Commit 4034752b authored by Hanno Schlichting's avatar Hanno Schlichting

Drop a couple unused version pins.

parent aafc4bb4
No related merge requests found
......@@ -50,10 +50,8 @@ Products.MailHost = 3.0
Products.PythonScripts = 3.0
Products.SiteErrorLog = 3.0
Products.StandardCacheManagers = 3.0
py = 1.4.31
Pygments = 2.1.3
python-gettext = 3.0
python-mimeparse = 1.5.2
python-subunit = 1.2.0
pytz = 2016.6.1
repoze.retry = 1.4
......@@ -64,7 +62,6 @@ setuptools = 24.0.3
six = 1.10.0
snowballstemmer = 1.2.1
Sphinx = 1.4.5
sphinx-rtd-theme = 0.1.9
testtools = 2.2.0
transaction = 1.6.1
unittest2 = 1.1.0
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