Newer Older
1 2
What's new in this release?

4 5 6
Below is a list of all relevant changes since release 1.4.  The
sections are now in a more useful order: the most recent changes are
listed first.

A note on attributions: while I have sprinkled some names throughout
here, I'm grateful to many more people who remain unnamed.  You may
10 11 12 13
find your name in the ACKS file.  If you believe you deserve more
credit, let me know and I'll add you to the list!

14 15


17 18 19
From 1.5.1 to 1.5.2a1

20 21
22 23 24 25

- When searching for the library, a landmark that is a compiled module
(string.pyc or string.pyo) is also accepted.

26 27
- When following symbolic links to the python executable, use a loop
so that a symlink to a symlink can work.

29 30 31
- Added a hack so that when you type 'quit' or 'exit' at the
interpreter, you get a friendly explanation of how to press Ctrl-D (or 
Ctrl-Z) to exit.
32 33 34

- New and improved Misc/python-mode.el (Python mode for Emacs).

35 36 37 38
- Revert a new feature in Unix dynamic loading: for one or two
revisions, modules were loaded using the RTLD_GLOBAL flag.  It turned
out to be a bad idea.

39 40
Miscellaneous fixed bugs

42 43
- All patches on the patch page have been integrated.  (But much more
has been done!)

45 46 47 48 49
- Several memory leaks plugged (e.g. the one for classes with a
__getattr__ method).

- Removed the only use of calloc().  This triggered an obscure bug on
multiprocessor Sparc Solaris 2.6.

51 52 53 54 55 56
- Fix a peculiar bug that would allow "import sys.time" to succeed
(believing the built-in time module to be a part of the sys package).

- Fix a bug in the overflow checking when converting a Python long to
a C long (failed to convert -2147483648L, and some other cases).

57 58 59

60 61 62 63 64 65
- Doc strings have been added to many extension modules: __builtin__,
errno, select, signal, socket, sys, thread, time.  Also to methods of
list objects (try [].append.__doc__).  A doc string on a type will now
automatically be propagated to an instance if the instance has methods
that are accessed in the usual way.

66 67 68 69
- The documentation has been expanded and the formatting improved.
(Remember that the documentation is now unbundled and has its own
release cycle though; see

70 71 72 73
- Added Misc/Porting -- a mini-FAQ on porting to a new platform.

Ports and build procedure
74 75 76 77 78 79

- The BeOS port is now integrated.  Courtesy Chris Herborth.

- Symbol files for FreeBSD 2.x and 3.x have been contributed

- Support HPUX 10.20 DCE threads.

82 83 84
- Finally fixed the configure script so that (on SGI) if -OPT:Olimit=0
works, it won't also use -Olimit 1500 (which gives a warning for every
file).  Also support the SGI_ABI environment variable better.

86 87
- The makesetup script now understands absolute pathnames ending in .o
in the module -- it assumes it's a file for which we have no source.

89 90 91
- Other miscellaneous improvements to the configure script and

- The test suite now uses a different sound sample.

94 95
Built-in functions
96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110

- Better checks for invalid input to int(), long(), string.atoi(),
string.atol().  (Formerly, a sign without digits would be accepted as
a legal ways to spell zero.)

- Changes to map() and filter() to use the length of a sequence only
as a hint -- if an IndexError happens earlier, take that.  (Formerly,
this was considered an error.)

- Experimental feature in getattr(): a third argument can specify a
default (instead of raising AttributeError).

- Implement round() slightly different, so that for negative ndigits
no additional errors happen in the last step.

111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122
- The open() function now adds the filename to the exception when it

Built-in exceptions

- New standard exceptions EnvironmentError and PosixError.
EnvironmentError is the base class for IOError and PosixError;
PosixError is the same as os.error.  All this so that either exception
class can be instantiated with a third argument indicating a filename.
The built-in function open() and most os/posix functions that take a
filename argument now use this.

124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
Built-in types

- List objects now have an experimental pop() method; l.pop() returns
and removes the last item; l.pop(i) returns and removes the item at
i.  Also, the sort() method is faster again.  Sorting is now also
safer: it is impossible for the sorting function to modify the list
while the sort is going on (which could cause core dumps).

- Changes to comparisons: numbers are now smaller than any other type.
This is done to prevent the circularity where [] < 0L < 1 < [] is
true.  As a side effect, cmp(None, 0) is now positive instead of
136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153
negative.  This *shouldn't* affect any working code, but I've found
that the change caused several "sleeping" bugs to become active, so

- Instance methods may now have other callable objects than just
Python functions as their im_func.  Use new.instancemethod() or write
your own C code to create them; new.instancemethod() may be called
with None for the instance to create an unbound method.

- Assignment to __name__, __dict__ or __bases__ of a class object is
now allowed (with stringent type checks); also allow assignment to
__getattr__ etc.  The cached values for __getattr__ etc. are
recomputed after such assignments (but not for derived classes :-( ).

- Allow assignment to some attributes of function objects: func_code,
func_defaults and func_doc / __doc__.  (With type checks except for
__doc__ / func_doc .)

Python services
155 156 157 158 159 160

- New tests (in Lib/test): (regular expression benchmark), (list sorting benchmark), (test case
for the MimeWriter module).

161 162
- Generalized test/ so that it is useful for testing other

- The module now understands package imports.

166 167
- In, add a class that subsumes Fredrik Lundh's
PythonInterpreter class.  The interact() function now uses this.

169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195
- In, in completer(), return None instead of raising an
IndexError when there are no more completions left.

- Fixed the marshal module to test for certain common kinds of invalid
input.  (It's still not foolproof!)

- In the operator module, add an alias (now the preferred name)
"contains" for "sequenceincludes".

String Services

- In the string and strop modules, in the replace() function, treat an
empty pattern as an error (since it's not clear what was meant!).

- Some speedups to, especially the string substitution and split
functions.  Also added new function/method findall(), to find all
occurrences of a given substring.

- In cStringIO, add better argument type checking and support the
readonly 'closed' attribute (like regular files).

- In the struct module, unsigned 1-2 byte sized formats no longer
result in long integer values.

Miscellaneous services
196 197 198 199 200 201 202

- In, added new method and function randrange(), same as
choice(range(start, stop, step)) but faster.  This addresses the
problem that randint() was accidentally defined as taking an inclusive
range.  Also, randint(a, b) is now redefined as randrange(a, b+1),
adding extra range and type checking to its arguments!

203 204 205 206
- Add some semi-thread-safety to random.gauss() (it used to be able to 
crash when invoked from separate threads; now the worst it can do is
give a duplicate result occasionally).

207 208 209 210 211 212
- Some restructuring and generalization done to

- Major upgrade to; converted to using 're', added new 
exceptions, support underscore in section header and option name.  No
longer add 'name' option to every section; instead, add '__name__'.

- In, don't use raw_input() to ask for the password -- we
214 215
don't want it to show up in the readline history!  Also don't catch
interrupts (the try-finally already does all necessary cleanup).

217 218
Generic OS Services

220 221 222 223 224
- New functions in makedirs(), removedirs(), renames().  New
variable: linesep (the line separator as found in binary files,
i.e. '\n' on Unix, '\r\n' on DOS/Windows, '\r' on Mac.  Do *not* use
this with files opened in (default) text mode; the line separator used
will always be '\n'!

226 227 228
- Changes to the 'os.path' submodule of added getsize(),
getmtime(), getatime() -- these fetch the most popular items from the
stat return tuple.

230 231 232 233
- In the time module, add strptime(), if it exists.  (This parses a
time according to a format -- the inverse of strftime().)  Also,
remove the call to mktime() from strftime() -- it messed up the
formatting of some non-local times.

235 236 237
- In the socket module, added a new function gethostbyname_ex().
Also, don't use #ifdef to test for some symbols that are enums on some
platforms (and should exist everywhere).

239 240
Optional OS Services

242 243 244 245
- Some fixes to  In particular, the readlines() method now
returns the lines *with* trailing newline characters, like readlines()
of regular file objects.  Also, it didn't work together with cPickle;
fixed that.

- In, support byte-swapped dbhash (bsddb) files.

249 250 251
- In, look at the type of an existing database to determine
which module to use to open it.  (The anydbm.error exception is now a

253 254
Unix Services

256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280
- In the termios module, in tcsetattr(), initialize the structure vy
calling tcgetattr().

- Added some of the "wait status inspection" macros as functions to
the posix module (and thus to the os module): WEXITSTATUS(),

- In the syslog module, make the default facility more intuitive
(matching the docs).


- In, support for setting breaks on files/modules that haven't
been loaded yet.

Internet Protocols and Support

- Changes in; sped up unquote() and quote().  Fixed an
obscure bug in quote_plus().  Added urlencode(dict) -- convenience
function for sending a POST request with urlopen().  Use the getpass
module to ask for a password.  Rewrote the (test) main program so that
when used as a script, it can retrieve one or more URLs to stdout.
Use -t to run the self-test.  Made the proxy code work again.

282 283 284 285 286 287
- In, treat "HEAD" the same as "GET", so that CGI scripts don't
fail when someone asks for their HEAD.  Also, for POST, set the
default content-type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.  Also, in
FieldStorage.__init__(), when method='GET', always get the query
string from environ['QUERY_STRING'] or sys.argv[1] -- ignore an
explicitly passed in fp.

289 290
- The module now supports ESMTP and has improved standard
compliance, for picky servers.

- Improved

- Fixed UDP support in (it never worked).

- Fixed a small bug in

298 299
Internet Data handling

301 302 303 304 305
- In, add a new class AddressList.  Also support a new
overridable method, isheader().  Also add a get() method similar to
dictionaries (and make getheader() an alias for it).  Also, be smarter
about seekable (test whether fp.tell() works) and test for presence of
unread() method before trying seeks.

307 308 309 310
- In, restore the call to report_unbalanced() that was lost
long ago.  Also some other improvements: handle <? processing
instructions >, allow . and - in entity names, and allow \r\n as line

312 313
- Some restructuring and generalization done to; support
a 'seekable' flag.

315 316
Restricted Execution

318 319 320
- Improvements to package support; support a (minimal)
sys.exc_info().  Also made the (test) main program a bit fancier (you
can now use it to run arbitrary Python scripts in restricted mode).
321 322 323

324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331

- On Unix, Tkinter can now safely be used from a multi-threaded
application.  (Formerly, no threads would make progress while
Tkinter's mainloop() was active, because it didn't release the Python
interpreter lock.)  Unfortunately, on Windows, threads other than the
main thread should not call update() or update_idletasks() because
this will deadlock the application.

332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343
- An interactive interpreter that uses readline and Tkinter no longer
uses up all available CPU time.

- Even if readline is not used, Tk windows created in an interactive
interpreter now get continuously updated.  (This even works in Windows
as long as you don't hit a key.)

- New demos in Demo/tkinter/guido/:,,

- No longer register Tcl_finalize() as a low-level exit handler.  It
may call back into Python, and that's a bad idea.

344 345
- Allow binding of Tcl commands (given as a string).

346 347
- Some minor speedups; replace explicitly coded getint() with int() in
most places.

349 350
- In, remember the directory of the selected file, if

352 353 354
- Change the names of all methods in the Wm class: they are now
wm_title(), etc.  The old names (title() etc.) are still defined as

356 357 358 359 360 361
- Add a new method of interpreter objects, interpaddr().  This returns
the address of the Tcl interpreter object, as an integer.  Not very
useful for the Python programmer, but this can be called by another C
extension that needs to make calls into the Tcl/Tk C API and needs to
get the address of the Tcl interpreter object.  A simple cast of the
return value to (Tcl_Interp *) will do the trick.

363 364
Windows General
365 366 367 368 369 370

- Don't insist on proper case for module source files if the filename
is all uppercase (e.g. FOO.PY now matches foo; but still
doesn't).  This should address problems with this feature on
oldfashioned filesystems (Novell servers?).

371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381
Windows Library

- os.environ is now all uppercase, but accesses are case insensitive,
and the putenv() calls made as a side effect of changing os.environ
are case preserving.

- Removed samefile(), sameopenfile(), samestat() from os.path (aka -- these cannot be made to work reliably (at least I
wouldn't know how).

382 383 384 385
- Fixed os.pipe() so that it returns file descriptors acceptable to and os.write() (like it does on Unix), rather than Windows
file handles.

386 387 388 389
- Added a table of WSA error codes to

- In the select module, put the (huge) file descriptor arrays on the
390 391 392 393 394 395

- The getpass module now raises KeyboardInterrupt when it sees ^C.

- In, fix tell/seek when using files opened in text mode.

- In, fix tell/seek when using files opened in text mode.

397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412
- In the msvcrt extension module, release the interpreter lock for
calls that may block: _locking(), _getch(), _getche().  Also fix a
bogus error return when open_osfhandle() doesn't have the right
argument list.

Windows Installer

- The registry key used is now "1.5" instead of "1.5.x" -- so future
versions of 1.5 and Mark Hammond's win32all installer don't need to be 

Windows Tools

- Several improvements to freeze specifically for Windows.

414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423
Windows Build Procedure

- The VC++ project files and the WISE installer have been moved to the
PCbuild subdirectory, so they are distributed in the same subdirectory
where they must be used.  This avoids confusion.

- New project files for Windows 3.1 port by Jim Ahlstrom.

- Got rid of the obsolete subdirectory PC/setup_nt/.

425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440
- The projects now use distinct filenames for the .exe, .dll, .lib and
.pyd files built in debug mode (by appending "_d" to the base name,
before the extension).  This makes it easier to switch between the two
and get the right versions.  There's a pragma in config.h that directs
the linker to include the appropriate .lib file (so python15.lib no
longer needs to be explicit in your project).

- The installer now installs more files (e.g. config.h).  The idea is
that you shouldn't need the source distribution if you want build your
own extensions in C or C++.

Tools and Demos

- New script by Marc-Andre Lemburg, to construct
PC/python_nt.def automatically (some hand editing still required).
441 442 443

- New tool Tim Peters' text diffing tool.

444 445
- Various and sundry improvements to the freeze script.

446 447 448 449 450 451
- The script (which was part of the Doc tree but is no
longer used there) has been moved to the Tools/scripts subdirectory.

- Some generalizations in the webchecker code.  There's now a
primnitive gui for  (In Tools/webchecker/.)

452 453
- The script now handles symbolic links properly, and
also files with multiple spaces in their names.

455 456
- The 1.5.1 suffers an assert error if fed a script whose
last line is both indented and lacks a newline.  This is now fixed.
457 458 459 460

Python/C API

461 462 463
- Added missing prototypes for PyEval_CallFunction() and

- New macro PyList_SET_ITEM().
465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475

- New macros to access object members for PyFunction, PyCFunction

- New APIs PyImport_AppendInittab() an PyImport_ExtendInittab() to
dynamically add one or many entries to the table of built-in modules.

- New macro Py_InitModule3(name, methods, doc) which calls
Py_InitModule4() with appropriate arguments.  (The -4 variant requires 
you to pass an obscure version number constant which is always the same.)

476 477 478
- New APIs PySys_WriteStdout() and PySys_WriteStderr() to write to
sys.stdout or sys.stderr using a printf-like interface.  (Used in
_tkinter.c, for example.)

480 481
- New APIs for conversion between Python longs and C 'long long' if
your compiler supports it.
482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491

- PySequence_In() is now called PySequence_Contains().
(PySequence_In() is still supported for b/w compatibility; it is
declared obsolete because its argument order is confusing.)

- PyDict_GetItem() and PyDict_GetItemString() are changed so that they
*never* raise an exception -- (even if the hash() fails, simply clear
the error).  This was necessary because there is lots of code out
there that already assumes this.

492 493 494
- Changes to PySequence_Tuple() and PySequence_List() to use the
length of a sequence only as a hint -- if an IndexError happens
earlier, take that.  (Formerly, this was considered an error.)

496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508
- Reformatted abstract.c to give it a more familiar "look" and fixed
many error checking bugs.

- Add NULL pointer checks to all calls of a C function through a type
object and extensions (e.g. nb_add).

- The code that initializes sys.path now calls Py_GetPythonHome()
instead of getenv("PYTHONHOME").  This, together with the new API
Py_SetPythonHome(), makes it easier for embedding applications to
change the notion of Python's "home" directory (where the libraries
etc. are sought).

- Fixed a very old bug in the parsing of "O?" format specifiers.
509 510 511 512 513


From 1.5 to 1.5.1
515 516

517 518

520 521 522 523 524 525 526
- The documentation is now unbundled.  It has also been extensively
modified (mostly to implement a new and more uniform formatting
style).  We figure that most people will prefer to download one of the
preformatted documentation sets (HTML, PostScript or PDF) and that
only a minority have a need for the LaTeX or FrameMaker sources.  Of
course, the unbundled documentation sources still released -- just not
in the same archive file, and perhaps not on the same date.

528 529 530
- All bugs noted on the errors page (and many unnoted) are fixed.  All
new bugs take their places.

Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed
531 532 533 534 535 536 537
- No longer a core dump when attempting to print (or repr(), or str())
a list or dictionary that contains an instance of itself; instead, the
recursive entry is printed as [...] or {...}.  See Py_ReprEnter() and
Py_ReprLeave() below.  Comparisons of such objects still go beserk,
since this requires a different kind of fix; fortunately, this is a
less common scenario in practice.

Syntax change

541 542 543 544
- The raise statement can now be used without arguments, to re-raise 
a previously set exception.  This should be used after catching an
exception with an except clause only, either in the except clause or
later in the same function.

546 547
Import and module handling

549 550 551 552
- The implementation of import has changed to use a mutex (when
threading is supported).  This means that when two threads
simultaneously import the same module, the import statements are
serialized.  Recursive imports are not affected.

554 555
- Rewrote the finalization code almost completely, to be much more
careful with the order in which modules are destroyed.  Destructors
Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed
will now generally be able to reference built-in names such as None
without trouble.

Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed
559 560 561
- Case-insensitive platforms such as Mac and Windows require the case
of a module's filename to match the case of the module name as
specified in the import statement (see below).

563 564 565
- The code for figuring out the default path now distinguishes between
files, modules, executable files, and directories.  When expecting a
module, we also look for the .pyc or .pyo file.

567 568
Parser/tokenizer changes

- The tokenizer can now warn you when your source code mixes tabs and
Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed
571 572 573 574
spaces for indentation in a manner that depends on how much a tab is
worth in spaces.  Use "python -t" or "python -v" to enable this
option.  Use "python -tt" to turn the warnings into errors.  (See also and below.)

576 577
- Return unsigned characters from tok_nextc(), so '\377' isn't
mistaken for an EOF character.

579 580 581 582
- Fixed two pernicious bugs in the tokenizer that only affected AIX.
One was actually a general bug that was triggered by AIX's smaller I/O
buffer size.  The other was a bug in the AIX optimizer's loop
unrolling code; swapping two statements made the problem go away.

584 585
Tools, demos and miscellaneous files

587 588 589
- There's a new version of Misc/python-mode.el (the Emacs mode for
Python) which is much smarter about guessing the indentation style
used in a particular file.  Lots of other cool features too!

591 592 593 594
- There are two new tools in Tools/scripts: and, implementing two different ways of checking whether a
file uses indentation in a way that is sensitive to the interpretation
of a tab.  The preferred module is (by Tim Peters).

- Some new demo programs:

598 599 600
	Demo/tkinter/guido/ -- Dave Mitchell
	Demo/sockets/ -- Piet van Oostrum

602 603 604 605
- Much better freeze support.  The freeze script can now freeze
hierarchical module names (with a corresponding change to import.c),
and has a few extra options (e.g. to suppress freezing specific
modules).  It also does much more on Windows NT.

607 608
- Version 1.0 of the faq wizard is included (only very small changes
since version 0.9.0).

610 611
- New feature for the ftpmirror script: when removing local files
(i.e., only when -r is used), do a recursive delete.

613 614
Configuring and building Python

616 617
- Get rid of the check for -linet -- recent Sequent Dynix systems don't
need this any more and apparently it screws up their configuration.

- Some changes because gcc on SGI doesn't support '-all'.

621 622 623
- Changed the build rules to use $(LIBRARY) instead of
  -L.. -lpython$(VERSION)
since the latter trips up the SunOS 4.1.x linker (sigh).

625 626
- Fix the bug where the '# dgux is broken' comment in the Makefile
tripped over Make on some platforms.

628 629 630
- Changes for AIX: install the python.exp file; properly use
$(srcdir); the makexp_aix script now removes C++ entries of the form

632 633
- Deleted some Makefile targets only used by the (long obsolete)
gMakefile hacks.

635 636
Extension modules

638 639
- Performance and threading improvements to the socket and bsddb
modules, by Christopher Lindblad of Infoseek.

- Added operator.__not__ and operator.not_.

643 644 645
- In the thread module, when a thread exits due to an unhandled
exception, don't store the exception information in sys.last_*; it
prevents proper calling of destructors of local variables.

- Fixed a number of small bugs in the cPickle module.

649 650
- Changed find() and rfind() in the strop module so that
find("x","",2) returns -1, matching the implementation in

652 653
- In the time module, be more careful with the result of ctime(), and
test for HAVE_MKTIME before usinmg mktime().

655 656
- Doc strings contributed by Mitch Chapman to the termios, pwd, gdbm

- Added the LOG_SYSLOG constant to the syslog module, if defined.

660 661
Standard library modules

663 664
- All standard library modules have been converted to an indentation
style using either only tabs or only spaces -- never a mixture -- if
Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed
665 666 667
they weren't already consistent according to tabnanny.  This means
that the new -t option (see above) won't complain about standard
library modules.

- New standard library modules:

671 672
	threading -- GvR and the thread-sig
		Java style thread objects -- USE THIS!!!

674 675 676
	getpass -- Piers Lauder
		simple utilities to prompt for a password and to
		retrieve the current username

678 679
	imaplib -- Piers Lauder
		interface for the IMAP4 protocol

681 682
	poplib -- David Ascher, Piers Lauder
		interface for the POP3 protocol

684 685
	smtplib -- Dragon De Monsyne
		interface for the SMTP protocol

687 688
- Some obsolete modules moved to a separate directory (Lib/lib-old)
which is *not* in the default module search path:

690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698

700 701 702 703
- New version of the PCRE code (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions --
the re module and the supporting pcre extension) by Andrew Kuchling.
Incompatible new feature in re.sub(): the handling of escapes in the
replacement string has changed.

Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed
705 706
- Interface change in the copy module: a __deepcopy__ method is now
called with the memo dictionary as an argument.

708 709 710
- Feature change in the tokenize module: differentiate between NEWLINE
token (an official newline) and NL token (a newline that the grammar

712 713 714 715 716
- Several bugfixes to the urllib module.  It is now truly thread-safe,
and several bugs and a portability problem have been fixed.  New
features, all due to Sjoerd Mullender: When creating a temporary file,
it gives it an appropriate suffix.  Support the "data:" URL scheme.
The open() method uses the tempcache.

718 719
- New version of the xmllib module (this time with a test suite!) by
Sjoerd Mullender.

721 722
- Added debugging code to the telnetlib module, to be able to trace
the actual traffic.

724 725 726 727 728
- In the rfc822 module, added support for deleting a header (still no
support for adding headers, though).  Also fixed a bug where an
illegal address would cause a crash in getrouteaddr(), fixed a
sign reversal in mktime_tz(), and use the local timezone by default
(the latter two due to Bill van Melle).

730 731 732 733 734
- The normpath() function in the dospath and ntpath modules no longer
does case normalization -- for that, use the separate function
normcase() (which always existed); normcase() has been sped up and
fixed (it was the cause of a crash in Mark Hammond's installer in
certain locales).

736 737
- New command supported by the ftplib module: rmd(); also fixed some
minor bugs.

739 740 741
- The profile module now uses a different timer function by default -- 
time.clock() is generally better than os.times().  This makes it work
better on Windows NT, too.

743 744
- The tempfile module now recovers when os.getcwd() raises an

746 747 748
- Fixed some bugs in the random module; gauss() was subtly wrong, and
vonmisesvariate() should return a full circle.  Courtesy Mike Miller,
Lambert Meertens (gauss()), and Magnus Kessler (vonmisesvariate()).

- Better default seed in the whrandom module, courtesy Andrew Kuchling.

- Fix slow close() in shelve module.

754 755 756 757
- The Unix mailbox class in the mailbox module is now more robust when
a line begins with the string "From " but is definitely not the start
of a new message.  The pattern used can be changed by overriding a
method or class variable.

- Added a rmtree() function to the copy module.

761 762
- Fixed several typos in the pickle module.  Also fixed problems when
unpickling in restricted execution environments.

764 765 766 767 768
- Added docstrings and fixed a typo in the py_compile and compileall
modules.  At Mark Hammond's repeated request, py_compile now append a
newline to the source if it needs one.  Both modules support an extra
parameter to specify the purported source filename (to be used in
error messages).

- Some performance tweaks by Jeremy Hylton to the gzip module.

772 773
- Fixed a bug in the merge order of dictionaries in the ConfigParser
module.  Courtesy Barry Warsaw.

775 776
- In the multifile module, support the optional second parameter to
seek() when possible.

778 779
- Several fixes to the gopherlib module by Lars Marius Garshol.  Also, 
urlparse now correctly handles Gopher URLs with query strings.

781 782 783
- Fixed a tiny bug in format_exception() in the traceback module.
Also rewrite tb_lineno() to be compatible with JPython (and not
disturb the current exception!); by Jim Hugunin.

785 786
- The httplib module is more robust when servers send a short response 
-- courtesy Tim O'Malley.

788 789
Tkinter and friends

- Various typos and bugs fixed.

793 794
- New module Tkdnd implements a drag-and-drop protocol (within one
application only).

796 797
- The event_*() widget methods have been restructured slightly -- they
no longer use the default root.

799 800 801 802 803 804
- The interfaces for the bind*() and unbind() widget methods have been
redesigned; the bind*() methods now return the name of the Tcl command 
created for the callback, and this can be passed as a optional
argument to unbind() in order to delete the command (normally, such
commands are automatically unbound when the widget is destroyed, but
for some applications this isn't enough).

806 807
- Variable objects now have trace methods to interface to Tcl's
variable tracing facilities.

809 810 811
- Image objects now have an optional keyword argument, 'master', to
specify a widget (tree) to which they belong.  The image_names() and
image_types() calls are now also widget methods.

813 814 815 816 817
- There's a new global call, Tkinter.NoDefaultRoot(), which disables
all use of the default root by the Tkinter library.  This is useful to
debug applications that are in the process of being converted from
relying on the default root to explicit specification of the root

819 820 821
- The 'exit' command is deleted from the Tcl interpreter, since it
provided a loophole by which one could (accidentally) exit the Python
interpreter without invoking any cleanup code.

823 824
- Tcl_Finalize() is now registered as a Python low-level exit handle,
so Tcl will be finalized when Python exits.

826 827
The Python/C API

Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed
829 830 831 832 833 834 835
- New function PyThreadState_GetDict() returns a per-thread dictionary
intended for storing thread-local global variables.

- New functions Py_ReprEnter() and Py_ReprLeave() use the per-thread
dictionary to allow recursive container types to detect recursion in
their repr(), str() and print implementations.

836 837
- New function PyObject_Not(x) calculates (not x) according to Python's 
standard rules (basically, it negates the outcome PyObject_IsTrue(x).

839 840 841 842
- New function _PyModule_Clear(), which clears a module's dictionary
carefully without removing the __builtins__ entry.  This is implied
when a module object is deallocated (this used to clear the dictionary

844 845 846
- New function PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx(), which extends
PyImport_ExecCodeModule() by adding an extra parameter to pass it the
true file.

848 849
- New functions Py_GetPythonHome() and Py_SetPythonHome(), intended to
allow embedded applications to force a different value for PYTHONHOME.

851 852 853
- New global flag Py_FrozenFlag is set when this is a "frozen" Python
binary; it suppresses warnings about not being able to find the
standard library directories.

855 856 857
- New global flag Py_TabcheckFlag is incremented by the -t option and
causes the tokenizer to issue warnings or errors about inconsistent
mixing of tabs and spaces for indentation.

859 860
Miscellaneous minor changes and bug fixes

862 863 864
- Improved the error message when an attribute of an attribute-less
object is requested -- include the name of the attribute and the type
of the object in the message.

- Sped up int(), long(), float() a bit.

- Fixed a bug in list.sort() that would occasionally dump core.

870 871
- Fixed a bug in PyNumber_Power() that caused numeric arrays to fail
when taken tothe real power.

873 874 875 876
- Fixed a number of bugs in the file reading code, at least one of
which could cause a core dump on NT, and one of which would
occasionally cause to return less than the full contents
of the file.

- Performance hack by Vladimir Marangozov for stack frame creation.

- Make sure setvbuf() isn't used unless HAVE_SETVBUF is defined.

Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed
882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898
Windows 95/NT

- The .lib files are now part of the distribution; they are collected
in the subdirectory "libs" of the installation directory.

- The extension modules (.pyd files) are now collected in a separate
subdirectory of the installation directory named "DLLs".

- The case of a module's filename must now match the case of the
module name as specified in the import statement.  This is an
experimental feature -- if it turns out to break in too many
situations, it will be removed (or disabled by default) in the future.
It can be disabled on a per-case basis by setting the environment
variable PYTHONCASEOK (to any value).

900 901

902 903
From 1.5b2 to 1.5

- Newly documentated module:, thanks to Greg Stein.

907 908
- Added doc strings to, stropmodule.c, structmodule.c,
thanks to Charles Waldman.

910 911 912 913 914 915 916
- Many nits fixed in the manuals, thanks to Fred Drake and many others
(especially Rob Hooft and Andrew Kuchling).  The HTML version now uses
HTML markup instead of inline GIF images for tables; only two images
are left (for obsure bits of math).  The index of the HTML version has
also been much improved.  Finally, it is once again possible to
generate an Emacs info file from the library manual (but I don't
commit to supporting this in future versions).

- New module: (a simple telnet client library).

- New tool: Tools/versioncheck/, by Jack Jansen.

922 923 924
- Ported zlibmodule.c and bsddbmodule.c to NT; The project file for MS
DevStudio 5.0 now includes new subprojects to build the zlib and bsddb
extension modules.

926 927 928
- Many small changes again to -- mostly bugfixes and adding
missing routines.  Thanks to Greg McFarlane for reporting a bunch of
problems and proofreading my fixes.

930 931
- The re module and its documentation are up to date with the latest
version released to the string-sig (Dec. 22).

933 934
- Stop from failing when the /etc/group file is empty
(yes, this happens!).

936 937
- Fix bug in integer conversion (mystrtoul.c) that caused
4294967296==0 to be true!

- The VC++ 4.2 project file should be complete again.

941 942 943 944
- In, use a better template on NT, and add a new optional
argument "suffix" with default "" to specify a specific extension for
the temporary filename (needed sometimes on NT but perhaps also handy

946 947
- Fixed some bugs in the FAQ wizard, and converted it to use re
instead of regex.

949 950
- Fixed a mysteriously undetected error in dlmodule.c (it was using a
totally bogus routine name to raise an exception).

- Fixed bug in import.c which wasn't using the new "dos-8x3" name yet.

954 955 956
- Hopefully harmless changes to the build process to support shared
libraries on DG/UX.  This adds a target to create
libpython$(VERSION).so; however this target is *only* for DG/UX.

- Fixed a bug in the new format string error checking in getargs.c.

960 961 962
- A simple fix for infinite recursion when printing __builtins__:
reset '_' to None before printing and set it to the printed variable
*after* printing (and only when printing is successful).

964 965
- Fixed lib-tk/ to keep the dialog visible even if the
parent window is not (Skip Montanaro).

967 968 969 970
- Fixed the two most annoying problems with ftp URLs in
urllib.urlopen(); an empty file now correctly raises an error, and it
is no longer required to explicitly close the returned "file" object
before opening another ftp URL to the same host and directory.
971 972



976 977
From 1.5b1 to 1.5b2

979 980
- Fixed a bug in cPickle.c that caused it to crash right away because
the version string had a different format.

982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990
- Changes in and cPickle.c: when unpickling an instance of a
class that doesn't define the __getinitargs__() method, the __init__()
constructor is no longer called.  This makes a much larger group of
classes picklable by default, but may occasionally change semantics.
To force calling __init__() on unpickling, define a __getinitargs__()
method.  Other changes too, in particular cPickle now handles classes
defined in packages correctly.  The same change applies to copying
instances with  The cPickle.c changes and some
changes are courtesy Jim Fulton.

992 993 994
- Locale support in he "re" (Perl regular expressions) module.  Use 
the flag re.L (or re.LOCALE) to enable locale-specific matching
rules for \w and \b.  The in-line syntax for this flag is (?L).

996 997
- The built-in function isinstance(x, y) now also succeeds when y is
a type object and type(x) is y.

999 1000
- repr() and str() of class and instance objects now reflect the
package/module in which the class is defined.

1002 1003 1004 1005 1006
- Module "ni" has been removed.  (If you really need it, it's been
renamed to "ni1".  Let me know if this causes any problems for you.
Package authors are encouraged to write files that
support both ni and 1.5 package support, so the same version can be
used with Python 1.4 as well as 1.5.)

1008 1009 1010
- The thread module is now automatically included when threads are
configured.  (You must remove it from your existing Setup file,
since it is now in its own Setup.thread file.)

1012 1013
- New command line option "-x" to skip the first line of the script;
handy to make executable scripts on non-Unix platforms.

1015 1016 1017
- In importdl.c, add the RTLD_GLOBAL to the dlopen() flags.  I
haven't checked how this affects things, but it should make symbols
in one shared library available to the next one.

1019 1020
- The Windows installer now installs in the "Program Files" folder on
the proper volume by default.

1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028
- The Windows configuration adds a new main program, "pythonw", and
registers a new extension, ".pyw" that invokes this.  This is a
pstandard Python interpreter that does not pop up a console window;
handy for pure Tkinter applications.  All output to the original
stdout and stderr is lost; reading from the original stdin yields
EOF.  Also, both python.exe and pythonw.exe now have a pretty icon
(a green snake in a box, courtesy Mark Hammond).

1030 1031
- Lots of improvements to emacs-mode.el again.  See Barry's web page:

1033 1034
- Lots of improvements and additions to the library reference manual;
many by Fred Drake.

1036 1037
- Doc strings for the following modules:,,,  Thanks to Mitch Chapman and Charles Waldman.

- Some more regression testing.

- An optional 4th (maxsplit) argument to strop.replace().

- Fixed handling of maxsplit in string.splitfields().

- Tweaked os.environ so it can be pickled and copied.

1047 1048
- The portability problems caused by indented preprocessor commands
and C++ style comments should be gone now.

- In, added Pareto and Weibull distributions.

1052 1053 1054
- The crypt module is now disabled in Modules/ by default; it
is rarely needed and causes errors on some systems where users often
don't know how to deal with those.

- Some improvements to the _tkinter build line suggested by Case Roole.

1058 1059
- A full suite of platform specific files for NetBSD 1.x, submitted by 
Anders Andersen.

- New Solaris specific header

1063 1064 1065
- Moved a confusing occurrence of *shared* from the comments in
Modules/ (people would enable this one instead of the real
one, and get disappointing results).

1067 1068
- Changed the default mode for directories to be group-writable when
the installation process creates them.

1070 1071
- Check for pthread support in "-l_r" for FreeBSD/NetBSD, and support
shared libraries for both.

- Support FreeBSD and NetBSD in

- Support for the "event" command, new in Tk 4.2.  By Case Roole.

- Add Tix_SafeInit() support to tkappinit.c.

- Various bugs fixed in "" and "pcre.c".

- Fixed a bug (broken use of the syntax table) in the old "regexpr.c".

1083 1084
- In frozenmain.c, stdin is made unbuffered too when PYTHONUNBUFFERED
is set.

1086 1087
- Provide default blocksize for retrbinary in (Skip

1089 1090
- In NT, pick the username up from different places in (Jeff

- Patch to urlparse.urljoin() for ".." and "..#1", Marc Lemburg.

- Many small improvements to Jeff Rush' OS/2 support.

- is gone; it's been obsolete for so many years now...

1098 1099
- The reference manual is now set up to prepare better HTML (still
using webmaker, alas).

1101 1102
- Add special handling to /Tools/freeze for Python modules that are
imported implicitly by the Python runtime: 'site' and 'exceptions'.

1104 1105
- Tools/faqwiz 0.8.3 -- add an option to suppress URL processing
inside <PRE>, by "Scott".

1107 1108
- Added, a generic parser for sectioned configuration

1110 1111
- In _localemodule.c, LC_MESSAGES is not always defined; put it
between #ifdefs.


1115 1116
- Demo/scripts/ Fix the way the version number is gotten
out of the RCS revision.

1118 1119
- PyArg_Parse[Tuple] now explicitly check for bad characters at the
end of the format string.

- Revamped PC/example_nt to support VC++ 5.x.

1123 1124 1125
- <listobject>.sort() now uses a modified quicksort by Raymund Galvin,
after studying the GNU libg++ quicksort.  This should be much faster
if there are lots of duplicates, and otherwise at least as good.

1127 1128 1129
- Added "uue" as an alias for "uuencode" to  (Hm, the
uudecode bug where it complaints about trailing garbage is still there 
:-( ).

1131 1132 1133
- requires integers in text mode to be in decimal notation
(it used to accept octal and hex, even though it would only generate
decimal numbers).

1135 1136 1137
- In string.atof(), don't fail when the "re" module is unavailable.
Plug the ensueing security leak by supplying an empty __builtins__
directory to eval().

- A bunch of small fixes and improvements to

- Fixed a buffer overrun in PC/getpathp.c.
1142 1143

1145 1146

1147 1148
From 1.5a4 to 1.5b1

1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155
- The Windows NT/95 installer now includes full HTML of all manuals.
It also has a checkbox that lets you decide whether to install the
interpreter and library.  The WISE installer script for the installer
is included in the source tree as PC/python15.wse, and so are the
icons used for Python files.  The config.c file for the Windows build
is now complete with the pcre module.

1157 1158
- sys.ps1 and sys.ps2 can now arbitrary objects; their str() is
evaluated for the prompt.

1160 1161
- The reference manual is brought up to date (more or less -- it still
needs work, e.g. in the area of package import).

1163 1164 1165 1166
- The icons used by latex2html are now included in the Doc
subdirectory (mostly so that tarring up the HTML files can be fully
automated).  A simple index.html is also added to Doc (it only works
after you have successfully run latex2html).

1168 1169 1170 1171 1172
- For all you would-be proselytizers out there: a new version of
Misc/BLURB describes Python more concisely, and Misc/comparisons
compares Python to several other languages.  Misc/BLURB.WINDOWS
contains a blurb specifically aimed at Windows programmers (by Mark

1174 1175 1176
- A new version of the Python mode for Emacs is included as
Misc/python-mode.el.  There are too many new features to list here.
See for more info.

1178 1179 1180
- New module fileinput makes iterating over the lines of a list of
files easier.  (This still needs some more thinking to make it more

1182 1183 1184 1185
- There's full OS/2 support, courtesy Jeff Rush.  To build the OS/2
version, see PC/readme.txt and PC/os2vacpp.  This is for IBM's Visual
Age C++ compiler.  I expect that Jeff will also provide a binary
release for this platform.

1187 1188 1189 1190 1191
- On Linux, the configure script now uses '-Xlinker -export-dynamic'
instead of '-rdynamic' to link the main program so that it exports its
symbols to shared libraries it loads dynamically.  I hope this doesn't
break on older Linux versions; it is needed for mklinux and appears to
work on Linux 2.0.30.

1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200
- Some Tkinter resstructuring: the geometry methods that apply to a
master are now properly usable on toplevel master widgets.  There's a
new (internal) widget class, BaseWidget.  New, longer "official" names
for the geometry manager methods have been added,
e.g. "grid_columnconfigure()" instead of "columnconfigure()".  The old
shorter names still work, and where there's ambiguity, pack wins over
place wins over grid.  Also, the bind_class method now returns its

1202 1203
- New, RFC-822 conformant parsing of email addresses and address lists
in the rfc822 module, courtesy Ben Escoto.

1205 1206 1207 1208 1209
- New, revamped tkappinit.c with support for popular packages (PIL,
TIX, BLT, TOGL).  For the last three, you need to execute the Tcl
command "load {} Tix" (or Blt, or Togl) to gain access to them.
The Modules/Setup line for the _tkinter module has been rewritten
using the cool line-breaking feature of most Bourne shells.

1211 1212 1213
- New socket method connect_ex() returns the error code from connect()
instead of raising an exception on errors; this makes the logic
required for asynchronous connects simpler and more efficient.

1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225
- New "locale" module with (still experimental) interface to the
standard C library locale interface, courtesy Martin von Loewis.  This
does not repeat my mistake in 1.5a4 of always calling
setlocale(LC_ALL, "").  In fact, we've pretty much decided that
Python's standard numerical formatting operations should always use
the conventions for the C locale; the locale module contains utility
functions to format numbers according to the user specified locale.
(All this is accomplished by an explicit call to setlocale(LC_NUMERIC,
"C") after locale-changing calls.)  See the library manual. (Alas, the
promised changes to the "re" module for locale support have not been
materialized yet.  If you care, volunteer!)

- Memory leak plugged in Py_BuildValue when building a dictionary.

1229 1230
- Shared modules can now live inside packages (hierarchical module
namespaces).  No changes to the shared module itself are needed.

1232 1233
- Improved policy for __builtins__: this is a module in __main__ and a
dictionary everywhere else.

1235 1236 1237 1238
- Python no longer catches SIGHUP and SIGTERM by default.  This was
impossible to get right in the light of thread contexts.  If you want
your program to clean up when a signal happens, use the signal module
to set up your own signal handler.

1240 1241 1242 1243 1244
- New Python/C API PyNumber_CoerceEx() does not return an exception
when no coercion is possible.  This is used to fix a problem where
comparing incompatible numbers for equality would raise an exception
rather than return false as in Python 1.4 -- it once again will return

1246 1247 1248
- The errno module is changed again -- the table of error messages
(errorstr) is removed.  Instead, you can use os.strerror().  This
removes redundance and a potential locale dependency.

- New module xmllib, to parse XML files.  By Sjoerd Mullender.

1252 1253 1254 1255
- New C API PyOS_AfterFork() is called after fork() in posixmodule.c.
It resets the signal module's notion of what the current process ID
and thread are, so that signal handlers will work after (and across)
calls to os.fork().

- Fixed most occurrences of fatal errors due to missing thread state.

1259 1260
- For vgrind (a flexible source pretty printer) fans, there's a simple
Python definition in Misc/vgrindefs, courtesy Neale Pickett.

- Fixed memory leak in exec statement.

1264 1265 1266
- The test.pystone module has a new function, pystones(loops=LOOPS),
which returns a (benchtime, stones) tuple.  The main() function now
calls this and prints the report.

1268 1269 1270 1271
- Package directories now *require* the presence of an (or
__init__.pyc) file before they are considered as packages.  This is
done to prevent accidental subdirectories with common names from
overriding modules with the same name.

1273 1274 1275 1276
- Fixed some strange exceptions in __del__ methods in library modules
(e.g. urllib).  This happens because the builtin names are already
deleted by the time __del__ is called.  The solution (a hack, but it
works) is to set some instance variables to 0 instead of None.

1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283
- The table of built-in module initializers is replaced by a pointer
variable.  This makes it possible to switch to a different table at
run time, e.g. when a collection of modules is loaded from a shared
library.  (No example code of how to do this is given, but it is
possible.)  The table is still there of course, its name prefixed with
an underscore and used to initialize the pointer.

1285 1286
- The warning about a thread still having a frame now only happens in
verbose mode.

1288 1289 1290
- Change the signal finialization so that it also resets the signal
handlers.  After this has been called, our signal handlers are no
longer active!

1292 1293
- New version of (by Ka-Ping Yee) recognizes raw string
literals.  There's now also a test fort this module.

1295 1296 1297
- The copy module now also uses __dict__.update(state) instead of
going through individual attribute assignments, for class instances
without a __setstate__ method.

1299 1300
- New module reconvert translates old-style (regex module) regular
expressions to new-style (re module, Perl-style) regular expressions.

1302 1303 1304
- Most modules that used to use the regex module now use the re
module.  The grep module has a new pgrep() function which uses
Perl-style regular expressions.

1306 1307
- The (very old, backwards compatibility) module has been

1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343
- Restricted execution (rexec): added the pcre module (support for the
re module) to the list of trusted extension modules.

- New version of Jim Fulton's CObject object type, adds
PyCObject_FromVoidPtrAndDesc() and PyCObject_GetDesc() APIs.

- Some patches to Lee Busby's fpectl mods that accidentally didn't
make it into 1.5a4.

- In the string module, add an optional 4th argument to count(),
matching find() etc.

- Patch for the nntplib module by Charles Waldman to add optional user
and password arguments to NNTP.__init__(), for nntp servers that need

- The str() function for class objects now returns
"modulename.classname" instead of returning the same as repr().

- The parsing of \xXX escapes no longer relies on sscanf().

- The "sharedmodules" subdirectory of the installation is renamed to
"lib-dynload".  (You may have to edit your Modules/Setup file to fix
this in an existing installation!)

- Fixed Don Beaudry's mess-up with the OPT test in the configure
script.  Certain SGI platforms will still issue a warning for each
compile; there's not much I can do about this since the compiler's
exit status doesn't indicate that I was using an obsolete option.

- Fixed Barry's mess-up with {}.get(), and added test cases for it.

- Shared libraries didn't quite work under AIX because of the change
in status of the GNU readline interface.  Fix due to by Vladimir
1344 1345

1346 1347 1348

1349 1350
From 1.5a3 to 1.5a4

1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364
- version 0.8; Recognize https:// as URL; <html>...</html>
feature; better install instructions; removed (which was an
older version).

- Fixed some bugs reported by Lars Wirzenius (to Debian)
about the treatment of lines starting with '.'.  Added a minimal test

- struct module: ignore most whitespace in format strings.

- close the socket and temp file in URLopener.retrieve() so
that multiple retrievals using the same connection work.

1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373
- All standard exceptions are now classes by default; use -X to make
them strings (for backward compatibility only).

- There's a new standard exception hierarchy, defined in the standard
library module (which you never need to import
explicitly).  See for
more info.

1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399
- Three new C API functions:

  - int PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches(obj1, obj2)

    Returns 1 if obj1 and obj2 are the same object, or if obj1 is an
    instance of type obj2, or of a class derived from obj2

  - int PyErr_ExceptionMatches(obj)

    Higher level wrapper around PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches() which uses
    PyErr_Occurred() as obj1.  This will be the more commonly called

  - void PyErr_NormalizeException(typeptr, valptr, tbptr)

    Normalizes exceptions, and places the normalized values in the
    arguments.  If type is not a class, this does nothing.  If type is a
    class, then it makes sure that value is an instance of the class by:

    1. if instance is of the type, or a class derived from type, it does

    2. otherwise it instantiates the class, using the value as an
       argument.  If value is None, it uses an empty arg tuple, and if
       the value is a tuple, it uses just that.

1400 1401 1402
- Another new C API function: PyErr_NewException() creates a new
exception class derived from Exception; when -X is given, it creates a
new string exception.
1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492

- core interpreter: remove the distinction between tuple and list
unpacking; allow an arbitrary sequence on the right hand side of any
unpack instruction.  (UNPACK_LIST and UNPACK_TUPLE now do the same
thing, which should really be called UNPACK_SEQUENCE.)

- classes: Allow assignments to an instance's __dict__ or __class__,
so you can change ivars (including shared ivars -- shock horror) and
change classes dynamically.  Also make the check on read-only
attributes of classes less draconic -- only the specials names
__dict__, __bases__, __name__ and __{get,set,del}attr__ can't be

- Two new built-in functions: issubclass() and isinstance().  Both
take classes as their second arguments.  The former takes a class as
the first argument and returns true iff first is second, or is a
subclass of second.  The latter takes any object as the first argument
and returns true iff first is an instance of the second, or any
subclass of second.

- configure: Added configuration tests for presence of alarm(),
pause(), and getpwent().

- Doc/Makefile: changed latex2html targets.

- classes: Reverse the search order for the Don Beaudry hook so that
the first class with an applicable hook wins.  Makes more sense.

- Changed the checks made in Py_Initialize() and Py_Finalize().  It is
now legal to call these more than once.  The first call to
Py_Initialize() initializes, the first call to Py_Finalize()
finalizes.  There's also a new API, Py_IsInitalized() which checks
whether we are already initialized (in case you want to leave things
as they were).

- Completely disable the declarations for malloc(), realloc() and
free().  Any 90's C compiler has these in header files, and the tests
to decide whether to suppress the declarations kept failing on some

- *Before* (instead of after) signalmodule.o is added, remove both
intrcheck.o and sigcheck.o.  This should get rid of warnings in ar or
ld on various systems.

- Added reop to PC/config.c

- configure: Decided to use -Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE on HP-UX platforms.
Removed outdated HP-UX comments from README.  Added Cray T3E comments.

- Various renames of statically defined functions that had name
conflicts on some systems, e.g. strndup (GNU libc), join (Cray),
roundup (sys/types.h).

- Interpret three slashes in file: URL as local file (for
Netscape on Windows/Mac).

- Make sure the objects returned by __getinitargs__() are
kept alive (in the memo) to avoid a certain kind of nasty crash.  (Not
easily reproducable because it requires a later call to
__getinitargs__() to return a tuple that happens to be allocated at
the same address.)

- Added definition of AR to toplevel Makefile.  Renamed @buildno temp
file to buildno1.

- Moved Include/assert.h to Parser/assert.h, which seems to be the
only place where it's needed.

- Tweaked the dictionary lookup code again for some more speed
(Vladimir Marangozov).

- NT build: Changed the way python15.lib is included in the other
projects.  Per Mark Hammond's suggestion, add it to the extra libs in
Settings instead of to the project's source files.

- Change default verbosity so that there are only three
levels left: -q, default and -v.  In default mode, the name of each
test is now printed.  -v is the same as the old -vv.  -q is more quiet
than the old default mode.

- Removed the old FAQ from the distribution.  You now have to get it
from the web!

- Removed the PC/ file from the distribution; it is no
longer needed.

- Changed the build sequence so that shared modules are built last.
This fixes things for AIX and doesn't hurt elsewhere.

- Improved test for GNU MP v1 in mpzmodule.c

- fileobject.c: ftell() on Linux discards all buffered data; changed
read() code to use lseek() instead to get the same effect

-, configure, importdl.c: NeXT sharedlib fixes

- tupleobject.c: PyTuple_SetItem asserts refcnt==1

1501 1502 1503 1504
- resource.c: Different strategy regarding whether to declare
getrusage() and getpagesize() -- #ifdef doesn't work, Linux has
conflicting decls in its headers.  Choice: only declare the return
type, not the argument prototype, and not on Linux.

- importdl.c, configure*: set sharedlib extensions properly for NeXT

1508 1509
- configure*,, Modules/ AIX shared libraries
fixed; moved addition of PURIFY to LINKCC to configure

1511 1512
- reopmodule.c, regexmodule.c, regexpr.c, zlibmodule.c: needed casts
added to shup up various compilers.

- _tkinter.c: removed buggy mac #ifndef

- Doc: various Mac documentation changes, added docs for 'ic' module

- PC/ deleted

1520 1521
-, tweaks to catch %Z (which may return

- print b -> print `b`

- (tagOrId) -> (tagOrId,)
1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534

- the Tk class now also has a configure() method and
friends (they have been moved to the Misc class to accomplish this).

- dict.get(key[, default]) returns dict[key] if it exists, or default
if it doesn't.  The default defaults to None.  This is quicker for
some applications than using either has_key() or try:...except

1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570
- Tools/webchecker/: some small changes to; added (a simple web site mirroring script).

- Dictionary objects now have a get() method (also in
dict.get(key, default) returns dict[key] if it exists and default
otherwise; default defaults to None.

- Tools/scripts/ print the author, too.

- Changes to import: support for "import a.b.c" is now built in.  See
for more info.  Most important deviations from "": is
executed in the package's namespace instead of as a submodule; and
there's no support for "__" or "__domain__".  Note that "" is not
changed to match this -- it is simply declared obsolete (while at the
same time, it is documented...:-( ).
Unfortunately, "" has not been upgraded (but see ""
for an example implementation of hierarchical module import written in

- More changes to import: the module is now imported by
default when Python is initialized; use -S to disable it.  The
module extends the path with several more directories: site-packages
inside the lib/python1.5/ directory, site-python in the lib/
directory, and pathnames mentioned in *.pth files found in either of
those directories.  See
for more info.

- Changes to standard library subdirectory names: those subdirectories
that are not packages have been renamed with a hypen in their name,
e.g. lib-tk, lib-stdwin, plat-win, plat-linux2, plat-sunos5, dos-8x3.
The test suite is now a package -- to run a test, you must now use
"import test.test_foo".

- A completely new module is provided (thanks to Andrew
1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576
Kuchling, Tim Peters and Jeffrey Ollie) which uses Philip Hazel's
"pcre" re compiler and engine.  For a while, the "old" (which
was new in 1.5a3!) will be kept around as  The "old" regex
module and underlying parser and engine are still present -- while
regex is now officially obsolete, it will probably take several major
release cycles before it can be removed.
1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630

- The posix module now has a strerror() function which translates an
error code to a string.

- The module (which was long obsolete) has been removed.

- The universal makefile Misc/ now features an
"install" target.  By default, installed shared libraries go into

- The install-sh script is installed with the other configuration
specific files (in the config/ subdirectory).

- It turns out and were identical modules.
Since there's also an file, I propose to make the
official one.  For compatibility, imports * from

- Class objects have a new attribute, __module__, giving the name of
the module in which they were declared.  This is useful for pickle and
for printing the full name of a class exception.

- Many extension modules no longer issue a fatal error when their
initialization fails; the importing code now checks whether an error
occurred during module initialization, and correctly propagates the
exception to the import statement.

- Most extension modules now raise class-based exceptions (except when
-X is used).

- Subtle changes to PyEval_{Save,Restore}Thread(): always swap the
thread state -- just don't manipulate the lock if it isn't there.

- Fixed a bug in Python/getopt.c that made it do the wrong thing when
an option was a single '-'.  Thanks to Andrew Kuchling.

- New module will guess a MIME type from a filename's

- Windows: the DLL version is now settable via a resource rather than
being hardcoded.  This can be used for "branding" a binary Python

- is now threadsafe -- it now uses re instead of regex, and
sys.exc_info() instead of sys.exc_{type,value}.

- Many other library modules that used to use
sys.exc_{type,value,traceback} are now more thread-safe by virtue of
using sys.exc_info().

- The functions in popen2 have an optional buffer size parameter.
Also, the command argument can now be either a string (passed to the
shell) or a list of arguments (passed directly to execv).

1631 1632 1633 1634 1635
- Alas, the thread support for _tkinter released with 1.5a3 didn't
work.  It's been rewritten.  The bad news is that it now requires a
modified version of a file in the standard Tcl distribution, which you
must compile with a -I option pointing to the standard Tcl source
tree.  For this reason, the thread support is disabled by default.
1636 1637

- The errno extension module adds two tables: errorcode maps errno
numbers to errno names (e.g. EINTR), and errorstr maps them to
1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703
message strings.  (The latter is redundant because the new call
posix.strerror() now does the same, but alla...)  (Marc-Andre Lemburg)

- The readline extension module now provides some interfaces to
internal readline routines that make it possible to write a completer
in Python.  An example completer,, is provided.

	When completing a simple identifier, it completes keywords,
	built-ins and globals in __main__; when completing
	NAME.NAME..., it evaluates (!) the expression up to the last
	dot and completes its attributes.

	It's very cool to do "import string" type "string.", hit the
	completion key (twice), and see the list of names defined by
	the string module!

	Tip: to use the tab key as the completion key, call

	    readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")

- The module has a new function tb_lineno() by Marc-Andre
Lemburg which extracts the line number from the linenumber table in
the code object.  Apparently the traceback object doesn't contains the
right linenumber when -O is used.  Rather than guessing whether -O is
on or off, the module itself uses tb_lineno() unconditionally.

- Fixed Demo/tkinter/matt/ change bind()
to tag_bind() so it works again.

- The pystone script is now a standard library module.  Example use:
"import test.pystone; test.pystone.main()".

- The import of the readline module in interactive mode is now also
attempted when -i is specified.  (Yes, I know, giving in to Marc-Andre
Lemburg, who asked for this. :-)

- Entirely rewritten parseaddr() function by Sjoerd
Mullender, to be closer to the standard.  This fixes the getaddr()
method.  Unfortunately, getaddrlist() is as broken as ever, since it
splits on commas without regard for RFC 822 quoting conventions.

- correctly emit trailing "," in singleton tuples.

- _tkinter.c: export names for its type objects, TkappType and

- use __module__ when defined; fix a particularly hard to
reproduce bug that confuses the memo when temporary objects are
returned by custom pickling interfaces; and a semantic change: when
unpickling the instance variables of an instance, use
inst.__dict__.update(value) instead of a for loop with setattr() over
the value.keys().  This is more consistent (the pickling doesn't use
getattr() either but pickles inst.__dict__) and avoids problems with
instances that have a __setattr__ hook.  But it *is* a semantic change
(because the setattr hook is no longer used).  So beware!

- config.h is now installed (at last) in
$exec_prefix/include/python1.5/.  For most sites, this means that it
is actually in $prefix/include/python1.5/, with all the other Python
include files, since $prefix and $exec_prefix are the same by

- The imp module now supports parts of the functionality to implement
import of hierarchical module names.  It now supports find_module()
and load_module() for all types of modules.  Docstrings have been
added for those functions in the built-in imp module that are still
1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774
relevant (some old interfaces are obsolete).  For a sample
implementation of hierarchical module import in Python, see the new
library module

- The % operator on string objects now allows arbitrary nested parens
in a %(...)X style format.  (Brad Howes)

- Reverse the order in which Setup and Setup.local are passed to the
makesetup script.  This allows variable definitions in Setup.local to
override definitions in Setup.  (But you'll still have to edit Setup
if you want to disable modules that are enabled by default, or if such
modules need non-standard options.)

- Added PyImport_ImportModuleEx(name, globals, locals, fromlist); this
is like PyImport_ImporModule(name) but receives the globals and locals
dict and the fromlist arguments as well.  (The name is a char*; the
others are PyObject*s).

- The 'p' format in the struct extension module alloded to above is
new in 1.5a4.

- The module now uses try-except in a few places to make it
more likely that it can be imported in restricted mode.  Some type
names are undefined in that case, e.g. CodeType (inaccessible),
FileType (not always accessible), and TracebackType and FrameType

- In added separate administration of temporary files
created y URLopener.retrieve() so cleanup() can properly remove them.
The old code removed everything in tempcache which was a bad idea if
the user had passed a non-temp file into it.  Also, in basejoin(),
interpret relative paths starting in "../".  This is necessary if the
server uses symbolic links.

- The Windows build procedure and project files are now based on
Microsoft Visual C++ 5.x.  The build now takes place in the PCbuild
directory.  It is much more robust, and properly builds separate Debug
and Release versions.  (The installer will be added shortly.)

- Added casts and changed some return types in regexpr.c to avoid
compiler warnings or errors on some platforms.

- The AIX build tools for shared libraries now supports VPATH.  (Donn

- By default, disable the "portable" multimedia modules audioop,
imageop, and rgbimg, since they don't work on 64-bit platforms.

- Fixed a nasty bug in cStringIO.c when code was actually using the
close() method (the destructors would try to free certain fields a
second time).

- For those who think they need it, there's a "" module.  This
is *not* imported by default, but can be imported to run user-specific
setup commands, ~/

- Various speedups suggested by Fredrik Lundh, Marc-Andre Lemburg,
Vladimir Marangozov, and others.

- Added os.altsep; this is '/' on DOS/Windows, and None on systems
with a sane filename syntax.

- Write out the dynamic OS choice, to avoid exec statements.
Adding support for a new OS is now a bit more work, but I bet that
'dos' or 'nt' will cover most situations...

- The obsolete exception AccessError is now really gone.

- Tools/faqwiz/: New installation instructions show how to maintain
multiple FAQs.  Removed bootstrap script from end of module.
Added instructions to bootstrap script, too.  Version bumped to 0.8.1.
1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782
Added <html>...</html> feature suggested by Skip Montanaro.  Added
leading text for Roulette, default to 'Hit Reload ...'.  Fix typo in
default SRCDIR.

- Documentation for the relatively new modules "keyword" and "symbol"
has been added (to the end of the section on the parser extension
1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789

- In module, but functions have two optional argument 'lo'
and 'hi' which allow you to specify a subsequence of the array to
operate on.

- In, changed most methods to return their status (even when
it is always "200 OK") rather than swallowing it.
1790 1791 1792

- main() now calls setlocale(LC_ALL, ""), if setlocale() and
<locale.h> are defined.
1793 1794 1795 1796

- Changes to, the configure script, and both files, to support SGI's SGI_ABI platform selection
environment variable.
1797 1798 1799 1800 1801


1802 1803
From 1.4 to 1.5a3

1805 1806

1808 1809
- If you are using the setuid script C wrapper (Misc/setuid-prog.c),
please use the new version.  The old version has a huge security leak.

1811 1812

1814 1815 1816
- Because of various (small) incompatible changes in the Python
bytecode interpreter, the magic number for .pyc files has changed

1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824
- The default module search path is now much saner.  Both on Unix and
Windows, it is essentially derived from the path to the executable
(which can be overridden by setting the environment variable
$PYTHONHOME).  The value of $PYTHONPATH on Windows is now inserted in
front of the default path, like in Unix (instead of overriding the
default path).  On Windows, the directory containing the executable is
added to the end of the path.

1826 1827 1828
- A new version of python-mode.el for Emacs has been included.  Also,
a new file ccpy-style.el has been added to configure Emacs cc-mode for
the preferred style in Python C sources.

1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836
- On Unix, when using sys.argv[0] to insert the script directory in
front of sys.path, expand a symbolic link.  You can now install a
program in a private directory and have a symbolic link to it in a
public bin directory, and it will put the private directory in the
module search path.  Note that the symlink is expanded in sys.path[0]
but not in sys.argv[0], so you can still tell the name by which you
were invoked.

1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845
- It is now recommended to use ``#!/usr/bin/env python'' instead of
``#!/usr/local/bin/python'' at the start of executable scripts, except
for CGI scripts.  It has been determined that the use of /usr/bin/env
is more portable than that of /usr/local/bin/python -- scripts almost
never have to be edited when the Python interpreter lives in a
non-standard place.  Note that this doesn't work for CGI scripts since
the python executable often doesn't live in the HTTP server's default
search path.

1847 1848 1849
- The silly -s command line option and the corresponding
PYTHONSUPPRESS environment variable (and the Py_SuppressPrint global
flag in the Python/C API) are gone.

1851 1852 1853
- Most problems on 64-bit platforms should now be fixed.  Andrew
Kuchling helped.  Some uncommon extension modules are still not
clean (image and audio ops?).

1855 1856 1857 1858
- Fixed a bug where multiple anonymous tuple arguments would be mixed up
when using the debugger or profiler (reported by Just van Rossum).
The simplest example is ``def f((a,b),(c,d)): print a,b,c,d''; this
would print the wrong value when run under the debugger or profiler.

1860 1861 1862 1863
- The hacks that the dictionary implementation used to speed up
repeated lookups of the same C string were removed; these were a
source of subtle problems and don't seem to serve much of a purpose
any longer.

1865 1866
- All traces of support for the long dead access statement have been
removed from the sources.

1868 1869
- Plugged the two-byte memory leak in the tokenizer when reading an
interactive EOF.

1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888
- There's a -O option to the interpreter that removes SET_LINENO
instructions and assert statements (see below); it uses and produces
.pyo files instead of .pyc files.  The speedup is only a few percent
in most cases.  The line numbers are still available in the .pyo file,
as a separate table (which is also available in .pyc files).  However,
the removal of the SET_LINENO instructions means that the debugger
(pdb) can't set breakpoints on lines in -O mode.  The traceback module
contains a function to extract a line number from the code object
referenced in a traceback object.  In the future it should be possible
to write external bytecode optimizers that create better optimized
.pyo files, and there should be more control over optimization;
consider the -O option a "teaser".  Without -O, the assert statement
actually generates code that first checks __debug__; if this variable
is false, the assertion is not checked.  __debug__ is a built-in
variable whose value is initialized to track the -O flag (it's true
iff -O is not specified).  With -O, no code is generated for assert
statements, nor for code of the form ``if __debug__: <something>''.
Sorry, no further constant folding happens.
1889 1890

1891 1892

1894 1895
- It's much faster (almost twice for -- see
Tools/scripts).  See the entry on string interning below.

1897 1898
- Some speedup by using separate free lists for method objects (both
the C and the Python variety) and for floating point numbers.

1900 1901 1902
- Big speedup by allocating frame objects with a single malloc() call.
The Python/C API for frames is changed (you shouldn't be using this

1904 1905
- Significant speedup by inlining some common opcodes for common operand 
types (e.g.  i+i, i-i, and list[i]).  Fredrik Lundh.

1907 1908
- Small speedup by reordering the method tables of some common
objects (e.g. list.append is now first).

1910 1911 1912 1913 1914
- Big optimization to the read() method of file objects.  A read()
without arguments now attempts to use fstat to allocate a buffer of
the right size; for pipes and sockets, it will fall back to doubling
the buffer size.  While that the improvement is real on all systems,
it is most dramatic on Windows.
1915 1916

1917 1918

1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928
- Many new pieces of library documentation were contributed, mostly by
Andrew Kuchling.  Even cmath is now documented!  There's also a
chapter of the library manual, "libundoc.tex", which provides a
listing of all undocumented modules, plus their status (e.g. internal,
obsolete, or in need of documentation).  Also contributions by Sue
Williams, Skip Montanaro, and some module authors who succumbed to
pressure to document their own contributed modules :-).  Note that
printing the documentation now kills fewer trees -- the margins have
been reduced.

1930 1931 1932 1933
- I have started documenting the Python/C API. Unfortunately this project 
hasn't been completed yet.  It will be complete before the final release of 
Python 1.5, though.  At the moment, it's better to read the LaTeX source 
than to attempt to run it through LaTeX and print the resulting dvi file.

1935 1936 1937
- The posix module (and hence now has doc strings!  Thanks to Neil 
Schemenauer.  I received a few other contributions of doc strings.  In most 
other places, doc strings are still wishful thinking...
1938 1939

1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354
Language changes

- Private variables with leading double underscore are now a permanent 
feature of the language.  (These were experimental in release 1.4.  I have 
favorable experience using them; I can't label them "experimental" 

- There's new string literal syntax for "raw strings".  Prefixing a string 
literal with the letter r (or R) disables all escape processing in the 
string; for example, r'\n' is a two-character string consisting of a 
backslash followed by the letter n.  This combines with all forms of string 
quotes; it is actually useful for triple quoted doc strings which might 
contain references to \n or \t.  An embedded quote prefixed with a 
backslash does not terminate the string, but the backslash is still 
included in the string; for example, r'\'' is a two-character string 
consisting of a backslash and a quote.  (Raw strings are also 
affectionately known as Robin strings, after their inventor, Robin 

- There's a simple assert statement, and a new exception
AssertionError.  For example, ``assert foo > 0'' is equivalent to ``if
not foo > 0: raise AssertionError''.  Sorry, the text of the asserted
condition is not available; it would be too complicated to generate
code for this (since the code is generated from a parse tree).
However, the text is displayed as part of the traceback!

- The raise statement has a new feature: when using "raise SomeClass,
somevalue" where somevalue is not an instance of SomeClass, it
instantiates SomeClass(somevalue).  In 1.5a4, if somevalue is an
instance of a *derived* class of SomeClass, the exception class raised
is set to somevalue.__class__, and SomeClass is ignored after that.

- Duplicate keyword arguments are now detected at compile time;
f(a=1,a=2) is now a syntax error.

Changes to builtin features

- There's a new exception FloatingPointError (used only by Lee Busby's
patches to catch floating point exceptions, at the moment).

- The obsolete exception ConflictError (presumably used by the long
obsolete access statement) has been deleted.

- There's a new function sys.exc_info() which returns the tuple 
(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback) in a thread-safe way.

- There's a new variable sys.executable, pointing to the executable file 
for the Python interpreter.

- The sort() methods for lists no longer uses the C library qsort(); I
wrote my own quicksort implementation, with lots of help (in the form
of a kind of competition) from Tim Peters.  This solves a bug in
dictionary comparisons on some Solaris versions when Python is built
with threads, and makes sorting lists even faster.

- The semantics of comparing two dictionaries have changed, to make
comparison of unequal dictionaries faster.  A shorter dictionary is
always considered smaller than a larger dictionary.  For dictionaries
of the same size, the smallest differing element determines the
outcome (which yields the same results as before in this case, without
explicit sorting).  Thanks to Aaron Watters for suggesting something
like this.

- The semantics of try-except have changed subtly so that calling a
function in an exception handler that itself raises and catches an
exception no longer overwrites the sys.exc_* variables.  This also
alleviates the problem that objects referenced in a stack frame that
caught an exception are kept alive until another exception is caught
-- the sys.exc_* variables are restored to their previous value when
returning from a function that caught an exception.

- There's a new "buffer" interface.  Certain objects (e.g. strings and
arrays) now support the "buffer" protocol.  Buffer objects are acceptable 
whenever formerly a string was required for a write operation; mutable 
buffer objects can be the target of a read operation using the call
f.readinto(buffer).  A cool feature is that regular expression matching now 
also work on array objects.  Contribution by Jack Jansen.  (Needs 

- String interning: dictionary lookups are faster when the lookup
string object is the same object as the key in the dictionary, not
just a string with the same value.  This is done by having a pool of
"interned" strings.  Most names generated by the interpreter are now
automatically interned, and there's a new built-in function intern(s)
that returns the interned version of a string.  Interned strings are
not a different object type, and interning is totally optional, but by
interning most keys a speedup of about 15% was obtained for the
pystone benchmark.

- Dictionary objects have several new methods; clear() and copy() have
the obvious semantics, while update(d) merges the contents of another
dictionary d into this one, overriding existing keys.  The dictionary
implementation file is now called dictobject.c rather than the
confusing mappingobject.c.

- The intrinsic function dir() is much smarter; it looks in __dict__,
__members__ and __methods__.

- The intrinsic functions int(), long() and float() can now take a
string argument and then do the same thing as string.atoi(),
string.atol(), and string.atof().  No second 'base' argument is
allowed, and complex() does not take a string (nobody cared enough).

- When a module is deleted, its globals are now deleted in two phases.
In the first phase, all variables whose name begins with exactly one
underscore are replaced by None; in the second phase, all variables
are deleted.  This makes it possible to have global objects whose
destructors depend on other globals.  The deletion order within each
phase is still random.

- It is no longer an error for a function to be called without a
global variable __builtins__ -- an empty directory will be provided
by default.

- Guido's corollary to the "Don Beaudry hook": it is now possible to
do metaprogramming by using an instance as a base class.  Not for the
faint of heart; and undocumented as yet, but basically if a base class
is an instance, its class will be instantiated to create the new
class.  Jim Fulton will love it -- it also works with instances of his
"extension classes", since it is triggered by the presence of a
__class__ attribute on the purported base class.  See
Demo/metaclasses/index.html for an explanation and see that directory
for examples.

- Another change is that the Don Beaudry hook is now invoked when
*any* base class is special.  (Up to 1.5a3, the *last* special base
class is used; in 1.5a4, the more rational choice of the *first*
special base class is used.)

- New optional parameter to the readlines() method of file objects.
This indicates the number of bytes to read (the actual number of bytes
read will be somewhat larger due to buffering reading until the end of
the line).  Some optimizations have also been made to speed it up (but
not as much as read()).

- Complex numbers no longer have the ".conj" pseudo attribute; use
z.conjugate() instead, or complex(z.real, -z.imag).  Complex numbers
now *do* support the __members__ and __methods__ special attributes.

- The complex() function now looks for a __complex__() method on class
instances before giving up.

- Long integers now support arbitrary shift counts, so you can now
write 1L<<1000000, memory permitting.  (Python 1.4 reports "outrageous
shift count for this.)

- The hex() and oct() functions have been changed so that for regular
integers, they never emit a minus sign.  For example, on a 32-bit
machine, oct(-1) now returns '037777777777' and hex(-1) returns
'0xffffffff'.  While this may seem inconsistent, it is much more
useful.  (For long integers, a minus sign is used as before, to fit
the result in memory :-)

- The hash() function computes better hashes for several data types,
including strings, floating point numbers, and complex numbers.

New extension modules

- New extension modules cStringIO.c and cPickle.c, written by Jim
Fulton and other folks at Digital Creations.  These are much more
efficient than their Python counterparts and,
but don't support subclassing.  cPickle.c clocks up to 1000 times
faster than; cStringIO.c's improvement is less dramatic but
still significant.

- New extension module zlibmodule.c, interfacing to the free zlib
library (gzip compatible compression).  There's also a module
which provides a higher level interface.  Written by Andrew Kuchling
and Jeremy Hylton.

- New module readline; see the "miscellaneous" section above.

- New Unix extension module resource.c, by Jeremy Hylton, provides
access to getrlimit(), getrusage(), setrusage(), getpagesize(), and
related symbolic constants.

- New extension puremodule.c, by Barry Warsaw, which interfaces to the
Purify(TM) C API.  See also the file Misc/PURIFY.README.  It is also
possible to enable Purify by simply setting the PURIFY Makefile
variable in the Modules/Setup file.

Changes in extension modules

- The struct extension module has several new features to control byte
order and word size.  It supports reading and writing IEEE floats even
on platforms where this is not the native format.  It uses uppercase
format codes for unsigned integers of various sizes (always using
Python long ints for 'I' and 'L'), 's' with a size prefix for strings,
and 'p' for "Pascal strings" (with a leading length byte, included in
the size; blame Hannu Krosing; new in 1.5a4).  A prefix '>' forces
big-endian data and '<' forces little-endian data; these also select
standard data sizes and disable automatic alignment (use pad bytes as

- The array module supports uppercase format codes for unsigned data
formats (like the struct module).

- The fcntl extension module now exports the needed symbolic
constants.  (Formerly these were in which was not available
or correct for all platforms.)

- The extension modules dbm, gdbm and bsddb now check that the
database is still open before making any new calls.

- The dbhash module is no more.  Use bsddb instead.  (There's a third
party interface for the BSD 2.x code somewhere on the web; support for
bsddb will be deprecated.)

- The gdbm module now supports a sync() method.

- The socket module now has some new functions: getprotobyname(), and
the set {ntoh,hton}{s,l}().

- Various modules now export their type object: socket.SocketType,

- The socket module's accept() method now returns unknown addresses as
a tuple rather than raising an exception.  (This can happen in
promiscuous mode.)  Theres' also a new function getprotobyname().

- The pthread support for the thread module now works on most platforms.

- STDWIN is now officially obsolete.  Support for it will eventually
be removed from the distribution.

- The binascii extension module is now hopefully fully debugged.
(XXX Oops -- Fredrik Lundh promised me a uuencode fix that I never

- audioop.c: added a ratecv() function; better handling of overflow in

- posixmodule.c: now exports the O_* flags (O_APPEND etc.).  On
Windows, also O_TEXT and O_BINARY.  The 'error' variable (the
exception is raises) is renamed -- its string value is now "os.error",
so newbies don't believe they have to import posix (or nt) to catch
it when they see os.error reported as posix.error.  The execve()
function now accepts any mapping object for the environment.

- A new version of the al (audio library) module for SGI was
contributed by Sjoerd Mullender.

- The regex module has a new function get_syntax() which retrieves the
syntax setting set by set_syntax().  The code was also sanitized,
removing worries about unclean error handling.  See also below for its

- The "new" module (which creates new objects of various types) once
again has a fully functioning new.function() method.  Dangerous as
ever!  Also, new.code() has several new arguments.

- A problem has been fixed in the rotor module: on systems with signed
characters, rotor-encoded data was not portable when the key contained
8-bit characters.  Also, setkey() now requires its argument rather
than having broken code to default it.

- The sys.builtin_module_names variable is now a tuple.  Another new
variables in sys is sys.executable (the full path to the Python
binary, if known).

- The specs for time.strftime() have undergone some revisions.  It
appears that not all format characters are supported in the same way
on all platforms.  Rather than reimplement it, we note these
differences in the documentation, and emphasize the shared set of
features.  There's also a thorough test set (that occasionally finds
problems in the C library implementation, e.g. on some Linuxes),
thanks to Skip Montanaro.

- The nis module seems broken when used with NIS+; unfortunately
nobody knows how to fix it.  It should still work with old NIS.

New library modules

- New (still experimental) Perl-style regular expression module,, which uses a new interface for matching as well as a new
syntax; the new interface avoids the thread-unsafety of the regex
interface.  This comes with a helper extension reopmodule.c and vastly
rewritten regexpr.c.  Most work on this was done by Jeffrey Ollie, Tim
Peters, and Andrew Kuchling.  See the documentation libre.tex.  In
1.5, the old regex module is still fully supported; in the future, it
will become obsolete.

- New module; see zlib above.

- New module exports knowledge about Python's built-in
keywords.  (New version by Ka-Ping Yee.)

- New module (with documentation) which supports
pretty-printing of lists, tuples, & dictionaries recursively.  By Fred

- New module  The function code.compile_command() can
determine whether an interactively entered command is complete or not,
distinguishing incomplete from invalid input.  (XXX Unfortunately,
this seems broken at this moment, and I don't have the time to fix
it.  It's probably better to add an explicit interface to the parser
for this.)

- There is now a library module which can read and write the
XDR data format as used by Sun RPC, for example.  It uses the struct

Changes in library modules

- Module is now completely obsolete.

- The module has been updated to make it compatible with the
new binary format that cPickle.c produces.  By default it produces the
old all-ASCII format compatible with the old, still much
faster than; it will read both formats automatically.  A few
other updates have been made.

- A new helper module,, is provided to register extensions
to the pickling code.

- Revamped module is much more accurate and has an
interface that makes it a breeze to write code to colorize Python
source code.  Contributed by Ka-Ping Yee.

- In, ModuleLoader.load_module() now closes the file under
all circumstances.

- The module has a new class, TemporaryFile, which creates
an open temporary file that will be deleted automatically when
closed.  This works on Windows and MacOS as well as on Unix.  (Jim

- Changes to the module: Most imports are now done at the
top of the module, which provides a speedup when using ni (Jim
Fulton).  The problem with file upload to a Windows platform is solved
by using the new tempfile.TemporaryFile class; temporary files are now
always opened in binary mode (Jim Fulton).  The cgi.escape() function
now takes an optional flag argument that quotes '"' to '&quot;'.  It
is now possible to invoke from a command line script, to test
cgi scripts more easily outside an http server.  There's an optional
limit to the size of uploads to POST (Skip Montanaro).  Added a
'strict_parsing' option to all parsing functions (Jim Fulton).  The
function parse_qs() now uses urllib.unquote() on the name as well as
the value of fields (Clarence Gardner).  The FieldStorage class now
has a __len__() method.

- the socket object is no longer closed; all HTTP/1.*
responses are now accepted; and it is now thread-safe (by not using
the regex module).

- treat all HTTP/1.* versions the same.

- The module is now rewritten using a class, which makes
access to the standard error stream and the process id of the
subprocess possible.

- Added timezone support to the module, in the form of a
getdate_tz() method and a parsedate_tz() function; also a mktime_tz().
Also added recognition of some non-standard date formats, by Lars
Wirzenius, and RFC 850 dates (Chris Lawrence).

- various enhancements, including almost compatible parsing
of message sequence specifiers without invoking a subprocess.  Also
added a createmessage() method by Lars Wirzenius.

- The StringIO.StringIO class now supports readline(nbytes).  (Lars 
Wirzenius.)  (Of course, you should be using cStringIO for performance.)

- supports the new dictionary methods as well.

- Improvements for by Tim Peters: use 32-bit arithmetic to
speed it up, and replace 0 seed values by 1 to avoid degeneration.
A bug was fixed in the test for invalid arguments.

- Module added support for parsing a .netrc file (Fred
Drake).  Also added an ntransfercmd() method to the FTP class, which
allows access to the expected size of a transfer when available, and a
parse150() function to the module which parses the corresponding 150

- the ftp cache is now limited to 10 entries.  Added
quote_plus() and unquote_plus() functions which are like quote() and
unquote() but also replace spaces with '+' or vice versa, for
encoding/decoding CGI form arguments.  Catch all errors from the ftp
module.  HTTP requests now add the Host: header line.  The proxy
variable names are now mapped to lower case, for Windows.  The
spliturl() function no longer erroneously throws away all data past
the first newline.  The basejoin() function now intereprets "../"
correctly.  I *believe* that the problems with "exception raised in
__del__" under certain circumstances have been fixed (mostly by
changes elsewher in the interpreter).

- In, there is a cache for results in urlparse.urlparse();
its size limit is set to 20.  Also, new URL schemes shttp, https, and
snews are "supported".

- use cPickle and cStringIO when available.  Also added
a sync() method, which calls the database's sync() method if there is

- The module now uses the available Python modules for
decoding quoted-printable, uuencode and base64 formats, rather than
creating a subprocess.

- The python debugger (, and its base class now support
conditional breakpoints.  See the docs.

- The modules, and can now be used as simple
command line utilities.

2356 2357
- Various small fixes to the module that I can't bother to
document in detail.

2359 2360 2361
- Sjoerd Mullender's module now supports base64 encoding and 
includes functions to handle the funny encoding you sometimes see in mail 
headers.  It is now documented.

2363 2364
- Added BabylMailbox.  Improved the way the mailbox is
gotten from the environment.

2366 2367
- Many more modules now correctly open files in binary mode when this
is necessary on non-Unix platforms.

2369 2370
- The copying functions in the undocumented module are

2372 2373
- The Writer classes in the module now have a flush()

2375 2376 2377
- The module accepts hyphens and periods in the middle of
attribute names.  While this is against the SGML standard, there is
some HTML out there that uses this...

2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384
- The interface for the Python bytecode disassembler module,,
has been enhanced quite a bit.  There's now one main function,
dis.dis(), which takes almost any kind of object (function, module,
class, instance, method, code object) and disassembles it; without
arguments it disassembles the last frame of the last traceback.  The
other functions have changed slightly, too.

- The module recognizes new image types: BMP, PNG.

2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394
- The module has a new function replace(str, old, new,
[maxsplit]) which does substring replacements.  It is actually
implemented in C in the strop module.  The functions [r]find() an
[r]index() have an optional 4th argument indicating the end of the
substring to search, alsoo implemented by their strop counterparts.
(Remember, never import strop -- import string uses strop when
available with zero overhead.)

2396 2397
- The string.join() function now accepts any sequence argument, not
just lists and tuples.

2399 2400 2401 2402
- The string.maketrans() requires its first two arguments to be
present.  The old version didn't require them, but there's not much
point without them, and the documentation suggests that they are
required, so we fixed the code to match the documentation.

2404 2405 2406 2407 2408
- The module has a function clear_cache(), which clears its
internal cache of compiled regular expressions.  Also, the cache now
takes the current syntax setting into account.  (However, this module
is now obsolete -- use the sub() or subn() functions or methods in the
re module.)

2410 2411 2412
- The undocumented module has been removed, now that Python
has built-in complex numbers.  A similar module remains as
Demo/classes/, as an example.
2413 2414

2415 2416
Changes to the build process

2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427
- The way GNU readline is configured is totally different.  The
--with-readline configure option is gone.  It is now an extension
module, which may be loaded dynamically.  You must enable it (and
specify the correct linraries to link with) in the Modules/Setup file.
Importing the module installs some hooks which enable command line
editing.  When the interpreter shell is invoked interactively, it
attempts to import the readline module; when this fails, the default
input mechanism is used.  The hook variables are PyOS_InputHook and
PyOS_ReadlineFunctionPointer.  (Code contributed by Lee Busby, with
ideas from William Magro.)

2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434
- New build procedure: a single library, libpython1.5.a, is now built,
which contains absolutely everything except for a one-line main()
program (which calls Py_Main(argc, argv) to start the interpreter
shell).  This makes life much simpler for applications that need to
embed Python.  The serial number of the build is now included in the
version string (sys.version).

2436 2437
- As far as I can tell, neither gcc -Wall nor the Microsoft compiler
emits a single warning any more when compiling Python.

2439 2440 2441 2442
- A number of new Makefile variables have been added for special
situations, e.g. LDLAST is appended to the link command.  These are
used by editing the Makefile or passing them on the make command

2444 2445 2446 2447 2448
- A set of patches from Lee Busby has been integrated that make it
possible to catch floating point exceptions.  Use the configure option
--with-fpectl to enable the patches; the extension modules fpectl and
fpetest provide control to enable/disable and test the feature,

2450 2451
- The support for shared libraries under AIX is now simpler and more
robust.  Thanks to Vladimir Marangozov for revamping his own patches!

2453 2454 2455 2456
- The Modules/makesetup script now reads a file Setup.local as well as
a file Setup.  Most changes to the Setup script can be done by editing
Setup.local instead, which makes it easier to carry a particular setup
over from one release to the next.

2458 2459 2460
- The Modules/makesetup script now copies any "include" lines it
encounters verbatim into the output Makefile.  It also recognizes .cxx
and .cpp as C++ source files.

2462 2463 2464 2465
- The configure script is smarter about C compiler options; e.g. with
gcc it uses -O2 and -g when possible, and on some other platforms it
uses -Olimit 1500 to avoid a warning from the optimizer about the main
loop in ceval.c (which has more than 1000 basic blocks).

2467 2468 2469
- The configure script now detects whether malloc(0) returns a NULL
pointer or a valid block (of length zero).  This avoids the nonsense
of always adding one byte to all malloc() arguments on most platforms.

2471 2472 2473 2474
- The configure script has a new option, --with-dec-threads, to enable
DEC threads on DEC Alpha platforms.  Also, --with-threads is now an
alias for --with-thread (this was the Most Common Typo in configure

2476 2477
- Many changes in Doc/Makefile; amongst others, latex2html is now used
to generate HTML from all latex documents.
2478 2479

2480 2481
Change to the Python/C API

2483 2484 2485 2486 2487
- Because some interfaces have changed, the PYTHON_API macro has been
bumped.  Most extensions built for the old API version will still run,
but I can't guarantee this.  Python prints a warning message on
version mismatches; it dumps core when the version mismatch causes a
serious problem :-)

2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495
- I've completed the Grand Renaming, with the help of Roger Masse and
Barry Warsaw.  This makes reading or debugging the code much easier.
Many other unrelated code reorganizations have also been carried out.
The allobjects.h header file is gone; instead, you would have to
include Python.h followed by rename2.h.  But you're better off running
Tools/scripts/ -s Misc/RENAME on your source, so you can omit
the rename2.h; it will disappear in the next release.

2497 2498 2499 2500
- Various and sundry small bugs in the "abstract" interfaces have been
fixed.  Thanks to all the (involuntary) testers of the Python 1.4
version!  Some new functions have been added, e.g. PySequence_List(o),
equivalent to list(o) in Python.

2502 2503
- New API functions PyLong_FromUnsignedLong() and

2505 2506 2507
- The API functions in the file cgensupport.c are no longer
supported.  This file has been moved to Modules and is only ever
compiled when the SGI specific 'gl' module is built.

2509 2510 2511
- PyObject_Compare() can now raise an exception.  Check with
PyErr_Occurred().  The comparison function in an object type may also
raise an exception.

2513 2514 2515
- The slice interface uses an upper bound of INT_MAX when no explicit
upper bound is given (e.x. for a[1:]).  It used to ask the object for
its length and do the calculations.

2517 2518 2519 2520 2521
- Support for multiple independent interpreters.  See Doc/api.tex,
functions Py_NewInterpreter() and Py_EndInterpreter().  Since the
documentation is incomplete, also see the new Demo/pysvr example
(which shows how to use these in a threaded application) and the
source code.

2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530
- There is now a Py_Finalize() function which "de-initializes"
Python.  It is possible to completely restart the interpreter
repeatedly by calling Py_Finalize() followed by Py_Initialize().  A
change of functionality in Py_Initialize() means that it is now a
fatal error to call it while the interpreter is already initialized.
The old, half-hearted Py_Cleanup() routine is gone.  Use of Py_Exit()
is deprecated (it is nothing more than Py_Finalize() followed by

2532 2533 2534 2535
- There are no known memory leaks left.  While Py_Finalize() doesn't
free *all* allocated memory (some of it is hard to track down),
repeated calls to Py_Finalize() and Py_Initialize() do not create
unaccessible heap blocks.

2537 2538
- There is now explicit per-thread state.  (Inspired by, but not the
same as, Greg Stein's free threading patches.)

2540 2541 2542 2543
- There is now better support for threading C applications.  There are
now explicit APIs to manipulate the interpreter lock.  Read the source
or the Demo/pysvr example; the new functions are

2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553
- The test macro DEBUG has changed to Py_DEBUG, to avoid interference
with other libraries' DEBUG macros.  Likewise for any other test
macros that didn't yet start with Py_.

- New wrappers around malloc() and friends: Py_Malloc() etc. call
malloc() and call PyErr_NoMemory() when it fails; PyMem_Malloc() call
just malloc().  Use of these wrappers could be essential if multiple
memory allocators exist (e.g. when using certain DLL setups under
Windows).  (Idea by Jim Fulton.)

2555 2556 2557
- New C API PyImport_Import() which uses whatever __import__() hook
that is installed for the current execution environment.  By Jim

2559 2560
- It is now possible for an extension module's init function to fail
non-fatally, by calling one of the PyErr_* functions and returning.

2562 2563 2564 2565
- The PyInt_AS_LONG() and PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE() macros now cast their
argument to the proper type, like the similar PyString macros already
did.  (Suggestion by Marc-Andre Lemburg.)  Similar for PyList_GET_SIZE
and PyList_GET_ITEM.

2567 2568 2569
- Some of the Py_Get* function, like Py_GetVersion() (but not yet
Py_GetPath()) are now declared as returning a const char *.  (More
should follow.)

2571 2572 2573
- Changed the run-time library to check for exceptions after object
comparisons.  PyObject_Compare() can now return an exception; use
PyErr_Occurred() to check (there is *no* special return value).

2575 2576 2577
- PyFile_WriteString() and Py_Flushline() now return error indicators
instead of clearing exceptions.  This fixes an obscure bug where using
these would clear a pending exception, discovered by Just van Rossum.

2579 2580 2581
- There's a new function, PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(), which parses
an argument list including keyword arguments.  Contributed by Geoff

- PyArg_GetInt() is gone.

2585 2586 2587 2588
- It's no longer necessary to include graminit.h when calling one of
the extended parser API functions.  The three public grammar start
symbols are now in Python.h as Py_single_input, Py_file_input, and

2590 2591 2592
- The CObject interface has a new function,
PyCObject_Import(module, name).  It calls PyCObject_AsVoidPtr()
on the object referenced by "".
2593 2594

2595 2596

2598 2599 2600
- On popular demand, _tkinter once again installs a hook for readline
that processes certain Tk events while waiting for the user to type
(using PyOS_InputHook).

2602 2603 2604
- A patch by Craig McPheeters plugs the most obnoxious memory leaks,
caused by command definitions referencing widget objects beyond their

2606 2607 2608 2609 2610
- New standard dialog modules:,,,, These interface
with the new Tk dialog scripts, and provide more "native platform"
style file selection dialog boxes on some platforms.  Contributed by
Fredrik Lundh.

2612 2613 2614 2615
- when the first Tk object is destroyed, it sets the
hiddel global _default_root to None, so that when another Tk object is
created it becomes the new default root.  Other miscellaneous
changes and fixes.

- The Image class now has a configure method.

2619 2620 2621 2622
- Added a bunch of new winfo options to; we should now be
up to date with Tk 4.2.  The new winfo options supported are:
mananger, pointerx, pointerxy, pointery, server, viewable, visualid,

2624 2625 2626
- The broken bind() method on Canvas objects defined in the
module has been fixed.  The CanvasItem and Group classes now also have
an unbind() method.

2628 2629 2630 2631 2632
- The problem with falling back to trying to import
"tkinter" when "_tkinter" is not found has been fixed -- it no longer
tries "tkinter", ever.  This makes diagnosing the problem "_tkinter
not configured" much easier and will hopefully reduce the newsgroup
traffic on this topic.

2634 2635 2636
- The ScrolledText module once again supports the 'cnf' parameter, to
be compatible with the examples in Mark Lutz' book (I know, I know,
too late...)

2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647
- The _tkinter.c extension module has been revamped.  It now support
Tk versions 4.1 through 8.0; support for 4.0 has been dropped.  It
works well under Windows and Mac (with the latest Tk ports to those
platforms).  It also supports threading -- it is safe for one
(Python-created) thread to be blocked in _tkinter.mainloop() while
other threads modify widgets.  To make the changes visible, those
threads must use update_idletasks()method.  (The patch for threading
in 1.5a3 was broken; in 1.5a4, it is back in a different version,
which requires access to the Tcl sources to get it to work -- hence it
is disabled by default.)

2649 2650
- A bug in _tkinter.c has been fixed, where Split() with a string
containing an unmatched '"' could cause an exception or core dump.

2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658
- Unfortunately, on Windows and Mac, Tk 8.0 no longer supports
CreateFileHandler, so _tkinter.createfilehandler is not available on
those platforms when using Tk 8.0 or later.  I will have to rethink
how to interface with Tcl's lower-level event mechanism, or with its
channels (which are like Python's file-like objects).  Jack Jansen has
provided a fix for the Mac, so createfilehandler *is* actually
supported there; maybe I can adapt his fix for Windows.
2659 2660

2661 2662
Tools and Demos

2664 2665 2666 2667
- A new regression test suite is provided, which tests most of the
standard and built-in modules.  The regression test is run by invoking
the script Lib/test/  Barry Warsaw wrote the test harnass;
he and Roger Masse contributed most of the new tests.

2669 2670 2671
- New tool: faqwiz -- the CGI script that is used to maintain the
Python FAQ (  In

2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679
- New tool: webchecker -- a simple extensible web robot that, when
aimed at a web server, checks that server for dead links.  Available
are a command line utility as well as a Tkinter based GUI version.  In
Tools/webchecker.  A simplified version of this program is dissected
in my article in O'Reilly's WWW Journal, the issue on Scripting
Languages (Vol 2, No 2); Scripting the Web with Python (pp 97-120).
Includes a parser for robots.txt files by Skip Montanaro.

2681 2682 2683 2684 2685
- New small tools: (prints a list of all files under CVS
n a particular directory tree), (a rather Guido-specific
script to synchronize two source trees, one on Windows NT, the other
one on Unix under CVS but accessible from the NT box), and
(sort a collection of RCS or CVS logs by date).  In Tools/scripts.

2687 2688 2689 2690
- The freeze script now also works under Windows (NT).  Another
feature allows the -p option to be pointed at the Python source tree
instead of the installation prefix.  This was loosely based on part of
xfreeze by Sam Rushing and Bill Tutt.
Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed

2692 2693
- New examples (Demo/extend) that show how to use the generic
extension makefile (Misc/
Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed

- Tools/scripts/ now supports C++ comments.
Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed

2697 2698 2699
- Tools/scripts/ script is upgraded to version 1.1; there
was a bug in version 1.0 (distributed with Python 1.4) that leaked
memory.  Also, in 1.1, the LOOPS variable is incremented to 10000.
Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed

- Demo/classes/ completely rewritten by Sjoerd Mullender.
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Guido van Rossum committed
2702 2703

2704 2705
Windows (NT and 95)
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Guido van Rossum committed

2707 2708 2709
- New project files for Developer Studio (Visual C++) 5.0 for Windows
NT (the old VC++ 4.2 Makefile is also still supported, but will
eventually be withdrawn due to its bulkiness).
Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed

2711 2712
- See the note on the new module search path in the "Miscellaneous" section 
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Guido van Rossum committed

2714 2715
- Support for Win32s (the 32-bit Windows API under Windows 3.1) is
basically withdrawn.  If it still works for you, you're lucky.
Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed

2717 2718 2719 2720
- There's a new extension module, msvcrt.c, which provides various 
low-level operations defined in the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library.  
These include locking(), setmode(), get_osfhandle(), set_osfhandle(), and 
console I/O functions like kbhit(), getch() and putch().
Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed

2722 2723 2724
- The -u option not only sets the standard I/O streams to unbuffered
status, but also sets them in binary mode.  (This can also be done
using msvcrt.setmode(), by the way.)
Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed

2726 2727 2728
- The, sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix variables point to the directory 
where Python is installed, or to the top of the source tree, if it was run 
from there.
Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed

2730 2731 2732 2733
- The various os.path modules (posixpath, ntpath, macpath) now support
passing more than two arguments to the join() function, so
os.path.join(a, b, c) is the same as os.path.join(a, os.path.join(b,
Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed

2735 2736
- The ntpath module (normally used as os.path) supports ~ to $HOME 
expansion in expanduser().
Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed

- The freeze tool now works on Windows.
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Guido van Rossum committed

2740 2741
- See also the Tkinter category for a sad note on
Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed

- The truncate() method for file objects now works on Windows.
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Guido van Rossum committed

2745 2746
- Py_Initialize() is no longer called when the DLL is loaded.  You
must call it yourself.
Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed

2748 2749
- The time module's clock() function now has good precision through
the use of the Win32 API QueryPerformanceCounter().
Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed

2751 2752 2753
- Mark Hammond will release Python 1.5 versions of PythonWin and his
other Windows specific code: the win32api extensions, COM/ActiveX
support, and the MFC interface.
Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed
2754 2755

2756 2757
Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed

2759 2760 2761
- As always, the Macintosh port will be done by Jack Jansen.  He will
make a separate announcement for the Mac specific source code and the
binary distribution(s) when these are ready.
Guido van Rossum's avatar
Guido van Rossum committed
2762 2763
