Commit 36cdb6d6 authored by Alastair Robertson's avatar Alastair Robertson

semantic_analyser: Run more passes to resolve types

parent ad969b24
......@@ -83,7 +83,16 @@ void SemanticAnalyser::visit(Map &map)
bpftrace_.map_args_.insert({map.ident, args});
type_ = bpftrace_.map_val_.find(map.ident)->second;
auto search_val = bpftrace_.map_val_.find(map.ident);
if (search_val != bpftrace_.map_val_.end()) {
type_ = search_val->second;
else {
if (is_final_pass()) {
err_ << "Undefined map: " << map.ident << std::endl;
type_ = Type::none;
void SemanticAnalyser::visit(Binop &binop)
......@@ -94,7 +103,7 @@ void SemanticAnalyser::visit(Binop &binop)
rhs = type_;
if (pass_ == 2 && lhs != rhs) {
if (is_final_pass() && lhs != rhs) {
err_ << "Type mismatch for '" << opstr(binop) << "': ";
err_ << "comparing '" << typestr(lhs) << "' ";
err_ << "with '" << typestr(rhs) << "'" << std::endl;
......@@ -122,9 +131,17 @@ void SemanticAnalyser::visit(AssignMapStatement &assignment)
std::string map_ident =>ident;
auto search = bpftrace_.map_val_.find(map_ident);
if (search != bpftrace_.map_val_.end()) {
if (search->second != type_) {
if (search->second == Type::none) {
if (is_final_pass()) {
err_ << "Undefined map: " << map_ident << std::endl;
else {
search->second = type_;
else if (search->second != type_) {
err_ << "Type mismatch for " << map_ident << ": ";
err_ << "trying to assign variable of type '" << typestr(type_);
err_ << "trying to assign value of type '" << typestr(type_);
err_ << "'\n\twhen map already contains a value of type '";
err_ << typestr(search->second) << "'\n" << std::endl;
......@@ -143,7 +160,15 @@ void SemanticAnalyser::visit(AssignMapCallStatement &assignment)
std::string map_ident =>ident;
auto search = bpftrace_.map_val_.find(map_ident);
if (search != bpftrace_.map_val_.end()) {
if (search->second != type_) {
if (search->second == Type::none) {
if (is_final_pass()) {
err_ << "Undefined map: " << map_ident << std::endl;
else {
search->second = type_;
else if (search->second != type_) {
err_ << "Type mismatch for " << map_ident << ": ";
err_ << "trying to assign result of '" <<>func;
err_ << "()'\n\twhen map already contains a value of type '";
......@@ -170,7 +195,7 @@ void SemanticAnalyser::visit(Probe &probe)
if (pass_ == 2 && bpftrace_.add_probe(probe)) {
if (is_final_pass() && bpftrace_.add_probe(probe)) {
err_ << "Invalid probe type: '" << probe.type << "'" << std::endl;
......@@ -184,16 +209,14 @@ void SemanticAnalyser::visit(Program &program)
int SemanticAnalyser::analyse()
// Two pass analysis, to handle variables being used before they are defined:
// - First pass checks assignments
// - Second pass checks expressions
// Multiple passes to handle variables being used before they are defined
std::string errors;
for (pass_ = 1; pass_ <= 2; pass_++) {
for (pass_ = 1; pass_ <= num_passes_; pass_++) {
errors = err_.str();
if (!errors.empty()) {
std::cerr << errors;
out_ << errors;
return pass_;
......@@ -201,6 +224,11 @@ int SemanticAnalyser::analyse()
return 0;
bool SemanticAnalyser::is_final_pass() const
return pass_ == num_passes_;
} // namespace ast
} // namespace bpftrace
} // namespace ebpf
......@@ -12,9 +12,10 @@ namespace ast {
class SemanticAnalyser : public Visitor {
explicit SemanticAnalyser(Node *root, BPFtrace &bpftrace)
explicit SemanticAnalyser(Node *root, BPFtrace &bpftrace, std::ostream &out = std::cerr)
: root_(root),
bpftrace_(bpftrace) { }
out_(out) { }
void visit(Integer &integer) override;
void visit(Builtin &builtin) override;
......@@ -34,11 +35,15 @@ public:
Node *root_;
BPFtrace &bpftrace_;
std::ostream &out_;
std::ostringstream err_;
int pass_;
const int num_passes_ = 10;
using Type = ebpf::bpftrace::Type;
Type type_;
bool is_final_pass() const;
} // namespace ast
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "bpftrace.h"
#include ""
#include "semantic_analyser.h"
namespace ebpf {
......@@ -20,6 +21,8 @@ TEST(semantic_analyser, probe_count)
MockBPFtrace bpftrace;
EXPECT_CALL(bpftrace, add_probe(_)).Times(2);
// kprobe:kprobe { 123; }
// kprobe:kprobe { 123; }
Integer expr(123);
ExprStatement stmt(&expr);
StatementList stmts = {&stmt};
......@@ -28,10 +31,43 @@ TEST(semantic_analyser, probe_count)
Probe p2(str, str, &stmts);
ProbeList pl = {&p1, &p2};
Program root(&pl);
ebpf::bpftrace::ast::SemanticAnalyser semantics(&root, bpftrace);
TEST(semantic_analyser, undefined_map)
BPFtrace bpftrace;
// kprobe:kprobe / @mymap1 == 123 / { 123; }
std::string str = "kprobe";
std::string mapstr1 = "mymap1";
Integer myint(123);
Map map1(mapstr1);
Binop binop(&map1, ebpf::bpftrace::Parser::token::EQ, &myint);
Predicate pred(&binop);
ExprStatement stmt(&myint);
StatementList stmts = {&stmt};
Probe p(str, str, &pred, &stmts);
ProbeList pl = {&p};
Program root(&pl);
std::ostringstream out1;
ebpf::bpftrace::ast::SemanticAnalyser semantics1(&root, bpftrace, out1);
EXPECT_EQ(semantics1.analyse(), 10);
// kprobe:kprobe / @mymap1 == 123 / { 123; @mymap1 = @mymap2; }
std::string mapstr2 = "mymap2";
Map map2(mapstr2);
AssignMapStatement assign(&map1, &map2);
std::ostringstream out2;
ebpf::bpftrace::ast::SemanticAnalyser semantics2(&root, bpftrace, out2);
EXPECT_EQ(semantics2.analyse(), 10);
} // namespace ast
} // namespace bpftrace
} // namespace ebpf
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