Commit f2a03547 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

testDocUpdate(): Thanks to stop-word removal, there weren't actually

*any* words in common across the versions.  Helped Will along by adding
a pragmatic comment to his "knocking indeed" rant.  Reworked to use
the inscrutable magic of dict.setdefault.
parent 35879b41
......@@ -32,11 +32,12 @@ def eq(scaled1, scaled2, epsilon=scaled_int(0.01)):
if abs(scaled1 - scaled2) > epsilon:
raise AssertionError, "%s != %s" % (scaled1, scaled2)
# a series of text chunks to use for the re-index tests
# A series of text chunks to use for the re-index tests (testDocUpdate).
text = [
"""Here's a knocking indeed! If a
man were porter of hell-gate, he should have
old turning the key.""",
old turning the key. knock (that made sure
sure there's at least one word in common)."""
knock, knock! Who's there, i' the name of
......@@ -96,26 +97,27 @@ class ZCIndexTestsBase:
def testDocUpdate(self):
docid = 1
stop = get_stopdict()
unique = {} # compute a set of unique words for each version
d = {} # find some common words
common = []
N = len(text)
stop = get_stopdict()
d = {} # word -> list of version numbers containing that word
for version, i in zip(text, range(N)):
# use a simple splitter rather than an official one
words = [w for w in re.split("\W+", version.lower())
if len(w) > 1 and not stop.has_key(w)]
# count occurences of each word
word_seen = {}
for w in words:
l = d[w] = d.get(w, [])
for k, v in d.items():
if len(v) == 1:
v = v[0]
l = unique[v] = unique.get(v, [])
elif len(v) == N:
if not word_seen.has_key(w):
d.setdefault(w, []).append(i)
word_seen[w] = 1
unique = {} # version number -> list of words unique to that version
common = [] # list of words common to all versions
for w, versionlist in d.items():
if len(versionlist) == 1:
unique.setdefault(versionlist[0], []).append(w)
elif len(versionlist) == N:
for version, i in zip(text, range(N)):
doc = Indexable(version)
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