1. 15 May, 2002 4 commits
  2. 14 May, 2002 21 commits
  3. 13 May, 2002 1 commit
  4. 10 May, 2002 3 commits
  5. 09 May, 2002 2 commits
  6. 07 May, 2002 5 commits
  7. 06 May, 2002 1 commit
  8. 03 May, 2002 2 commits
    • Andreas Jung's avatar
      Eased the query optimization introduced with Zope 2.4.X · bbddef1c
      Andreas Jung authored
      (revision 1.72 or Catalog.py).
      TTW searches are no longer optimized to restore the old
      behaviour (user does not fill out any form fields ->
      return all hits)
      For application related searches we keep the optimization
      but it is possible to disable optimization by passing
      'optimize=0' as additional parameters to searchResults().
    • Andreas Jung's avatar
      fixed typo · e9c8fea9
      Andreas Jung authored
  9. 30 Apr, 2002 1 commit