Commit 678cd106 authored by Krzesimir Nowak's avatar Krzesimir Nowak

Add helper macros for wrapping annoying C types

We will wrap the file_handle struct in the next commit. The struct has
a flexible array member, which is not supported by C++. Compiler may
complain about using it when allocated on stack, even indirectly as a
member of a struct. I'm not sure if using this kind of types is even a
defined behavior…
parent 51500dfb
#pragma once
// Annoying C type helpers.
// C headers sometimes contain struct ending with a flexible array
// member, which is not supported in C++. An example of such a type is
// file_handle from fcntl.h (man name_to_handle_at)
// Here are some helper macros helping to ensure if the C++
// counterpart has members of the same type and offset.
#include <type_traits>
namespace act_helpers
template <typename T, typename M> M get_member_type(M T:: *);
#define ACTH_SAME_SIZE(cxxtype, ctype, extra_type) \
(sizeof(cxxtype) == sizeof(ctype) + sizeof(extra_type))
#define ACTH_GET_TYPE_OF(mem) \
#define ACTH_SAME_OFFSET(cxxtype, cxxmem, ctype, cmem) \
(std::is_standard_layout<cxxtype>::value && \
std::is_standard_layout<ctype>::value && \
(offsetof(cxxtype, cxxmem) == offsetof(ctype, cmem)))
#define ACTH_SAME_TYPE(cxxtype, cxxmem, ctype, cmem) \
std::is_same<ACTH_GET_TYPE_OF(cxxtype :: cxxmem), ACTH_GET_TYPE_OF(ctype :: cmem)>::value
#define ACTH_ASSERT_SAME_SIZE(cxxtype, ctype, extra_type) \
static_assert(ACTH_SAME_SIZE(cxxtype, ctype, extra_type), \
"assumption that is broken: " #cxxtype " == " #ctype " + " # extra_type)
#define ACTH_ASSERT_SAME_OFFSET(cxxtype, cxxmem, ctype, cmem) \
static_assert(ACTH_SAME_OFFSET(cxxtype, cxxmem, ctype, cmem), \
"assumption that is broken: " #cxxtype "::" #cxxmem " is at the same offset as " #ctype "::" #cmem)
#define ACTH_ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(cxxtype, cxxmem, ctype, cmem) \
static_assert(ACTH_SAME_TYPE(cxxtype, cxxmem, ctype, cmem), \
"assumption that is broken: " #cxxtype "::" #cxxmem " has the same type as " #ctype "::" #cmem)
#define ACTH_ASSERT_SAME_MEMBER(cxxtype, cxxmem, ctype, cmem) \
ACTH_ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(cxxtype, cxxmem, ctype, cmem); \
ACTH_ASSERT_SAME_OFFSET(cxxtype, cxxmem, ctype, cmem)
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