster and less confusing that way.
Worklists are predefined catalog queries.
When defining a variable match, you can enter a list of possible matches
separated by semicolons. In addition, the matches will be formatted
according to the rules described in "actbox.stx":actbox.stx.
This way you can enter "%(user_id)s" to match only the current user.
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