Commit 97fbb9c9 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

Rearrange the Okapi reindexing tests to make it easier to figure out what

went wrong if they fail.
parent 466d0130
from Products.ZCTextIndex.ZCTextIndex import ZCTextIndex
from Products.ZCTextIndex.tests \
import testIndex, testQueryEngine, testQueryParser
from Products.ZCTextIndex.BaseIndex import scaled_int, SCALE_FACTOR
from Products.ZCTextIndex.BaseIndex import \
scaled_int, SCALE_FACTOR, inverse_doc_frequency
from Products.ZCTextIndex.CosineIndex import CosineIndex
from Products.ZCTextIndex.OkapiIndex import OkapiIndex
from Products.ZCTextIndex.Lexicon import Lexicon, Splitter
......@@ -282,19 +283,21 @@ class OkapiIndexTests(ZCIndexTestsBase, testIndex.OkapiIndexTest):
# A white-box test.
def testAbsoluteScores(self):
from Products.ZCTextIndex.OkapiIndex import inverse_doc_frequency
docs = ["one",
"one two",
"one two three"]
for i in range(len(docs)):
self.zc_index.index_object(i + 1, Indexable(docs[i]))
# A brief digression to exercise re-indexing. This should leave
# things exactly as they were.
# Exercise re-indexing. This should leave things exactly as they were.
for variant in "one xyz", "xyz two three", "abc def", docs[-1]:
self.zc_index.index_object(len(docs), Indexable(variant))
def _checkAbsoluteScores(self):
self.assertEqual(self.index._totaldoclen, 6)
# So the mean doc length is 2. We use that later.
......@@ -341,7 +344,14 @@ class OkapiIndexTests(ZCIndexTestsBase, testIndex.OkapiIndexTest):
for i in range(1, 10):
doc = "one " + "two " * i + "xyz " * (9 - i)
self.zc_index.index_object(i, Indexable(doc))
# Exercise re-indexing. This should leave things exactly as they were.
self.zc_index.index_object(9, Indexable("two xyz"))
self.zc_index.index_object(9, Indexable(doc))
def _checkRelativeScores(self):
r, num = self.zc_index.query("one two")
self.assertEqual(num, 9)
self.assertEqual(len(r), 9)
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