Commit 8f529749 authored by Tres Seaver's avatar Tres Seaver

Hide test base from nose.

parent 25ae10a3
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ from ZEO import zeopasswd
from ZEO.Exceptions import ClientDisconnected
from ZEO.tests.ConnectionTests import CommonSetupTearDown
class AuthTest(CommonSetupTearDown):
class _AuthTest(CommonSetupTearDown):
__super_getServerConfig = CommonSetupTearDown.getServerConfig
__super_setUp = CommonSetupTearDown.setUp
__super_tearDown = CommonSetupTearDown.tearDown
......@@ -111,14 +111,14 @@ class AuthTest(CommonSetupTearDown):
self.assertRaises(ClientDisconnected, self._storage.undoInfo)
class PlainTextAuth(AuthTest):
class PlainTextAuth(_AuthTest):
import ZEO.tests.auth_plaintext
protocol = "plaintext"
database = "authdb.sha"
dbclass = ZEO.tests.auth_plaintext.Database
realm = "Plaintext Realm"
class DigestAuth(AuthTest):
class DigestAuth(_AuthTest):
import ZEO.auth.auth_digest
protocol = "digest"
database = "authdb.digest"
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