Commit 6bf53b2b authored by Andreas Jung's avatar Andreas Jung

testJulianWeek() now reads the gzipped test file

parent 11fc0a06
......@@ -221,13 +221,18 @@ class DateTimeTests (unittest.TestCase):
def testJulianWeek(self):
""" check JulianDayWeek function """
lines = open('julian_testdata.txt').readlines()
import gzip
except ImportError:
print "Warning: testJulianWeek disabled: module gzip not found"
return 0
lines = gzip.GzipFile('julian_testdata.txt.gz').readlines()
for line in lines:
d = DateTime(line[:10])
result_from_mx=tuple(map(int, line[12:-2].split(',')))
self.assertEqual(result_from_mx[1], d.week())
def test_suite():
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