1. 23 May, 2002 3 commits
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      Buncha updates: · 830d8ea9
      Guido van Rossum authored
      - Use slightly more portable values for the Data.fs and
      - Add -t NNN option to specify how often to commit a transaction;
        default 20,000.
      - Change -p into -p NNN to specify how often (counted in commits) to
        pack (default 0 -- never pack).
      - Reworked the commit and pack logic to maintain the various counters
        across folders.
      - Store relative paths (e.g. "inbox/1").
      - Store the mtime of indexed messages in doctimes[docid].
      - Store the mtime of indexed folders in watchfolders[folder] (unused).
      - Refactor updatefolder() to:
        (a) Avoid indexing messages it's already indexed and whose mtime
            hasn't changed.  (This probably needs an override just in case.)
        (b) Unindex messages that no longer exist in the folder.
      - Include the folder name and the message header fields from, to, cc,
        bcc, and subject in the text to be indexed.
    • Tim Peters's avatar
    • Guido van Rossum's avatar
      Improve the interactive loop to get the encoding; stop only when a · 90b46b59
      Guido van Rossum authored
      valid value is input, or the empty string, and interpret the empty
      string as the default.  Indicate the default in the prompt.
  2. 22 May, 2002 12 commits
  3. 21 May, 2002 12 commits
  4. 20 May, 2002 13 commits