• Guido van Rossum's avatar
    Add an optional hack for threads in Tkinter. · 031b30f1
    Guido van Rossum authored
    This one works!  However it requires using a modified version of
    tclNotify.c (provided), which requires access to the Tcl source
    to compile it.  In order to enable this hack, add the following
    to the Setup line for _tkinter:
       tclNotify.c -DHAVE_PYTCL_WAITUNTILEVENT -I$(TCL)/generic
    where TCL points to the source tree of Tcl 8.0.  Other versions
    of Tcl are not supported.
    The tclNotify.c file is copyrighted by Sun Microsystems; the
    licensing terms are in the file license.terms.  According to this
    file, no further permission to distribute this is required,
    provided the file license.terms is included.  Hence, I am checking
    that in, too.
license.terms 2.16 KB