Commit d7db2e3f authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

Clarified (I hope <wink>) BTREE_SEARCH's correctness proof.

parent 1dc4d0ca
...@@ -192,48 +192,54 @@ BTree nodes.) ...@@ -192,48 +192,54 @@ BTree nodes.)
When searching for a key k, then, the child pointer we want to follow When searching for a key k, then, the child pointer we want to follow
is the one at index i such that K(i) <= k < K(i+1). There can be is the one at index i such that K(i) <= k < K(i+1). There can be
only one such i, since the keys are strictly increasing. And there is at most one such i, since the K(i) are strictly increasing. And there
at *least* one such i provided the tree isn't empty. For the moment, is at least one such i provided the tree isn't empty (so that 0 < len).
assume the tree isn't empty (we'll get back to that later). For the moment, assume the tree isn't empty (we'll get back to that
The macro's chief loop invariant is The macro's chief loop invariant is
K(lo) < k < K(hi) K(lo) < k < K(hi)
This holds trivially at the start, since lo is set to 0 ahd hi to This holds trivially at the start, since lo is set to 0, and hi to
x->len, and we pretend K(0) is minus infinity and K(len) is plus x->len, and we pretend K(0) is minus infinity and K(len) is plus
infinity. Inside the loop, if K(i) < k we set lo to i, and if infinity. Inside the loop, if K(i) < k we set lo to i, and if
K(i) > k we set hi to i. These obviously preserve the invariant. K(i) > k we set hi to i. These obviously preserve the invariant.
If K(i) == k, the loop breaks and sets the result to i, and since If K(i) == k, the loop breaks and sets the result to i, and since
K(i) == k in that case i is obviously the correct result. K(i) == k in that case i is obviously the correct result.
What if the key isn't present? lo and hi move toward each other, Other cases depend on how i = floor((lo + hi)/2) works, exactly.
narrowing the range, until eventually lo+1 == hi. At that point, Suppose lo + d = hi for some d >= 0. Then i = floor((lo + lo + d)/2) =
i = (lo+hi)/2 = (lo+lo+1)/2 = lo + 1/2 = lo, so that: floor(lo + d/2) = lo + floor(d/2). So:
1. The loop's "i > lo" test is false, so the loop ends then. a. [d == 0] (lo == i == hi) if and only if (lo == hi).
b. [d == 1] (lo == i < hi) if and only if (lo+1 == hi).
c. [d > 1] (lo < i < hi) if and only if (lo+1 < hi).
and If the node is empty (x->len == 0), then lo==i==hi==0 at the start,
and the loop exits immediately (the first "i > lo" test fails),
without entering the body.
2. The invariant still holds, so K(i) < k < K(i+1), and i is again Else lo < hi at the start, and the invariant K(lo) < k < K(hi) holds.
the correct answer.
Can we get out of the loop too early? No: if hi = lo + d for some d If lo+1 < hi, we're in case #c: i is strictly between lo and hi,
greater than 1, then i = (lo+lo+d)/2 = lo + d/2, and d/2 is at least 1 so the loop body is entered, and regardless of whether the body sets
since d is at least 2: i is strictly greater than lo then, and the the new lo or the new hi to i, the new lo is strictly less than the
loop continues. new hi, and the difference between the new lo and new hi is strictly
less than the difference between the old lo and old hi. So long as
the new lo + 1 remains < the new hi, we stay in this case. We can't
stay in this case forever, though: because hi-lo decreases on each
trip but remains > 0, lo+1 == hi must eventually become true. (In
fact, it becomes true quickly, in about log2(x->len) trips; the
point is more that lo doesn't equal hi when the loop ends, it has to
end with lo+1==hi and i==lo).
Can lo==hi? Yes, but only if the node is empty. Then i, lo and hi Then we're in case #b: i==lo==hi-1 then, and the loop exits. The
all start out as 0, and the loop exits immediately. If the loop invariant still holds, with lo==i and hi==lo+1==i+1:
isn't empty, then lo and hi start out with different values. Whenever
lo and hi have different values, lo <= (lo + hi)/2 < hi, so i and lo
are strictly smaller than hi, so setting either lo or hi to i leaves
the new lo strictly smaller than the new hi.
Can the loop fail to terminate? No: by the above, when lo < hi-1, K(i) < k < K(i+1)
lo < i=(lo+hi)/2 < hi, so setting either lo or hi to i leaves the
new lo and hi strictly closer to each other than were the old lo and so i is again the correct answer.
Optimization points: Optimization points:
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