• Thomas Heller's avatar
    Enhancements to the bdist_wininst command: · 12adb0b2
    Thomas Heller authored
    --bitmap command line option allows to use a different bitmap file instead
    of the build-in python powered logo.
    --title lets you specify the text to display on the background.
    The editbox in the first screen now longer is
    selected (highlighted), it had the WS_TABSTOP flag.
    This is the patch
    with two changes:
    1. No messagebox displayed when the compilation to .pyc or .pyo files
    failes, this will only confuse the user (and it will fail under certain
    cases, where sys.path contains garbage).
    2. A debugging print statement was removed from bdist_wininst.py.
bdist_wininst.py 30.3 KB