Commit 12c4946d authored by Hanno Schlichting's avatar Hanno Schlichting

Found two more stray build files

parent 39ba34fc
FILES = refresh.txt version.txt TODO.txt README.txt
DTML = dtml/manage_addZReSTForm.dtml dtml/manage_editForm.dtml
VERSION := $(shell cat version.txt)
all: ${FILES} ${DTML}
rm -rf dist
mkdir dist
mkdir dist/ZReST
mkdir dist/ZReST/dtml
cp ${FILES} dist/ZReST
cp ${DTML} dist/ZReST/dtml
(cd dist; tar zcf ZReST-${VERSION}.tgz ZReST)
mv dist/ZReST-${VERSION}.tgz .
rm -rf dist
This is a flag that tells Zope that the product may be auto-refreshed.
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