Commit d308b1b2 authored by Alastair Robertson's avatar Alastair Robertson

Remove unused function: typestr(ProbeType t)

parent 0eba274d
......@@ -17,16 +17,6 @@ std::string typestr(Type t)
std::string typestr(ProbeType t)
switch (t)
case ProbeType::kprobe: return "kprobe"; break;
case ProbeType::kretprobe: return "kretprobe"; break;
default: abort();
bpf_probe_attach_type attachtype(ProbeType t)
switch (t)
......@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ enum class ProbeType
std::string typestr(Type t);
std::string typestr(ProbeType t);
bpf_probe_attach_type attachtype(ProbeType t);
bpf_prog_type progtype(ProbeType t);
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