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  1. 14 Jun, 2005 1 commit
  2. 10 Jun, 2005 2 commits
  3. 09 Jun, 2005 8 commits
  4. 06 Jun, 2005 4 commits
  5. 03 Jun, 2005 1 commit
  6. 02 Jun, 2005 4 commits
  7. 31 May, 2005 2 commits
  8. 27 May, 2005 3 commits
  9. 26 May, 2005 1 commit
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Merge rev 30518 from 3.4 branch. · 61f10100
      Tim Peters authored
      Change to use zope.testing.testrunner, and update the
      latter to Jim's development version.  Hardest part turned out
      to be teaching ZODB's how to "build" this version of
      zope.testing (it has a lot of packages in a test directory,
      where the latter is not itself a package).
      Incidentally repaired an oversight in building zope.interface
  10. 20 May, 2005 3 commits
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Merge 3.4b1 news. · 858c408a
      Tim Peters authored
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Merge rev 30439 from 3.4 branch. · 4cc10aed
      Tim Peters authored
      Missed a socket address change.
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Merge rev 30437 from 3.4 branch. · 453f2028
      Tim Peters authored
      Use ZConfig's new socket address types appropriately.
      These config file keys changed:
      section    key              was             is
      -------    ---------------  --------------  -------------------------
      zeo        address          socket-address  socket-binding-address
      zeo        monitor-address  socket-address  socket-binding-address
      zeoclient  server           socket-address  socket-connection-address
  11. 19 May, 2005 3 commits
  12. 18 May, 2005 1 commit
  13. 13 May, 2005 1 commit
  14. 12 May, 2005 3 commits
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Merge rev 30344 from 3.4 branch. · e5dd8a3a
      Tim Peters authored
      checkUndoInVersion():  Add an optional `hook` argument.
      This gets called "in the middle" of the test, if specified.
      ZRS 1.5 uses this to pass a callback that arranges to start a
      ZRS secondary then.  ZRS had its own copy of this test, but
      it's a miserable & messy test, and the copy it had failed in
      5 different places when using ZODB 3.4 (it had gotten way of
      synch with changes since ZODB 3.2).
      Also removed all traces of the bizarre _x_dostore() method.
      Not sure what that was about, but if the comments were right
      we don't care about ZEO 1.0 anymore.
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Merge rev 30339 from 3.4 branch. · 2bf2150c
      Tim Peters authored
      ZEO/tests/, log():  repair broken interface
      between old logging code and the use of Python's logging
      ZODB/tests/, _exercise_info_indices():
      Jeez Louise, the new tests I added for undoInfo+undoLog work fine
      in ZODB, but break the ZRS tests(!).  They close the DB "too soon",
      and in one of the ZRS scenarios that leaves a recovering secondary
      without a primary to recover from.
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Merge rev 30334 from 3.4 branch. · cc491b3e
      Tim Peters authored
      undoInfo() and undoLog() almost always returned wrong # of results.
      Repaired, + new tests.
  15. 11 May, 2005 3 commits