- 27 Oct, 2003 1 commit
Fred Drake authored
- 24 Oct, 2003 5 commits
Fred Drake authored
configuration file can be used for both the runzeo and zeoctl scripts. This makes it easier to keep all the configuration needed to support the ZEO server process in a single file. For more explanation of the changes, see http://zope.org/Members/fdrake/WikiBlog/ZEOServerConfiguration
Evan Simpson authored
Evan Simpson authored
Fred Drake authored
objects since the value of their str() is not part of their API, and can vary between releases.
Chris McDonough authored
Update AccessControl package to deal with various forms of Unicode and add some tests to make sure. This fixes Collector #1034.
- 23 Oct, 2003 2 commits
Lennart Regebro authored
Continuing on #572. manage_DAVget is now used from the WebDAV source port as well as the standard HTTP port.
Fred Drake authored
prefix while using Expat in namespace mode; this violates the "Prefix Declared" namespace constraint. Expat 1.95.7 now checks this constraint properly, so raises an exception.
- 22 Oct, 2003 6 commits
Chris McDonough authored
Chris Withers authored
Jens Vagelpohl authored
with the revived CVS key management system.
Jens Vagelpohl authored
Jens Vagelpohl authored
Jens Vagelpohl authored
- 21 Oct, 2003 21 commits
Brian Lloyd authored
Andreas Jung authored
Brian Lloyd authored
Andreas Jung authored
- Workaround for Collector #1081: The 'title' property for objects derived from OFS.Folder or PropertyManager can now be removed and replaced with a ustring property. This allows the usage of non-ISO-8859-1 or ASCII charsets
Andreas Jung authored
and replaced with a ustring property
Chris McDonough authored
Brian Lloyd authored
Lennart Regebro authored
Two new methods have been added to WebDAV resources, "manage_DAVget" and "listDAVObjects". These are now used by WebDAV instead of the earlier "manage_FTPget" and "objectValues". This separates the permissions, and allows WebDAV specific overriding of these methods.
Christian Heimes authored
Chris McDonough authored
Make 'publisher-profile-file' configuration file setting work. Note that the environment variable "PROFILE_PUBLISHER" has been banished with this change. We also change the core of Publish.py to not conditionally define functions in order to have a bit more control over the process.
Tres Seaver authored
Brian Lloyd authored
Andreas Jung authored
- rearranged order
Brian Lloyd authored
Andreas Jung authored
Andreas Jung authored
Andreas Jung authored
- Collector #951: DateTime(None) is now equal to DateTime()
Andreas Jung authored
- Collector #951: DateTime(None) now raises a proper SyntaxError
Andreas Jung authored
Andreas Jung authored
in the Zope Book.
Andreas Jung authored
- 20 Oct, 2003 1 commit
Christian Heimes authored
flattenInterfaces now walks recursivly into tuples. Tuples are used if the __implements__ declaration is like (IFoo.__implements__, IBar)
- 19 Oct, 2003 2 commits
Tres Seaver authored
Tres Seaver authored
- 17 Oct, 2003 1 commit
Andreas Jung authored
some Zope products.
- 14 Oct, 2003 1 commit