Commit 18b2e844 authored by Jens W. Klein's avatar Jens W. Klein

Queue additional warning filters at the beginning of the queue in order to allow overrides.

parent 593c9745
......@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
2.13.23 (unreleased)
- Fix: Queue additional warning filters at the beginning of the queue in order
to allow overrides.
- Issue #16: prevent leaked connections when broken ``EndRequestEvent``
subscribers raise exceptions.
......@@ -51,5 +51,5 @@ def warning_filter_handler(section):
import warnings
# add the warning filter
warnings.filterwarnings(section.action, section.message, section.category,
section.module, section.lineno, 1)
section.module, section.lineno)
return section
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