Commit 5c732b36 authored by Jan Mercl's avatar Jan Mercl

Fix splitX bug.

parent bbb8032c
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ func (t *Tree) dump() string {
n = i + 1
f.Format("%sX#%d n %d:%d {", pref, h, x.c, n)
f.Format("%sX#%d(%p) n %d:%d {", pref, h, x, x.c, n)
a := []interface{}{}
for i, v := range x.x[:n] {
a = append(a,
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ func (t *Tree) dump() string {
n = i + 1
f.Format("%sD#%d P#%d N#%d n %d:%d {", pref, h, handle(x.p), handle(x.n), x.c, n)
f.Format("%sD#%d(%p) P#%d N#%d n %d:%d {", pref, h, x, handle(x.p), handle(x.n), x.c, n)
for i, v := range x.d[:n] {
if i != 0 {
f.Format(" ")
......@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ func TestSetGet0(t *testing.T) {
func TestSetGet1(t *testing.T) {
const N = 100000
const N = 40000
for _, x := range []int{0, -1, 0x555555, 0xaaaaaa, 0x333333, 0xcccccc, 0x314159} {
r := TreeNew(cmp)
set := r.Set
......@@ -250,9 +250,44 @@ func TestSetGet1(t *testing.T) {
for _, k := range a {
r.Set(k, (k^x)+42)
for i, k := range a {
v, ok := r.Get(k)
if !ok {
t.Fatal(i, k, v, ok)
if g, e := v.(int), k^x+42; g != e {
t.Fatal(i, g, e)
k |= 1
_, ok = r.Get(k)
if ok {
t.Fatal(i, k)
func TestPrealloc(*testing.T) {
const n = 2e6
rng := rng()
a := make([]int, n)
for i := range a {
a[i] = rng.Next()
r := TreeNew(cmp)
for _, v := range a {
r.Set(v, 0)
func BenchmarkSetSeq1e3(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkSetSeq(b, 1e3)
......@@ -392,12 +427,12 @@ func benchmarkGetRnd(b *testing.B, n int) {
func TestSetGet2(t *testing.T) {
const N = 80000
const N = 40000
for _, x := range []int{0, -1, 0x555555, 0xaaaaaa, 0x333333, 0xcccccc, 0x314159} {
rng := rng()
r := TreeNew(cmp)
set := r.Set
a := make([]int, N)
rng := rng()
for i := range a {
a[i] = (rng.Next() ^ x) << 1
......@@ -424,6 +459,27 @@ func TestSetGet2(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatal(i, k)
for _, k := range a {
r.Set(k, (k^x)+42)
for i, k := range a {
v, ok := r.Get(k)
if !ok {
t.Fatal(i, k, v, ok)
if g, e := v.(int), k^x+42; g != e {
t.Fatal(i, g, e)
k |= 1
_, ok = r.Get(k)
if ok {
t.Fatal(i, k)
......@@ -582,6 +582,7 @@ func (t *Tree) Set(k interface{} /*K*/, v interface{} /*V*/) {
//defer func() {
// dbg("--- POST\n%s\n====\n", t.dump())
pi := -1
var p *x
q := t.r
......@@ -646,65 +647,65 @@ func (t *Tree) Put(k interface{} /*K*/, upd func(oldV interface{} /*V*/, exists
var p *x
q := t.r
var newV interface{} /*V*/
if q != nil {
for {
i, ok := t.find(q, k)
if ok {
switch x := q.(type) {
case *x:
if x.c > 2*kx {
x, i = t.splitX(p, x, pi, i)
pi = i + 1
p = x
q = x.x[i+1].ch
case *d:
oldV = x.d[i].v
newV, written = upd(oldV, true)
if !written {
x.d[i].v = newV
if q == nil {
// new KV pair in empty tree
newV, written = upd(newV, false)
if !written {
z := t.insert(btDPool.Get().(*d), 0, k, newV)
t.r, t.first, t.last = z, z, z
for {
i, ok := t.find(q, k)
if ok {
switch x := q.(type) {
case *x:
if x.c > 2*kx {
x, i = t.splitX(p, x, pi, i)
pi = i
pi = i + 1
p = x
q = x.x[i].ch
case *d: // new KV pair
newV, written = upd(newV, false)
q = x.x[i+1].ch
case *d:
oldV = x.d[i].v
newV, written = upd(oldV, true)
if !written {
switch {
case x.c < 2*kd:
t.insert(x, i, k, newV)
t.overflow(p, x, pi, i, k, newV)
x.d[i].v = newV
// new KV pair in empty tree
newV, written = upd(newV, false)
if !written {
switch x := q.(type) {
case *x:
if x.c > 2*kx {
x, i = t.splitX(p, x, pi, i)
pi = i
p = x
q = x.x[i].ch
case *d: // new KV pair
newV, written = upd(newV, false)
if !written {
z := t.insert(btDPool.Get().(*d), 0, k, newV)
t.r, t.first, t.last = z, z, z
switch {
case x.c < 2*kd:
t.insert(x, i, k, newV)
t.overflow(p, x, pi, i, k, newV)
func (t *Tree) split(p *x, q *d, pi, i int, k interface{} /*K*/, v interface{} /*V*/) {
......@@ -750,18 +751,36 @@ func (t *Tree) splitX(p *x, q *x, pi int, i int) (*x, int) {
r.c = kx
if pi >= 0 {
p.insert(pi, q.x[kx].k, r)
} else {
t.r = newX(q).insert(0, q.x[kx].k, r)
q.x[kx].k = zk
for i := range q.x[kx+1:] {
q.x[kx+i+1] = zxe
switch {
case i < kx:
return q, i
case i == kx:
return p, pi
default: // i > kx
return r, i - kx - 1
nr := newX(q).insert(0, q.x[kx].k, r)
t.r = nr
q.x[kx].k = zk
for i := range q.x[kx+1:] {
q.x[kx+i+1] = zxe
if i > kx {
q = r
i -= kx + 1
switch {
case i < kx:
return q, i
case i == kx:
return nr, 0
default: // i > kx
return r, i - kx - 1
return q, i
func (t *Tree) underflow(p *x, q *d, pi int) {
......@@ -531,6 +531,7 @@ func (t *Tree) Set(k int, v int) {
//defer func() {
// dbg("--- POST\n%s\n====\n", t.dump())
pi := -1
var p *x
q := t.r
......@@ -595,65 +596,65 @@ func (t *Tree) Put(k int, upd func(oldV int, exists bool) (newV int, write bool)
var p *x
q := t.r
var newV int
if q != nil {
for {
i, ok := t.find(q, k)
if ok {
switch x := q.(type) {
case *x:
if x.c > 2*kx {
x, i = t.splitX(p, x, pi, i)
pi = i + 1
p = x
q = x.x[i+1].ch
case *d:
oldV = x.d[i].v
newV, written = upd(oldV, true)
if !written {
x.d[i].v = newV
if q == nil {
// new KV pair in empty tree
newV, written = upd(newV, false)
if !written {
z := t.insert(btDPool.Get().(*d), 0, k, newV)
t.r, t.first, t.last = z, z, z
for {
i, ok := t.find(q, k)
if ok {
switch x := q.(type) {
case *x:
if x.c > 2*kx {
x, i = t.splitX(p, x, pi, i)
pi = i
pi = i + 1
p = x
q = x.x[i].ch
case *d: // new KV pair
newV, written = upd(newV, false)
q = x.x[i+1].ch
case *d:
oldV = x.d[i].v
newV, written = upd(oldV, true)
if !written {
switch {
case x.c < 2*kd:
t.insert(x, i, k, newV)
t.overflow(p, x, pi, i, k, newV)
x.d[i].v = newV
// new KV pair in empty tree
newV, written = upd(newV, false)
if !written {
switch x := q.(type) {
case *x:
if x.c > 2*kx {
x, i = t.splitX(p, x, pi, i)
pi = i
p = x
q = x.x[i].ch
case *d: // new KV pair
newV, written = upd(newV, false)
if !written {
z := t.insert(btDPool.Get().(*d), 0, k, newV)
t.r, t.first, t.last = z, z, z
switch {
case x.c < 2*kd:
t.insert(x, i, k, newV)
t.overflow(p, x, pi, i, k, newV)
func (t *Tree) split(p *x, q *d, pi, i int, k int, v int) {
......@@ -699,18 +700,36 @@ func (t *Tree) splitX(p *x, q *x, pi int, i int) (*x, int) {
r.c = kx
if pi >= 0 {
p.insert(pi, q.x[kx].k, r)
} else {
t.r = newX(q).insert(0, q.x[kx].k, r)
q.x[kx].k = zk
for i := range q.x[kx+1:] {
q.x[kx+i+1] = zxe
switch {
case i < kx:
return q, i
case i == kx:
return p, pi
default: // i > kx
return r, i - kx - 1
nr := newX(q).insert(0, q.x[kx].k, r)
t.r = nr
q.x[kx].k = zk
for i := range q.x[kx+1:] {
q.x[kx+i+1] = zxe
if i > kx {
q = r
i -= kx + 1
switch {
case i < kx:
return q, i
case i == kx:
return nr, 0
default: // i > kx
return r, i - kx - 1
return q, i
func (t *Tree) underflow(p *x, q *d, pi int) {
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