Commit b36d4e11 authored by Stefan H. Holek's avatar Stefan H. Holek

hasPackage consulted the wrong registry, oops.

parent cf0a8834
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ def installProduct(name, quiet=0):
def hasPackage(name):
'''Checks if a package has been registered with five:registerPackage.'''
return name in [m.__name__ for m, f in Products._packages_to_initialize]
return name in [m.__name__ for m in getattr(Products, '_registered_packages', [])]
def installPackage(name, quiet=0):
'''Installs a registered Python package like a Zope product.'''
......@@ -74,6 +74,11 @@ def testInstallPackage():
>>> ZopeTestCase.close(app)
hasPackage still returns True
>>> ZopeTestCase.hasPackage('testpackage')
Clean up
>>> import testpackage
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