• Victor Stinner's avatar
    Merged revisions 84701,84784 via svnmerge from · 46287f55
    Victor Stinner authored
      r84701 | victor.stinner | 2010-09-11 02:22:12 +0200 (sam., 11 sept. 2010) | 5 lines
      Issue #767645: fix os.path.supports_unicode_filenames definition
      os.listdir(str) always returns unicode and it can return non-ascii filenames
      even if supports_unicode_filenames is False.
      r84784 | victor.stinner | 2010-09-13 21:41:36 +0200 (lun., 13 sept. 2010) | 2 lines
      Issue #767645: Set os.path.supports_unicode_filenames to True on Mac OS X
      (macpath module).
os.path.rst 12 KB