• Walter Dörwald's avatar
    Remove uses of the string and types modules: · 1db055c4
    Walter Dörwald authored
    x in string.whitespace => x.isspace()
    type(x) in types.StringTypes => isinstance(x, basestring)
    isinstance(x, types.StringTypes) => isinstance(x, basestring)
    type(x) is types.StringType => isinstance(x, str)
    type(x) == types.StringType => isinstance(x, str)
    string.split(x, ...) => x.split(...)
    string.join(x, y) => y.join(x)
    string.zfill(x, ...) => x.zfill(...)
    string.count(x, ...) => x.count(...)
    hasattr(types, "UnicodeType") => try: unicode except NameError:
    type(x) != types.TupleTuple => not isinstance(x, tuple)
    isinstance(x, types.TupleType) => isinstance(x, tuple)
    type(x) is types.IntType => isinstance(x, int)
    Do not mention the string module in the rlcompleter docstring.
    This partially applies SF patch http://www.python.org/sf/562373
    (with basestring instead of string). (It excludes the changes to
    unittest.py and does not change the os.stat stuff.)
urllib2.py 35.4 KB