• Matheus Marchini's avatar
    [travis] remove Fedora 27 and ignore static build result · c3103d38
    Matheus Marchini authored
    Fedora 27 and LLVM 5 are EOL, which means they won't receive new
    updates (not even security patches). As such, there's no reason to keep
    testing those platforms/dependencies in our CI, and removing them will
    reduce our CI complexity as well as unbreak our CI.
    Also, static builds are broken for some time
    (https://github.com/iovisor/bpftrace/issues/266), and keeping them in
    our CI will only prevent collaborators from keeping the CI healthy. We
    should push for Ubuntu/Debian/Fedora static builds instead of relying on
    alpine for it. For now, mark alpine static build as "allow to fail" on
.travis.yml 1.17 KB